By Ishvara ( on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 11:46 am: |
I hope not I too have been wondernig what happened...
By Wyatt ( on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 03:16 pm: |
Is the site down? Haven't seen any postings for days.
By Roberto ( on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 09:55 am: |
The interracial dimension of WW/BM is so large that it exceeds the name of your site, "Interracial Dating Between Black Men and White Women". Look at the range of topics here. Perhaps you can still have a separate section for dating, but expand your site into other realms. Just an idea. ~ Roberto
By Swampfox8 ( on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 05:57 pm: |
By Swampfox8 ( on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 05:44 pm: |
HEY derrick the rashad,
By Derrick ( on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 01:29 am: |
Mad Scientists,
Why are you whining, son? There are plenty of Topic and Sub-topic selections on this site where you jungle fever patrons can talk about idle things. Topics like "A site for black women to vent their anger AT black men" is going to have to be a topic full of fiery debate where feelings get hurt because some think sisters are beefing with brothers who date whites, while others think sisters are simply disgusted with brothers thinking "white is right." A topic like "Why do more black men prefer white women" is one that'll draw a lot of disagreement too. Some think most brothers dig white chicks, while others KNOW 98% of black men are marrying black women, so that can't be true.
I think everyone who's getting all worked up is doing it to themselves, not us doing it to them. They're immature and can't handle friendly debate. Rashad nor I are bothered by anyone's words on this board, yet you all are bothered by ours. We feel like this: anyone trying to argue that racism doesn't exist and that white women somehow relate to black men on the same level black women do can't possibly be a worthy advesary in discussion on interracial dating. If you all are firm in your beliefs, why are you so bothered? Grown ups in congress disagree all the time, yet no one there stomps their way out of the building or ask the majority whip to kick people with opposing views out. They don't react to debate childishly because they are mature. You shouldn't be talking to Rashad or I about any of this. You should be talking to the 98% of people on this site who can't take someone calmly disagreeing with their lifestyles. If I get kicked out of here, fine. While you'll see it as me getting booted for causing trouble, I'll see it as for striking a truth nerve in interracial daters on this site. The truth hurts. Learn to take your medicine and you'll become a better man for it.
By Mad_scientist ( on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:39 pm: |
Rashad and Derrick, Jwilke was kicked out for a reason, and I stand behind the webmaster for his actions. Jwilke posted many inflamatory posts that was not intended to start a meaningful dialogue, but intended to start a flame war. There are many Interracial Bulletin Boards on the Internet, but we decided to come here for a reason. We want a very PEACEFUL discussion of the issues. If we want argument, we can easily go to the hundreds of other boards. The problem is that other IR boards do now allow people in IR relationships to discuss issues that interest them. An IR board easily attracts both black and white racists that repeatedly post inflamatory messages designed to hurt and anger the people in IRs. The board eventually becomes overwhelmed by people who hate IRs, and it distracts people from posting who sought meaningful discussion. On many boards, having discussion between people in IRs is not possible because people with hatred always fill them, posting hateful messages. Eventually, the board either becomes closed, or people who wanted to have real discussion end up leaving, and the board becomes a center of hate. This happens time and time again. This kind of thing happens so much that we get very tired of it. We get tired of arguing to people who won't listen, who refuse to step out of their own box, and people who just don't care. After all of that, we just want to have a peaceful discussion. We want to have a peaceful discussion between other people in IRs, and between open minded people, and not be distracted by people who wish to post flames. Many times, we've had people, both black and white, come in here and try to start trouble using their hatreds. It was only this censorship that kept these people from eventually overrunning this board, and turning it into a haven for white supremacists or black supremacists to vent their hatred for IRs. If we want to debate, then there are many other boards that we can go to, and that's where I go when I'm in the mood for debate and flaming. But if I want to have discussion about IR issues, I come here because I am not bothered by people who wish to start flame wars. This is why there is censorship, and also why I fully suport the webmaster.
