Are you the relationship type? The Signs saying you aren't.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove8, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

  2. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    Very interesting article
  3. K

    K Well-Known Member

    9 Signs You Aren't Meant to Have a Long-Term Relationship

    9 Signs You Aren't Meant to Have a Long-Term Relationship

    1. You Have A Hard Time Seeing A Future With Someone (Anyone For That Matter)

    2. You See Relationships As More Of A Burden Than A Blessing

    3. You Cringe When You Hear How Long Others Have Been Together

    4. You’re Easily Bored With Situations

    5. You Have Issues With Compromise

    6. You Have An Innate Reaction To Bail When Things Get Tough

    7. Your Sexual Interests Lie Elsewhere

    8. You Come Up With Absurd Reasons To Call Things Off

    9. You Love Being Single
  4. Well....... I now know the reason why relationships don't work for me:smt021
  5. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I thought this was interesting. At different points in life I can see myself doing some of these things. Overall, I'm a relationship type person. However, until very recently, I was single for quite a few years. So, I answered based on that time period mainly.

    1. You Have A Hard Time Seeing A Future With Someone (Anyone For That Matter)

    2. You See Relationships As More Of A Burden Than A Blessing
    At times I have

    3. You Cringe When You Hear How Long Others Have Been Together
    I used to really love to hear that people had been together many years and took that as some great badge of honor regarding their relationship, until I was in a relationship for 17 years (and friends of mine close to 30 years) and realized that just because people have been together many years doesn't mean it's a good/great relationship. So, I went through a time when I did cringe when I would hear of relationships that were many years because it seemed that when I really got into the conversation with people I found out the relationships weren't so great. I like to hear about relationships where the people have grown together. I find them inspiring.

    4. You’re Easily Bored With Situations
    I can be. I don't know if it's bored really. I can be incredibly patient with those I love. I can be impatient with those I don't.

    5. You Have Issues With Compromise
    No. I do have boundaries though.

    6. You Have An Innate Reaction To Bail When Things Get Tough
    Nope. But in the years of dating I did have times when I did. I think I got to a point where I was looking for what was not going to work rather than looking to see what could work.

    7. Your Sexual Interests Lie Elsewhere
    No. I learned long ago not to get with someone who I don't have sexual interest in. I found as years went on, there were fewer and fewer I found interesting sexually though.

    8. You Come Up With Absurd Reasons To Call Things Off
    I have. I'm not one to commit easily, once I do I'm all in.

    9. You Love Being Single
    No. I learned how to be good at being single. I can be rather introverted, reflective, and even isolate, but I still have a strong need to have a deep connection.
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Accurate, some of them are

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