hot girl from GERMANY

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by l homme au masque de fer, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. salut a tous cela peut paraitre un peut bete que j ecrive en francais sur un site frequenter en majorite par de personnes de langue anglaise mais je pense quand meme avoir deja lu quelques post ici en francais et j espere que ceux d entre vous parlez francais ferez passer mon message et je pense particulierement a mon frere africain venu du congo j oubli son pseudo mais je pense qu il reconnaitra il etait en ukraine ya quelque jour

    je suis africain residant en allemagne depuis l age de 10 ans je suis tombe sur ce site ya quelque mois par hazard et je suis horrifier par ce que je peut lire ici chaque jour . je n aurais jamais imaginer que l homme noir etait tombe aussi bat comment les homme qui sont le socle de chaque communaute peuvent se reduire aussi bat au poin de cree un site juste pour glorifier les femmes blanches et apres on s etonne que nous soyons les plus maiprise sur cette terre .
    avez vous un chinois un arabe ou meme indien venerer autant la femme blanche comment pouver vous vous rabaisser a ce poin s il vous plait arreter de nous faire honte frere je n essaye pas d etre un donneur de lecon mais c est juste que c est trop humilian pour notre peuple

    moi j ai entretenu des relation avec des femmes blanche mais pas par ce qulle etait blanche juste par ceque je me suis retrouve dans un mieux a dominance blanche c est tous

    j ai lu sur site un certan BRIAN qui est aller jusqu en Russie pour une blanche seigneur mais comment un etre peut etre aussi stupide pour une femme blanchew tu pres a te rendre dans l un des pays les plus hostille au noir ou encore celui qui ce rejouissait qu un noir soit marie a une actrice c est tres grave

    black man stop to amplify white Power::sad:

  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I'm more curious as to why he's speaking French to a German girl. LOL.
  4. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich dich richtig verstanden habe- kannst du es in wenigen kurzen Sätzen in deutsch wiederholen?
  5. Liisu

    Liisu New Member

    je ne comprends pas...est-ce que vous etes un homme ou quoi? mais j'espere que vous venez ecrire en anglais car il n'y a pas bcp de gens ici qui parle francais...
    bienvenue à ce forum!!!! :smt058
  6. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    C'est vrai. Je comprend anglais plus que francais:)
  7. si jai ecrit " hot girl from germany " c etait juste pour attirer votre attention domage que vous n ayez pas compris l ironie. suis un homme madame 22 ans pour etre plus precis residant en allemagne .
    j arrive pas comprendre que les hommes qui sont la base, la fondation de chaque communaute puisse se rabaisser aussi bat je parle des noirs de ce site je n ai rien contre les couple mixte moi jai ete par le passer en coupe mixte moi aussi mais vous ne trouvez pas un peut humilian que que certain homme noir venere carrement les femmes Blanches et maiprise les femme de leur propre race ?

    Certain sont meme tres content qu un Homme noir soit en couple avec une start du porno c est pathetique:sad:
  8. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    My French sukks but if I understood him right he basically says he doesn't like the idea of creating a site to glorify white women,what he reads here every day shocks him and he thinks Bryant was stupid to fly to another country/continent to meet DI since Russia was one of the countries being most hostile to blk people.
    The original poster(if I get it right) only dates white women because currently he is in a location where there's far more white women than any other race.He is African but has lived in Germany since the age of 10.
  9. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    To be honest with you, that all is a little bit strange... As much as I understood you critisize, how black men are able to humiliate their own race(women especially) .. You are writing in french...If you don´t speak english, how do you know, what people say in this forum? As much as I was reading here, nobody said anything against black women. Why should they? These men here are just feeling more attracted to ww.. that´s all. Some men prefer bw, some latinos, some ww. Maybe I am wrong or i misunderstand you....
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2009
  10. Hi Süße ,

    eingentlich bin ich keine frau ich habe "hot girl from germany " geschrieben in der Hoffnung , dass viele Leute auf mein topic reagieren werden .

    Ich bin Afrikaner studiere hier an der Universität bin durch zufall auf diese internet seite gefallen habe ein paar beiträge von Mitglieder gelesen und war danach total geschock vor allem weil manche männer Weiße Frauen Glorizifieren ich habe keine probleme damit aber beleidigen Schwarze frauen und das finde ich empörend weil ,die Männer der kern jeder gemeinschaft sind .:(
  11. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Ich habe gerade versucht das aufzuklären.. Wieso denkst du, dass hier jemand gegen schwarze Frauen ist? Ich habe niemals etwas in dieser Art gelesen- verstehst du auch englisch, weil es ist nicht unbedingt fair in einer Sprache zu schreiben, die andere User nicht verstehen..
  12. i m origynally from cameroon and we speak englich and french but mosly french i can read englich very well but just try to write
  13. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Yep I haven't seen anyone here cuss out and trashtalk black women on here either. Making comparisons,describing one's experience in a respectful matter is not humiliating. If a guy says he prefers blondes over brunettes cos he finds them more sexy that's not trashtalking any non-blondes either.It's just expressing one's preference and explaining why.
    Why take it the wrong way when it's about race? It's really just a preference. Just because I like one thing it doesn't mean I hate or look down on anything else.
  14. Ich habe viele viele alte Beiträge hier gelesen fast 80 % würde ich sagen und habe viele schreckliche sache gelesen bezogen auf Schwarze frauen glaub mir

