Southern Living

Discussion in 'Dealing with Prejudice' started by justmel, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. justmel

    justmel New Member

    If any of you have the time, I am compiling my list of Atlanta must sees for a couple weekends out..I will be there from Thursday-Monday. Any help is appreciated thanks!
  2. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    This is true. A lot of the people that live in Atlanta aren't actually from Atlanta, which I think is a good thing. More cities would benefit from an influx of people with different backgrounds.
  3. DarkSoldier08

    DarkSoldier08 New Member

    Right now I reside in TX(military), but I'm from Memphis. As far as IR dating goes you shouldn't have no trouble. Though Memphis itself is somewhat of a ratchet city. Visit the smaller cities around it(Bartlett, Arlington, and Germantown).

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