ESPN Releases New Employee Guidelines For Social Media Engagement

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Beat-man, Nov 4, 2017.

  1. Beat-man

    Beat-man Active Member

    To prevent controversy that could arise from employees spouting nonsense on Twitter in whatever way they please, ESPN has released a new set of guidelines instructing their employees on the proper form of social media engagement.

    "Our engagement on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram should be civil, responsible, and without overt political or other biases that would threaten our or your credibility with the public," the memo reads. "Do nothing that would undercut your colleagues’ work or embroil the company in unwanted controversy."

    The memo also laughably describes ESPN as a "journalistic organization (not a political or advocacy organization)," which would be a fair statement if not for the many times ESPN partookin political advocacy.
  2. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Not newsworthy IMO. You'd assume most media outlets & other companies already have similar guidelines for their employees.

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