Hi all where is the pics threads , can't see it !

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by dossou, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. dossou

    dossou Member

  2. dossou

    dossou Member

    It's been a very long time

    Yeah I'm back*
    My name is Georges Dossou.And I 'm black african from West Africa
    The patronym is Dossou and the first name is Georges ,and anothe one is Charles.
    I'll be very open to nicknames.Some call me here the Philosopher.
    That's fine for me .Up to now I'm free I do not have any girl friend and it'll be good to start having some .
    Distance is not an obstacle .
    I 've been on black and white single .com and I met Sarah from Chicago.
    That's fine.

    I'm really open to new experiences and friendships .It'strue that I love thinking , but I'm also interested in meeting you too the member of this Site...on the physical
    It would be nice if you could travel to Africa .I've crossed the Oceans already .
    I've been to NYC , U.S dec1993 january1994, with my mama .I'll sent the pics

    I really like to discover girlfriend here on this site and physically.
    I hope it 'll come true.
    May be because it's hard to get ww here.This time I'm talking to the ladies here
    I've tried but it's hard.
    That's why I'm too much theoric and am within ideas worlds.It's good but should be excessive...
    Women are either busy at work or there's no chance to meet them.

    I'm tired.

    Ok here is my cellular phone for those who want to try it .Right now I have to charge it.
    My cell phone:22501789462
    My e-mail georgdossou@yahoo.fr
    Looking foward to here from you soon
    See you.
  3. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    I dont think you are supposed to post your cell number dude...

  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn, didn't even notice that shit. Yeah, why would you post your number on the internet.
  5. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    True even if it was allowed....there are strange people in the world wide web...
  6. dossou

    dossou Member

    Yeah I did it just to flow in according to the feeling within ; you're right ; Let's flush it:cool::cool::cool:
  7. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Dossou...cant make out most of your posts, but some how I always end up laughing!
  8. dossou

    dossou Member

    Yeah Swazi I just wanted to flow in accordind to the feeeling.
    One of my friend say with women be they bkack white yellow or red or whatever sweet gifted skin they might be , either you fish you're a fisher you throw the wire inside the water and wait or you're the hunter , you just run after the women and run run like a lion running after a buffalo or sth else (lol) girls here I just wanna make it flow you know I'm a creator so...sometimes i do things of arists you know those things...
    Yes ,... Now.:D
  9. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Right, I get it....:weedman: Is it super strong in Abidjan??
  10. Ronja

    Ronja New Member


    ( PS. if you don't mind me saying so: coming from a Swazi makes that comment even funnier. )
  11. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
  12. dossou

    dossou Member

    Yeah well , Swazi
    Hi Swazi , Hi Ronja; the weather in sunny and I have an appointment with a friend who 's student in art
    We're working on cultural poject,I send my pics just tosee how I can do it have a nice day;
  13. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    There's a lot of stuff I haven't told you, sweetheart :smt077

    But seriously, if one don't discover the dagga while in Swaziland, one will find out as soon as one returns to ZA. When people there hear where you've been it won't take long before someone goes "oooh, so you were in Swaziland, were you? *wink wink*

    So I don't think the Swazi gold is a very big secret.
    Or perhaps I just attract the wrong people...

    Anyway, nope, I haven't touched it, sorry. Got lots of secrets, but that's not one of them. ;)
  14. maghalil

    maghalil Member

    Hi Ronja ,

    very strange reaction from my fellow south-african brothers ... long time
    no see , how is a pooping machine doing ?
    I will send you an e-mail for more :cool:

  15. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I'm messing...I know you probably wouldnt touch that stuff!Swazi gold is no secret! I agree with you:smt028

    Maghilil...mate, I was joking...guess its my messed up London humour!
  16. dossou

    dossou Member

    Hey Guys be cool!
    Ronja :smt058 IS my Mama
    Be very cool with her , okay???
    I know you would understand.
  17. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Really? cause I clearly have the impression that's one of the associations people in ZA, at least in the boarder areas, have about Swaziland...

    Like Amsterdam to Europeans...

    Only it's actually legal there....

    anyway... I prefer rooibos :D

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