By Spade ( on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 07:24 pm: |
Rashad the Derrick, Common sense definitely isn't displayed by some idiot saying "We should all date white girls. It helps the black community." It is only common sense that dating IR will only increase the absences of black men serving as fathers, husbands, and positive role models in black communities. For this you need no reference. But for other subjects references are detrimental to proving your point. For instance, the fact that the word Spade is a racially degrading term with a negative connotation used to degrade blacks is a fact you can find by watching films on Blackface is something only those of us with references know of. Because we have references such as these, we cannot make the simple minded mistake of calling ourselves something which compromises our integrity. So indeed, "Spade", references are helpful to avoid looking like a jack ass. We have said thus far that 98% of married black men chose to marry black women. To prove it, we gave your ass "What Sisters Know, what Brothers Think". I also shedded a little light on African history, and gave to your friends Roberto and Hector "The Destruction of Black Civilization" by William Chancellor. Then you were the derelict that claimed melanin had no bearings on our lives and we shot that statement down by quoting a study on melanin done by Anthony Browder in "The Browder Files." You have not looked into any of these sources out of fear of being wrong. I don't know if you've ever been on a debate team, son. But coming into a discussion talking about how you "feel" doesn't amount to a pile of shit. We talk about what we know. You ditch your racially degrading "nigger-like" name and pick up a book every once in a while to stimulate your mind and one day you will find the truth.
Common sense definitely isn't displayed by some idiot who has to create two different handles just to back himself up on why black men shouldn't be with white women. Common sense is definitely isn't further displayed when that same person gives one of those alteregos a title like benevolent but can't seem to speak intelligently enough to not use profanity when his points argued. Common sense definitely isn't also displayed with sayings of a black God and a black Jesus without any proof other then the book of Revelation that defies such a theory. Common sense dictates then in order for one to demand facts then first one should give facts and saying "White women are weak" is not a fact thus your leverage for asking for facts while not giving any yourself is revoked.
Negative, it is only common sense that if a man fathers a child and stays to father that same child there is not absence of a father in that family. However, there are plenty of black men who are fathers that do not take care of their children and it is only common sense that in that instance your statement above is a complete contradiction. What is more, as I have said before there are very few real black communities. There are however plenty of black neighborhoods but communities where blacks own all the shops, business, doctor's offices, and legal help, is by far not so readily available. So again, there is yet ANOTHER contradiction in your words, and here you call yourself an "intellectual giant." (laughs)
(LOL!) And the fact the a spade is also a suit found in a deck of cards is a easy reference too. I so love how you try to make yourself feel better by trying to insult my handle. What's next, are you going to insult the kind of computer I'm on too? As you have said "for other subjects references are detrimental to proving your point." And I have already done just that by giving the exact meaning of the OTHER terms Spade is used for which is: :Without hesitation or glossing over: PLAINLY, FRANKLY, RELENTLESSYLY, INTENSELY; It is only common sense that if you choose to argue in a negative fashion about ONE slang form of Spade then you would have known that I would argue the OTHER form of Spade for which I use it. (laughs) Nice try though, then again no it wasn't I was just trying to make you feel good. (laughs)
On the contary, "Spade" references as far it involves me are helpful to breaking down jack asses like yourself and your mental counter part Derrick the Rashad. You've got to be reaching the bottom of your intellectual barrel if that is all you can argue and spend half your post trying to debate. What's wrong son, running out of racial tricks and insults in that racist young mind of yours?
Your quote from Browder said that blacks were stronger because of their melanin. I don't recall reading any scientific data to prove such a point. But I am aware of both William Chancellor and Browder's cultural teachings about Egpty and black ancestry. And it neither of them mention the that part the Egyptian god's and goddesses play in the mystery schools of Lucifer and how he is also seen symbolicly as the God of the Sun, Air, Logic, and Light. But hey, as long as they write something about black people they must be doing something right eh? You nor the authors you mention know half as much about Egypt, Africa, or the world as you think you do.
(laughs) I happen to like my "nigger-like" name, especially seeing as its all you've been able to think about recently. Everything that you say as regards to whites is nearly a matter of how you "feel." Case and point, you asked do I seriously think white people are god-like? That's a question based on how YOU FEEL, SON. There are people in every race that are not god-like, you being one of them. Now change over to Derrick the Rashad, or as you like to call him Derrick the Minister of Common Sense so I can break him down next.
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 01:35 pm: |
“We have said thus far that 98% of married black men chose to marry black women. To prove it, we gave your ass "What Sisters Know, what Brothers Think".”
Derrick, I gave you a BLACK woman’s site that says the number is lower about 92% and the number decreases with more education the man receives. How do you reconcile this difference? Who is right and who is wrong? Which study is correct and how do you go about determining it?
“I also shedded a little light on African history, and gave to your friends Roberto and Hector "The Destruction of Black Civilization" by William Chancellor.”
