1. Blacklov

    Blacklov New Member


    May her soul rest in peace :!: :!:
    Quote "She stood up by sitting down"!!! Kwame Kirkpatrick
  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    hmmm, didnt know Rosa Parks was into IR!! Thats cool, you go girl, get you some nice white alabama good old boy. and rest in peace,
  3. Blacklov

    Blacklov New Member

    She wasn't :!: :!:
    But can BM and WW not have Conversations over her life as well as her death :?:
  4. graphicsRat

    graphicsRat New Member

    Er ... If this is a joke I dont find it amusing. That woman took a stand for us all and set the civil rights movement rolling. Where would you and I be today without her?
  5. mosiah1

    mosiah1 Member

    I just want to pay my respects to Rosa Parks and what she did for humanity. Here's a photo of her getting fingerprinted after her arrest:

    Here is her mug shot:

    Later on in life:
    May she rest in peace.
  6. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    I didn't realise she was dead. I saw some pictures of her on tv yesterday, but the sound was on mute so I didn't hear what they were saying.

    She did something amazing and should be respected, not mocked.
  7. uppitynegro

    uppitynegro New Member

    I wish more people today had class like her.
  8. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    well graphic Rat, as I am an african American and so was Ms. Parks, she did alot for Americans!! AS for people from the UK, she didnt really do much for your country--just like many people in your country who are private citizens and activists, dont do anything for us here.

    I dont know what was amusing or not, was it suppose to be? I was talking about Rosa Parks on IR site. So do we put historic figures on here who are black or white? So we put Strom Thurmond or Bob Dole?? Because they are white public figures who may or may not be dead? She didnt do anything for IRs--she sat on the Bus so that others could have that right. But there are many many others before and after her that could have that attention.

    I like the Lovings of Virginia who were actually IR icons who took racial segregation and anti-IR laws to the Supreme Court so that we could marry whomever we want--so I have a right to say what I wish about Rosa Parks, I am African American.

    This is not a Politically Correct website that censures someone elses views about a person who isnt even apart of the IR community is it? Or is it a black site Only, with our white partners allowed in as secondary citizens?

    No IR is open to all who are for loving one another of whatever color, but specifically white women, black men!! Read da website Name.

  9. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

  10. lainarain

    lainarain New Member

    I know we all handle loss in a different way but I also found your first and second comment a bit insensitive. You do have the right to type what you want but for someone who has been part of this site for so long you should recognize that we often veer of the wwbm path.

    I do not consider myself a secondary citizen because I am white and Ms. Parks is black and she is honored. She is part of US history, not simply African-American history.

    But, as you've said and I just did - say what you want, you have that right. But I, and others, also have the right to not like what you said.
  11. Blacklov

    Blacklov New Member

  12. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    just like others in the room, that is your opinion. It is insensitive just as other points of view are insensitive but I dont dwell on them.

    She was not a black leader, she was just a black woman, tired and didnt want to take the racist crap of moving to the back of the bus. She was brave, she was courageous--and I praise her for it.

    however, she was just a woman like all others. i dont see people saying the way people attack Condi Rice as insensitive--being the first black woman, to be secretary of state. NO, people are picking and choosing, so if you can others can too. Either it is all insensitive or it is not.

    But since she is not into IR, i could care less. As a black person, I think she is wonderful, but as an IR hey she is another American.

    also, could you show what she did in attacking South African Apartheid? please site the source please.
  13. sunstorm

    sunstorm New Member


    These black "conservatives" never cease to astound me.

    It's like they're in a "gang" and they go as far as it takes to toe the party line and outdo even the most reactionary of their brethren... At Barnes & Nobles once, I browsed a book by a prominent black conservative (I forget the name) and happened across a passage in which the guy disparages Nelson Mandela as a "communist"....

    I say when you're ready to "pooh pooh" the impact of people like Mandela, Rosa Parks, MLK, etc., is when you're in real need of self-reflection... especially if you as a black person have benefitted from what they went through to improve things...

    Black "conservatives" are really about conserving nothing -- they're ready to give away the store in order to fit into the "gang".

    There's nothing wrong with conservative views -- as long as they're genuinely about conserving something. In fact, most thinking people are both conservative and liberal -- some values it's important to conserve, and obviously it's important to promote liberty and tolerance to the greatest extent that you can...

    ... But these days, people have forgotten the root meanings of "conservative" and "liberal" -- especially black "conservatives", it seems...


    Speaking of being part of a political "gang", I was amused by the reaction of another prominent black conservative to the recent flap over Bill Bennett saying that if we really wanted to reduce crime we could abort all black babies. The "conservative" idiot said it's a terrible remark --because of the way it reflected on Republicans... lol :roll: Yeah, that's why it's a terrible remark.

    My views on many issues are quite conservative, but you'd never catch me counting myself among "black conservatives"...


    Anyway, may Rosa Parks rest in peace. She was a true example of a "strong black woman", lived a life of dignity and purpose, and left a real legacy. Home run. May all heaven welcome her with open arms...
  14. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    mmmm, sound just like black and white libs, in a gang---attacking others for their opinion, and then callling it insensitive if someone has a different perspective. proud to be darlin, since I can have an opinion that is different and not be controlled by the masses, but can be an individual, like IRs also say we want to be seen.
  15. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i would love to know what I am not Conserving? And what I am suppose to be conserving in YOur opinion?

    And I didnt say Rosa Parks was insignificant, if you can read or reread.

    Also, since you know ME, what is it that I benefited from? like what, please name them
  16. sunstorm

    sunstorm New Member

    I'm your "darlin"? So you're a roy cohn, j. edgar hoover, jeff gannon type of conservative too? And black? It gets weirder and weirder... :roll:

    If you can't see that far, I sure as hell ain't gonna hold your hand and walk you through it. Find someone else to school you. I don't do remedial.
  17. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    I love black, educated, successful and strong women, my mother, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters. I have great respect for people like Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Mary M Bethune, Rosa Parks, Janice Rogers Brown, Condi Rice and , millions of black women around the world.

    But, if one does fall to peer pressure, just like in Blacknet and with BW like Mindkandy and anti-IR black people, then they get attacked.

    You have your opinion about who in the black community you like, liberal or conservative, and so do I. I hear black people attacking Clarence Thomas all the time, but If someone says anything about a liberal black then they are not black.

    Hmmm, that sounds like the blacks who say if you date WW you are a sellout. Censorship and intolerance, you got ta love it :lol:
  18. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I would say that this counts as something.

  19. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You know what I find odd, tucker? YOU complaining about insensitive remarks on the site, while making insensitive remarks yourself , about someone whom you supposedly admire, but only admire for civil rights (meaning, your black American freedom) and nothing more, because she didn't specifically stand for interracial relationships, when she was the inspiration of our freedom to pursue our human rights such as interracial relationships.
  20. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    nope just pointing out hypocrisy of someone talking about insensitive statements, and yet the person making them towards others. so if one can make them about say, lets see, condi rice or george bush then others can make them about dear sweet rosa parks, they are all people

    so either no insensitive talk or all sensitive talk, fair is fair

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