By Spade ( on Thursday, June 14, 2001 - 07:29 am: |
From here on out I'm going to need everyone to keep their eyes open in the event that Roberto strikes again. [In fact there's a couple of characters on this board that I'm keeping my eye on.] Roberto has become too used to playing this game and it doesn't seem likely that he will stop now (though its possible -- but still not likely). If anyone has suspicions post them under this topic and we'll get it out in the open or you can send me an email to let me know what's on your mind.
By Frangiapani ( on Thursday, June 14, 2001 - 04:57 am: |
Spade,i wrote my response by mail.
By Ishvara ( on Wednesday, June 13, 2001 - 12:06 pm: |
Fran I had the same thought. Based mostly on the certain way things were said, however they could just have similar viewpoints and similar ways of expression.
By Spade ( on Wednesday, June 13, 2001 - 08:32 am: |
I have thought on that very thing myself and for a time I had believed it so. I am only so skeptic about it now because I do not have sufficient evidence to prove that he is. What exactly makes you ask?
By Frangiapani ( on Tuesday, June 12, 2001 - 06:42 pm: |
Hopefully Im wrong and If I am I apologize to "Wyatt", but is he one of "Roberto's" aliases?
By Webmaster ( on Saturday, October 21, 2000 - 06:08 pm: |
Sorry for the delay.
All messages from the discussion area are sent to me by email. After things settled down here, I've been spending most of my time dealing with issues folks are having in the personals area.
I was randomly going through messages from this area, but did not catch the offending ones.
It wasn't until I saw a bunch of headers from this area, QUESTIONS: TO WEBMASTER, that it caught my attention.
I will try to be more diligent.
By Spade ( on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 10:11 pm: |
I'm calling you out too! I don't pull punches with anyone on this site and you're no exception even if this site is yours. I know full well this is your board and you do what you want with it and that you don't jump just because people say so. Still, when you make rules and regulations for this site and fail to act on those who put them aside people will question it. Better yet I question it, especially if I abide by the same rules you set. You encourage your members to simply ignore problem people here. That's hard to do when someone's all over this board posting racist remarks like they were given a backstage pass to do so and you're not prompt in acting! Now I don't know what your circumstances are and I don't expect you to be at your computer twenty four hours a day. But if you find it hard to keep up with the occasional nuisance on this board because of time and circumstance may I suggest you entrust another friend to look over the board in your absence. I await you response.
By Yourvenus ( on Tuesday, October 17, 2000 - 02:39 pm: |
Hi Webmaster,
I must agree with the last two comments - quite a few discussions deteriorated because of jwilke nasty attitude. Her comments are often just a racist slure, not really related to presented topic, and/or direct insults to other participants. Quite frankly, the number of discussions she invaded, and the frequency of participation, indicate quite bizzare and distubed individual getting in a way of other people having conversations.
By Wyatt ( on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 03:21 pm: |
To Webmaster:
I concur with Dr. Charles;
I love a lively debate, but this has gone too far. JWilke, must be curbed. She continues to spew hate and lies throughout this site, if she were a white racist would you not stop this. Please help us rid this site of the insulting people like her. Thanks.
By Dr_charles ( on Thursday, October 5, 2000 - 09:07 pm: |
Hello Webmaster:
After reading over the heated posts here it occurred to me that you seem to be ignoring this Jwilke person that's OPPOSING interacial dating/marriage and she's debating it to the point of excessiveness. Is there a particular reason that you are not following through with your webmaster responsibilities? We all realize that things slow down on the site from time to time. This kind of DEBATE may cause more discussions (maybe I should say arguments) but it's out of place here. In past months you've stated this yourself. Maybe you've been sick and unable to attend to the site. Please don't let us down. We count on your interest in what's going on here. Thank you. From: Charles
By Anonymous ( - on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 02:04 pm: |
As I said above to you, you are making a very generalized comment. There are not only ignorant white women on this site, but also ignorant black men, white men, and yes, black women. I am trying to make peace on this site. I want to be an example of a non-ignorant white woman. I am here to stand up for the few interracial couples in the world that are not together for negitive reasons, but instead fot love. I agree, there is plenty of stupid people here, who give relationships like mine and my husbands a bad name. But people need to be openminded enough to realize that these ignorant people only represent a handful of interracial couples. I do hope you return to this site and voice your opinion. I also hope that in your return, you will see that there are good interracial couples out there!
Have a blessed day!
