Ground beef lovers, beware.... The FDA has stuck it to us again!
That's some Ph.D logic for you!!!! :smt033 In a "puff, puff, pass" moment, somebody held the joint for extra puffs....:weedman:
lol thank god i generally stick to whole fish or chicken parts these mothafuckas will do anything to stretch a dolla
Thank god I'm a vegetarian, crap like this makes me sick to my stomach. Know what you're putting into your body
LOL, I actually eat ground beef on occasion. I've just come to the conclusion that we live in a fucked up world. Shit doesn't even shock me any longer.
Personally, I am a grilled fish and occasional grilled chicken consumer... Swore off beef along with fast and fatty foods years ago when at the age of 23 was told I had high blood pressure... My BP has been normal for the last 10 years but I do work out to help that along... More importantly, we need to make some noise with our elected representatives to stop the madness... Everything seems to be all about making a profit at our expense...
I've seen the first two in the movie--but the last one? ...It kinda looks like a freaking skinless pig nose that's moving in a somewhat awkward way. O__0