Mass shooting at Country Music Festival in Las Vegas (50+ dead, 500+ injured)

Discussion in 'In the News' started by ColiBreh1, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    It was still a domestic terrorist attack. The only part left unknown is whether or not Paddock had assistance.
    I don't know what's up with that guard bugging out and disappearing. I won't even speculate.

    Whatever happened, I still don't believe there are any radical islamic ties to this shooting.

    There's a reason why the FBI made a point to identify the number of right wing terrorist organizations that sprung up after the election of BHO.

    IMO this guy has more in common with Timothy McVeigh than OBL.
  2. Beat-man

    Beat-man Active Member

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  3. redlolly

    redlolly Well-Known Member

  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I think he ran home after figuring out how crazy Americans are.
  5. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Terrorists usually let you know why they're doing their shit. That's part of the definition.

    I think this dude was just crazy... Although I wouldn't be surprised if he was "right-wing" & crazy...

    Reason I think he was right-wing crazy is because white dudes who go for filipinas (and asians in general) trend nazi. A shit load of white supremacists have (or have had) asian significant others... The ones who go for filipinas (and other SE asians) tend to be angry racist loser types...

    They resent white women for being less docile or for being "mud sharks"... They have an unrealistic image of asians as being "submissive" (which they usually are for white men at the beginning) ... They love asians for their presumed racism against the racist loser's eternal rival and nemesis: "the black man"... Asian chicks of course, being some mercenary assed people, also validate the whiteboy's racism to gas him up...

    Little do these guys know, black men have a fucking FIELD DAY in places like japan and can even easily smash asian chicks in any major western metro area if they have anything going for them..

    But anyway, white guys with filipinas are some of the most consistently anti-black people in the world. When they're being candid, they're also even racist against filipinos...

    Here's an interesting blog about the subject, written by a "half-asian, half-white" dude...
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2017
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Most hate groups bond over hating black men.

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