Notice how the media is excessively covering this Ray Rice shit while MMA fighter War Machine is getting charged with attempted murder on his girlfriend porn-star Christy Mack. Why isn't the country talking about this guy as well? SMH that's some good ole racism for you!
Right. Well they need to throw dumb ass War Machine and the other woman beating white boys under the bus right along with dumb ass Ray Rice. I am all for equality, ya feel me? Lol
Yes the physically imposing black man is a threat that white America is eager to project its worst fears upon, but there are some relevant differences here. War Machine is a third rate fighter in MMA, one of America's least popular sports. Football is currently the most popular sport in the U.S. and there is pressure on the league to project a family friendly image. Ray Rice is suspended (not banned) and will likely play in the NFL again. War Machine was released from Bellator and was previously banned from the UFC for an unrelated incident, so he's been a fuck up for quite some time.
I don't think that is the case, media don't care, they move on to the next story immediately when attention is dwindling. That is how they work. All about numbers, not what is right. Media do that all the time, they dont have stake in civil rights, they care about getting viewers.
because War Machine is a nobody. The NFL is huge program where as this guy isn't even in ufc ....I think That being said double standards all over the place. If you assualt someone, then be surprise if they attack. back in my days, people were taught to keep their hands to their selves.
I don't think there are any double standards here. The general public don't follow mma, nobody knows who was machine is, in general. There have been a number of NFL players up for spousal abuse in the past (warren moon and a few others that names are escaping me) there was a day when this was not tied to public opinion, maybe because it wasn't caught on video and really put a a face to it. Or maybe spousal abuse simply is a bigger issue these days. They got off much better than they would have today. Mike Tyson probably also would have gotten off worse if it happened today. The video of rice was truly heinous, he had absolutely no regard, carelessly dragging her out. Did you see him concerned? Did he try to check if she was ok? That is so telling. Also, If you look at the video, he has boxed her into a corner, indicating he is going on her. She has no escape, no escape. What does a trapped animal do? They lash out in self preservation. To me, it looks like he is starting it, she is trying to do what she can to protect herself, and get clocked, brutally so. And then no concern, no remorse, no nothing. In all fairness, I don't think we have seen the likes of spousal abuse in the media ever. I think that is one of the driving forces. Its out. Yes, they were babtized a month after this happened but hell, did anyone see his apology?????? He apologized to the fans and everybody-but not his wife! I mean, seriously? He dug the grave he is in. There is no alternative motive here. He made himself the poster child of something the NFL officially is trying to fight. Not until the public and media reacted, did NFL take the action they did.the public has had an eye on domestic abuse in the NFL for a while, I think they were forced to take action and I don't think, in this case, Rice's skin color had anything to do with it. In this this case. In this case. It would have been different if it was not caught on tape
I just want to make it clear that I wasn't stating that there was a double standard for rice and war machine. I was stating a double standard between rice and his wife who attacked him first. That's the problem. He didn't start the physical confrontation. She did. While I do think he treated her poorly after he knocked her out(People have died in those elevators by getting caught in the doors) I can't except for someone to act nicely to someone if they are pissed at them. seperate note, I don't feel sorry for Ray. I would not put up with a woman who spits or physically attacks me let alone marry them. I don't know what he was thinking.
i didnt her see spit on him. i saw them arguing and he hit her twice... he hit her and she step to him and he KO her. it was said he spit on her after he dragged her out the elevator....
Honestly, from what I saw it did look like she provoked him. I read that she spit on him and it looks like she was coming at him swinging. I've already stated that his reaction was piss poor and I that think he's a pussy for knocking her out like he did, but I certainly don't feel sorry for her. Like I've said before, you can't be begging for a fight then cry when you get one. She made her bed by not only staying with him but marrying him. Now she can lay in it.
I think you should look at the video again, he has her cornered, that may indicate that he is the aggressor, backing her up in that corner. She has no where to go. What does a cornered animal do? They defend themselves. He hits her, that is when she lashes out then he cracks her hard. I'm sad that you feel that way about her shows you have no understanding of the dynamics in domestic violence and what it does to victims.
