How to deal with a racist

Discussion in 'Dealing with Prejudice' started by LadyLuck, Dec 12, 2015.

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  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Ancient thug loitering in the desert

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2015
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  3. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    The Sphinx in Giza, Egypt had its nose shot off by machine gun fire in, I think , 1937 or 1947.
  4. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    That's usually what happens. Sometimes they are the ones to try to put in "the last word" because that's whe they have to leave because of the challenge.
  5. LadyLuck

    LadyLuck Active Member

    I've spoken about this, he's for ending mass third world immigration (i.e. non white) and for segregation between whites and blacks or encouraging them to go back to africa or something stupid like that but I'm taking everyone's advice on just ignoring the douchebag especially after I was sent the following videos by him where it's basically running meticulously through how black people are not as good and are in fact undesirable. I'm just too disgusted right now but you guys can look at these videos and refute them because I don't have the patience. I'm linking them because they have to my disgust a lot of views and this stuff has to be refuted but I'm not learned enough to be able to do it. I think some of the guys on this forum who know more about african history can do so:


  6. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You know that Issac Newton discovered math then taught Imhotep how to design Pyramids. :smt042
  7. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    :smt043 :smt043
  8. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    Not sure what your true purpose is for posting these horrible videos. No one on this site believes this shit, but how does that help you DEAL WITH RACISM or the scumbag you describe?
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    to a point i agree with you

    the art of war......know your enemy and know yourself ...u will win every time.

    if u know the bs before they speak and the proper accurate info to counter it then u will win.

    the problem is that a racist is more likely to stay a racist regardless. they know the info they have is bs but it makes them feel good.
  10. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    I understand that. What I am questioning is why LL posted it? I feel like there's more to this than meets the eye.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    in sorry. gotcha
  12. LadyLuck

    LadyLuck Active Member

    I thought I made myself perfectly clear why I posted it I wanted help refuting it as two minds are better than one and three better than two etc... This kind of stuff shouldn't be ignored because it just festers and grows and personally I think we're living in a dangerous time because there are a lot of angry white men out there and with all the murders of innocent black men by white men with power I think it's a bad sign. This guy isn't some stereotypical dumb skinhead hick, he's clean cut and I guess normal. That's what scares me and with the kind of support Trump is getting I think it's a sign of a storm coming in America.

    Lets face it white men have the power, if they wanted it they could change things very quickly and make things very uncomfortable for people like us that's why we probably shouldn't ignore it by sticking our heads in the sand. Because otherwise it increases the chances of the clean cut guys who are the most dangerous putting on their jackboots and unleashing their worst instincts:


    Germany was a very advanced society like America yet look at the horrors that took place there. My only agenda is to raise awareness about those dangers and stop them happening and I don't think apathy helps.
  13. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    "When entrance in a quarrel, let the opposed beware of three.'- Polonius to his son Laertes. Hamlet- William Shakespeare.

    Awareness is important all around. But a confrontation isn't a safe alternative, in my humble opinion. I' m not ignoring it all because I deny the existence of racism. But I have more important things to do and I won't let that ruin my energy level. So I don't argue with racists and their various justifications for their beliefs. I will not give them a spotlight, but I will give them shade.
  14. LadyLuck

    LadyLuck Active Member

    Domination has to be justified, I don't know why black men it seems get the most vicious hate from these racist guys. If Black men were so "inferior" why would they care but I kind of get the white man's burden feeling. These guys look at themselves as Gods put on earth to command, someone else has mentioned Shakespeare so I will. "We were not born to sue, but to command". I get that sense of boundless arrogance, its really off putting like white women and black men are their personal property. They have that kind of entitlement.

    What's worse is these guys are everywhere and it seems like they're getting more prominent and bolder. It wasn't supposed to be like this after Obama.
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    u are speaking to the choir.
  16. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    For some that mentality is set in stone regardless. :smt073
  17. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Bingo! My thoughts exactly, well spotted Rita.
  18. jayisshowtime

    jayisshowtime New Member


    okay, he can believe whatever he wants about black folk. shit, let's question this 'intellectual aura' he is letting off, shall we.

    cat a few posts back mentioned 'psuedo intellectuals'. an authentic intellect, academic, or what have you has the ability to evolve his/her thinking, and more often than not does - looking at variables and intangibles as to why things may be or may not be. in addition to having the book knowledge, an intellect, a genuine one cerebrally delves deeper into theories and ideas (e.g., conducting studies of their own, field study, etc.). you know, having the ability to see and understand things from many perspectives and conclude, then speak logically about them (with people agreeing or disagreeing, albeit respectfully). hometeam is likely just another dude who memorize a bunch of shit from a book, tested well on it, and labeled himself as a intellect - dime o' dozen. if i am missing something about homeboy, clue me in. in other news.....

    it is 2016, the world continues to happen around us in many forms. people who fail to realize that, really and truly, jokes are on them. in this day and age, when people fail to evolve they are truly losing.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  19. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    On point. :smt023
  20. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    It goes back to slavery. I used to hear all kinds statements and jokes about black people. Even the belief that there would never be a black president. It was as if everything belongs to the white man. Jobs, social status, women, freedom and power. Non-whites must not gain any ascendancy equal to or greater than the white race. They must maintain their lead no matter what they do because the end justifies the means. As you know, that if a black man is successful, he would be regarded as a threat because he can gain access to the privileges that the white man has; including. women. Any woman he wants just like the white man. The Black man is not to have anything when it comes to privilege. If the black man does succeed,he is (depending on location)excluded. And if he makes a mistake, it's the end of his world as they hope it will be. Since Barack Obama had become the first black man to become the leader of the free world, the country that these angry white people lived in was changing and disappearing. Then they sound out their rallying cry to stock up on guns and ammunition and prepare for the next civil war. Change is difficult for people. So these people have to maintain their perceived power through all means necessary. In the introspective film Listen To Me Marlon, Marlon Brando was quite sympathetic to the problems of black people who were being mistreated(Marlon caught a lot of heat during the Civil Rights movement) and American Indians who were being misrepresented in film and cheated(he didn't accept his Oscar for The Godfather and a Native American woman spoke for him.

    I have a feeling that this election year is too hyped on fear, anger and hatred. Jedi Master Yoda says,"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
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