By lipstickdread ( - on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 01:26 pm: |
I ran across this website doing research on interracial dating for my dissertation. I am VERY disappointed with some of the views expressed here by white women. While I am a black woman, I do have a problem with some of the views that I have read. As a result I am only going to visit this site this one time and I am going to make this one response and one response only. This is to the white woman: If you are so beautiful and desirable to every man on the planet why do you have to declare it to the world? The world already tells you this. In your case picking on the black woman and blaming her for her ugliness, and loudmouth way she expresses her pain and hurt is like a genius making fun of a retarded person. And hating him for screaming while you're kicking him. That's if things are as you say. What are you going to tell your beautiful little brown girl after you birth her about being a black woman, about how you feel about women of color? Would you want them to read the ugly things you've said about brown women like her? I am DEEPLY saddened and offended that brown men stand by and let us be raped [yes I'll use that word, face REALITY] again by people that don't share our culture and struggles and pain. I really think the world is missing the point. To the Black man: Expressing your attraction to another person who has a different culture than you by negating a person who shares your own culture is immature. Just tell it like it is and be brave enough to admit you love white women for the real reasons you love her for. Besides, white men and black women knew that the very second that the marches on Washington stopped, and the lynching ceased and the law let up on the interracial love scene, BLACK MEN WOULD BE LINING UP TO HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO LOVE THIS "AWE INSPIRING" CREATURE CALLED THE WHITE WOMAN.
Again to the white woman: Enjoy these men. They are not our men and frankly from the discussions here you all deserve one another.
By Webmaster on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 - 01:34 am: |
Many of the people who are creating problems on this site will find that their messages are deleted soon after they post them. A copy of all messages are automatically sent to me, and I simply toggle certain ones to be deleted by a certain time.
The best thing to do is simply ignore them. Most likely, your responses to them will be deleted along with their original message. Some individuals have issues, and it's best not to respond to them. They will soon go elsewhere.
Most get frustrated and leave when their efforts do not pay off. The ones who do not, I will take it up with their ISPs.
By Anonymous ( - on Monday, May 15, 2000 - 07:02 pm: |
Why do we have to keep putting up with (MS) Mindstraight's constant complaints on this site? He has been flaming to get people annoyed and it has been going on and on for months now. This has become tedious. Please, will you do something about this? Thank you very much.
By MindStraight ( - on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 - 09:35 am: |
the very few anti-interracial websites out there created by white men/black women get visitors from Interracial couples spawning "debate" and quote unqoute to push their issues. How come thats ok then? But yet when white men/black women come into this website to express thier opinons its not? Kudos to webmaster for creating diffrent sections for white men and black women.
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 - 11:08 am: |
Thank you for your statement. I have been wondering when you personally would MAKE IT CLEAR that debates over the contents of this website are not acceptable. It is especially tiresome to have black women and white men come on this website to push their opinions, try to provoke and debate with white women and black men, because they disagree with the content of their messages to one another. They wouldn't be upset at the topics of conversation (they say they disagree with) if they wouldn't come on the website to read it. From the title of the website(White Women/Black men, it is obvious it is not the place for them to intrude upon in the first place. The "house cleaning" here is a daily job...glad you are on top of it. It is very much appreciated.
By Rocky ( - on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 - 07:54 pm: |
Neo, of course you didn't choose her over a black woman. It's not as if you were simultaneously confronted w/ two women, one black, one white, and you decided nah, i'll take the white one.
Life just doesn't work like that, and people need to stop being so childish. More power to ya, and good luck on the big day!
By Neo-Nubian ( - on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 - 07:47 pm: |
That is great advice. I have been making the mistake of trying to reason with these types. They are not here for reason. Some of the issues that these individuals bring up may be valid concerns, but no attempt is made to discuss them in a rational manner. I am currently engaged to a white woman. I did not choose her over a black woman. I check the message board often and I am saddened by some of the comments.
By Webmaster on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 - 05:05 pm: |
There is a certain ilk on here who enjoy spoiling the experience of others who come to this site.
This kind of thing is not unique to this site. I remember going to a Firebird site, to get information on my TransAm, and seeing flames (insults and derogatory remarks) from posters who drove Mustangs and other vehicles.
The people who create these kinds of problems usually fall into a few main categories:
- Those who have a problem expressing themselves in writing, and feel they have to resort to name calling and insults, to "get" those who disagree with their point of view.
- Those who enjoy creating problems and disruptions. Who simply love to argue and create arguments between others. They browse discussion groups on the web, trolling (baiting others with inflammatory posts), and/or flaming.
- The barnacles of the web. Those who, once you engage them in conversation will never let it go. They will latch on and seek to argue with everyone who does not think as they do. They truly think they can convince everyone that they are right and everyone else is wrong. They will not listen to logic, anything, or anyone. They want everyone to feel as insecure, and miserable, as they feel, and will constantly speak of their "rights" to do so.
The best way to deal with any of these types of individuals is to simply ignore them.
Most of them will move on to other sites where they can create problems and get attention. The ones who remain will always escalate their inappropriate behavior to the point where I can take action against them.
Remember, no one enters this site who does not know what it is about, and its purpose. It is clearly stated, that if they disagree with the content, then they should go elsewhere. The ones who disagree, remain, and try to engage everyone in arguments clearly fit into one of the categories above.
Do not feed their insecurities, or empower them, by engaging them in conversation.