This post might be offensive to some of you I'm going to be totally honest with you all. My opinions my come off as offensive and dismissive. If you're a feminist and liberal democrat you should stay away from this post at all cost. The outrage about the Ray Rice incident had nothing to do with racism, but everything to do with feminism. America has been brainwashed into thinking that women should only be treated as equals when it convenient for them. That is why you got irrational clinches in trenched in our society like, "a real man should never hit a woman." You never hear, "a real woman should never hit a man" or "a real man is respectful toward her man." In our society, equal rights are giving to women, but not equal accountability. In a lot of circumstance women receive special rights. I'm going to give you some examples of exactly what I'm talking about. I'm sure you remember the Solange assault on Jay Z. Did you recall anyone demanding that she be arrested? Did anyone call for her to be banned from her profession? No, in fact, she's more likable now that she was before. All the people on television I saw talking about this were women who only concern was why she was hitting Jay Z, and not assault itself. [YOUTUBE]b1C7M5lTDvQ[/YOUTUBE] In the Ray Rice incident, I haven't heard not one person concern themselves with what sparked the altercation. No one cares about the fact that she initiated the violence. The only issue here is that she got knocked out. The public, government, and NFL has taken it upon themselves to destroy Ray Rice, against his wife's wishes. She never called the police, never press charges against her husband, nor did she ask anyone for their opinion. This was never about her, it's about an agenda. I'm going to point out some real double standards and unfairness that solely benefit women. Women have all the reproduction rights. If woman gets pregnant, and the man doesn't want the child, she can have it and the government will force the man to pay for it. If he refuses, or unable, he'll go to jail. On the flip side, if the man wants the child, and the woman doesn't want, she can butcher the child. Basically, men have no voice in reproduction matters, while women have all the rights, and men are forced to take full accountability for any decisions they make. In court matters, men don't have a chance. Women get custody over children over 90% of the time. Women get 40% less time than men for the same charges. But you don't hear no screaming discrimination, now do you? Did you notice whenever women aren't fairing as well as men in any area of life it's always due to discrimination, but when men aren't fairing as well as women it's time to throw a celebration? In the 70's, school were made to be more girl friendly because women were far behind men. Now we are seeing things going in the opposite direction where our young men are struggling in school. Is the government trying to make some changes to help get the best out of our young men? Hell no, I constantly hear Obama and that chipmunk he call a wife constantly bragging about how women are smarter than men, they brag about how women are outperforming men in school. This is a serious issue that's being completely ignored. Non issues are being put in front of more serious ones like the wage gap and violence against women act. There is a wage gap between men and women. But the wage gap has everything to do with personal choice and nothing to do with discrimination. Yet our government saw the need pass the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. If look at statistic men make up over 80% of homicide and assault victims. Men are killed, beaten, and robbed way more than women. When it comes to domestic violence men and women assault each other at the same rate, but women are only ones that need protection? Based on all of this I have came to the conclusion that men aren't appreciated, respected, or valued in American society. Feminist ideology dominates the democratic party, public opinion, and government agencies. What a woman wants and thinks is the only thing that matter. What men think and want doesn't matter at all. Until that changes I can careless if a woman is beaten or raped. As far as I'm concern, no one holds them accountable for their decision and behavior, I'm not going hold men accountable for anything they do, definitely a black man. I want to make some clear. I would never put my hands on a lady, but once you throw your hands up like you want to see me. You are no longer a lady. You are now a feminist cunt that needs to humbled and I accept the challenge.
This is a prime example of what I'm talking about. You're making excuses for a woman violence against man. You hold him completely accountable for his actions, but don't hold her accountable for anything. He cornered her and she hit him in the face. She charged at him and he hit her in the face. You can't even say that both were equally at fault. No, only the man is at fault. One of the things that I find sickening about feminists, is how you continue to tell people what they know and don't know. Like they are somehow an expert at anything besides being a professional victim. Let me give you an opinion that actually has some credibility. In domestic violence you have partners that are equally violent and hostile towards each other. The same person you view as a "victim" might also be just as violent as the person you refer too as the "aggressor." This situations are very complex. The best way to deal with situation is to mind your business.
You can't defend if you are the first to attack. That's the problem with the "They defend themselves".
I wanted to make a thread about that. I am not a fan of beatings and glad he got caught. You can't teach anything with violence but violence.