Best Approaches to Resolution Planning

Discussion in 'Getting Ahead: Careers, Finance and Productivity' started by Blacktiger2005, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Idea's needed. What is the best approach to planning, executing, and implementing resolutions that you can be successful in accomplishing? The New Year of 2015 is approaching. What do you recommend?
  2. qwils86

    qwils86 New Member

    I would write my goals down for 2015, go over them daily, and pursue those goals on a daily basis. The key is to stay consistent on reaching your goals and to be reminded of them daily. We tend to drift away from our goals when they're not on our minds. I'm not an expert on this but I try my best! Hope that helps you man.
  3. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I hope for you success in achieving your goals this year. I have limited my master plan to three based on the triangle of life of Mind, Body and Spirit.

    I keep the goals in sight by:

    A. Keeping it simple.

    B. Never, Never, Never Give Up.

    C. Small Daily Improvements Are The Key to Staggering Long Term Results.

    A Saying: What You Think You Become. - Buddha

    Chances of Success:

    "I won't" - 0%
    "I can't" - 10%
    "I don't know how - 20%
    "I wish I could - 30%
    "I want to" - 40%
    "I think I might" - 50%
    "I might" - 60%
    "I think I can" - 70%
    "I can - 80%
    "I am" - 90%
    "I did" - 100%

    Happy New Year.

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