    Ich würde gern auf englisch schreiben leider beherrche ich nicht die Sprache von SHAKESPEARE ;-)
  15. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    ok, alte Beiträge, habe ich nicht gelesen. Aber die Leute, die jetzt auf dem Forum sind, im Gegenteil, habe auch schon gesehen, dass wenn jemand sich falsch oder missverständlich ausgedrückt hat, er sofort von anderen Usern korrigiert wurde. Ich persönlich würde ein solches Verhalten auch nicht tolerieren.. Du kannst dir gerne meine Postings ansehen, einige Male wurde darin auf die Situation schwarzer Frauen hingewiesen.. Trotzdem viel Spass noch- und sehe nicht alles so eng. Die Männer hier sind Söhne, Brüder und Väter von schwarzen-mixed Frauen und Kindern..
  16. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    OK.... I hope u have no trouble that here are woman that like black and that those are glorifing them tooo. What the hell is wrong with black guy liking white woman and to talk god about them... I mean this is vice versa here. I love some black guy and enjoy being loved back!

    and I think the bad things written about black woman are that there are people who disagree with IR couples and some Black woman do that and it is about the attitude they show whith their disaproval of IR couples.
    For this I can say... I don´t like some German and eastern men for exactly the same thing. So beat me up for that....

    Sorry that I don´t aswer inFrench, I understod ur writing but my ability in anserwing in french are limited.
  17. z

    z Well-Known Member

    pas mal pour estonien
  18. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    I don't understand a lick of french, so i just used a translator. This is what it came up with:

    hello has all that can appear one can stupid that J writes in French on a site to attend in majority by people of English language but I think nevertheless already of having read some French post here and J hopes that those D between you speak French will transmit my message and I think particularly has my African brother come from Congo J lapse of memory his pseudo but I think qu it will recognize it was in Ukraine ya some day I am African residing in Germany since L old 10 years I am tomb on this site ya some month by hazard and I am to horrify by what I can read here each day.

    I N would have never to imagine that L black man was tomb also beats how the man which is the base of each community can be also reduced beats with the poin creates a site right for glorifier the white women and after one S astonishes that we are more maiprise on this ground. have Chinese Arabic or same Indian to venerate the white woman as much how pouver you to lower itself has this poin S it likes you to stop making to shame brother I to us N do not try D to be a donor of lesson but C is right that C is too humilian for our people me J maintained the relation with women white but not by this qulle by ceque I was white right am find in best has white predominance C is all

    J read on site a certan BRIAN which is to go jusqu to Russia for white a lord but how a being can be also stupid for a woman blanchew you close has to return to you in L one of the most hostile country to the black or that which this delighted qu a black is Marie has an actress C is very serious black man stop to amplify white Power: Traurig
  19. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    My response to that is, Russia was not hostile towards me. Everybody was friendly. Maybe it was just my experience there, but the people were cool and accepting. Go figure.
  20. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Thanks to Bablefish, translation below, does not make much sense

    hello has all that can appear one can stupid that J writes in French on a site to attend in majority by people of English language but I think nevertheless already of having read some French post here and J hopes that those D between you speak French will transmit my message and I think particularly has my African brother come from Congo J lapse of memory his pseudo but I think qu it will recognize it was in Ukraine ya some day I am African residing in Germany since L old 10 years I am tomb on this site ya some month by hazard and I am to horrify by what I can read here each day. I N would have never to imagine that L black man was tomb also beats how the man which is the base of each community can be also reduced beats with the poin creates a site right for glorifier the white women and after one S astonishes that we are more maiprise on this ground. have Chinese Arabic or same Indian to venerate the white woman as much how pouver you to lower itself has this poin S it likes you to stop making to shame brother I to us N do not try D to be a donor of lesson but C is right that C is too humilian for our people me J maintained the relation with women white but not by this qulle by ceque I was white right am find in best has white predominance C is all J read on site a certan BRIAN which is to go jusqu to Russia for white a lord but how a being can be also stupid for a woman blanchew you close has to return to you in L one of the most hostile country to the black or that which this delighted qu a black is Marie has an actress C is very serious

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