BM/WF - Interracial Marriage numbers in America

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by GQ Brotha, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    A lot of things about blacks and whites on the web is completely fabricated by fringe groups.. but unfortunately, there are a lot of people that take anything posted on the web as truth without checking the source.
    This is one of them, it just don't add up.
  2. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member


    Oh no you didn't FG and you call yourself Scandinavian. :p

    They're only like the best Icelandic post rock band ever, very deep, melodic, ethereal sound. I love Sigur Ros along with that other eccentric Icelander Bjork. :rock: :D


    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  3. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I've heard that referenced so often. Which makes one wonder, what is fact from fiction.

    One of two things has to be happening since the numbers keep going up, either black men are marrying white women at a fast rate or the divorce numbers are being as you mentioned overstated.

    What we also can't see reflected in the raw numbers is the folks who are cohabiting interracially. Interracial cohabitation is much higher relative to marriage figures. So while 8.7% of black men are married to white women, the cohabitation numbers could be 14%-16% roughly.
  4. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Good looking out, GQ. You beat me to the punch in answering FG. What kind of Scandinavian, indeed?;)
  5. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Lol....gotta agree with that.....the majority of straight black males dating white women is extremely high, no arguments there. But unless you personally notice any "marriages" you should take these "stats" with a grain of salt.

    In "urban regions"(aka the IR express) the majority of mixed black children are in single mother homes (id say 90%). Sub urban regions have a higher rate of mixed black kids with both parents present but thats a rarity. In my neighborhood (suburb- middle class) the majority of households (including condos, duplex, complexes,etc) are mono racial. The majority of mixed couples are youth aged and Ive also noticed a growing trend among wealthy older (mid 30's) asian businessmen having a white woman (not that i would call those couples but w/e). Another thing ive noticed is young asian guys stepping up to white women (my neighborhood has more whites than anything, but asians come second and growing). White women who date interracially generally prefer black males around here with some being "extrmely exclusive" interest even though black males are barely seen around here (ironicc eh??)

    So while 1 in 5 would appear to be high on face value, it is barely high enough to call it an interracial progress ,parallel to that of nations such as Brazil.This is especially true considering 1 in 5 (20%) would only be around 1.0% (or something) of all married couples. Over all id say black men and white women are engaged in countless acts of "hanky pankyness" with a minor degree of marriage result (and major degree of pregnancies). This will obviously cause major impacts on north ameirican sub racial phenotypes in the next few decades, however as i said, "actual" interracial marriages (bm/ww)will only "slightly" increase.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You gotta be from the West Coast right?
    I've also seen a large spike in interracial porn with Asian dudes. I seriously can't even watch that shit but I guess I'm not their target audience. I find it interesting when non white guys fuck white women its always interracial but when wm fuck non white women its just porn.
  7. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, probably very true, this is still America after all not Utopia. :D

    The more and more couples that get married the more we keep moving forward, so I will welcome each and every new one. :)
  8. babybro

    babybro New Member

    But yeah that's the thing, you further illustrated my point. 1/5 black men marrying a non black woman is a huge number though. (That means if 5 million black men were to marry next year, 1 million of it would be to a non black woman) but when you had people married since the 1960's and before, it barely makes a dent because only recently has progress really began. But it's definitely progress, as stated before, in 10 years, it's expected that the majority of black men will marry a non black woman, that means in 2020,
    if 5 million black men were to marry that year, over 2.5 million would marry a non black woman. (Of course, there would be no way possible to have that many black men married in one year, but I'm just using 5 million to express my point.)

    That's some MAJOR progress. The only thing is, is that even when that changes happen, since the majority of our marriages were done in the 60's-90's, even with the majority of black man marrying non black woman in one year, it still will be around 75% total of black men marriages would be with a black woman. Than you have to consider the demographics. Currently there is only 18 million black men in America, while there is over 110 million white women. Even if every single black men married a white women, you still have over 80% who were married to someone else.

    But ultimately, progress is definitely be made I believe. When you have in 50 years that the marriage rate will be 50% non black woman, it really says something.
  9. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    When I read this, it conflicted to what Babybro was saying about marriages increasing at a fast rate. Then I read your post again and from what I am seeing in my city, your post tends to be more realistic to me because I am seeing what you see in your town...a lot of mixed black kids in single homes. Lots of cohabiting but only a few are married. However, on the military base there are more married in IRs.

    This is what I'm seeing in my city too. I had hoped the high degree of hanky pankynee (as you put it) was just in my city, but you're seeing it where you are too? There is a lot of cohabiting here. Most of the IR marriages are from our military base here.

    Hopefully, this is not a reflection of what is happening nationally.
  10. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I doubt we would have to wait that long, babybro. The white nationalists should suffer their defeat before that when the demographics of this country is not conducive to their existence. You said in your post that in 2000, 10% of us did marry either WW or other women outside of their race. 8 years later, that figure rose to 20%. The figure would also not be linear as OpenHeart thought it did, it would accelerate and speed up in future years. Interracial marriages would actually accelerate in the future, within every combination of interracial marriages.

    The only types of people that would be left behind in the future are the racists, and people who simply think interracial relationships/marriages are bad. It would be a minority of people and we won't have to care about what they think.
  11. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    the way WN are talkin they talk like they gonna take over the world lmao
  12. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    That's because what they dislike is becoming more prevalent around them.

    The end of the road is getting closer for these kinds of people. All we have to do is carry out our daily business as usual, and wait for their unavoidable collapse, which will occur in every industrialized country they exist in.
  13. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    true indeed, they cant keep sayin us ww are being brainwashed, its rediculous now and very childish, them and their "14 words"
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    White women are easily manipulated. Didn't you get the memo? Lol
  15. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    LOL well i aint :wink:
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I like your swag kid
  17. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    Wow...You just condensed a million words into a thirteen-letter sentence.
  18. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    2011 Statistics '' Interracial Marriages Rising In The USA'' (ABC News)

  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member


  20. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    I love how you put this. It is so true.

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