Can you tell me a little more about Chancellor Williams? Where did he go to school? Did he study with African Professors? Did he study in Africa? Where did he receive his PhD from? I might just order his book. I have read exerpts from one of Diop’s books in college, and frankly the question of to what degree ancient Egyptian society was made up of black Africans is FAR to difficult to answer here. My college had planned a trip to Egypt in the spring, but unfortuantly it doesn’t seem as though I will be able to go.
“Then you were the derelict that claimed melanin had no bearings on our lives and we shot that statement down by quoting a study on melanin done by Anthony Browder in "The Browder Files."”
Derrick/Rashad, are you a biologist? Please give a plausibility argument for this melanin theory. Why should one believe that skin pigmentation has something to do with mental strength, what does this have to do with the nervous system? I believe the genetic difference between the “races” is somewhere much less than .02%, correct me if I am wrong about that.
“It is only common sense that dating IR will only increase the absences of black men serving as fathers, husbands, and positive role models in black communities. For this you need no reference.”
It is only common sense that says that if only 2% of the population is involved in IR, this number is in decline, and the out of wedlock birth rate birth rate in the “strictly” black community is 70%, one should not be so much concerned about this 2% but one should be more concerned with the 70%.
I am waiting for you lack of answers to all of these questions.
Oh and have you been to Africa and what African languages do you speak? What with all of the books written in African languages you have on your shelves.
Rashad/Derrick, this is called reasoning, something you don’t seem to be capable of.
By Roberto ( on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:36 am: |
I'm beginning to understand your thinking. Is it like the old sicilian saying. "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer"?
By Rashad ( on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 07:08 am: |
Common sense definitely isn't displayed by some idiot saying "We should all date white girls. It helps the black community." It is only common sense that dating IR will only increase the absences of black men serving as fathers, husbands, and positive role models in black communities. For this you need no reference.
But for other subjects references are detrimental to proving your point. For instance, the fact that the word Spade is a racially degrading term with a negative connotation used to degrade blacks is a fact you can find by watching films on Blackface is something only those of us with references know of. Because we have references such as these, we cannot make the simple minded mistake of calling ourselves something which compromises our integrity. So indeed, "Spade", references are helpful to avoid looking like a jack ass.
We have said thus far that 98% of married black men chose to marry black women. To prove it, we gave your ass "What Sisters Know, what Brothers Think". I also shedded a little light on African history, and gave to your friends Roberto and Hector "The Destruction of Black Civilization" by William Chancellor. Then you were the derelict that claimed melanin had no bearings on our lives and we shot that statement down by quoting a study on melanin done by Anthony Browder in "The Browder Files."
You have not looked into any of these sources out of fear of being wrong. I don't know if you've ever been on a debate team, son. But coming into a discussion talking about how you "feel" doesn't amount to a pile of shit. We talk about what we know. You ditch your racially degrading "nigger-like" name and pick up a book every once in a while to stimulate your mind and one day you will find the truth.
By Spade ( on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 06:02 pm: |
Rashad the Derrick, How can one equate not agreeing with interracial dating to inciting a riot? This view we display here is in no way threatening anybody's safety, and because I studied law, I can frown at these petty attempts to receive sympathy because Hector, Spade, and Roberto don't have the working knowledge base we have. So the weak always choose to dispose of opposition rather then fight a battle they know they can't win. Read the opening disclaimer. It states that no threats are allowed here, not opposing views. If you believe you are right and we are wrong simply ignore us, or prove us wrong. Fight or flee. For me, the knowledge will continue.
Knowledge you say? You come in here under two different handles (Rashad and Derrick) spreading racial nonsense and call it an opposing view? You're darn right its an opposing view! Its awfully funny how you try to tune down your statements when this post comes into play (laughs). I've proved you wrong all kinds of ways but you insist that I haven't because I haven't used a reference to back up what is common sense in regards to your racist ideals. (And here you called yourself the Minister of Common Sense) Don't run to the webmaster trying to save face now son. He has but to read your words himself to come to his own conclusion. Its too late to get scared and besides I'm not done with you yet son.
By Rashad ( on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 02:16 pm: |
How can one equate not agreeing with interracial dating to inciting a riot? This view we display here is in no way threatening anybody's safety, and because I studied law, I can frown at these petty attempts to receive sympathy because Hector, Spade, and Roberto don't have the working knowledge base we have. So the weak always choose to dispose of opposition rather then fight a battle they know they can't win. Read the opening disclaimer. It states that no threats are allowed here, not opposing views. If you believe you are right and we are wrong simply ignore us, or prove us wrong. Fight or flee. For me, the knowledge will continue.
By Derrick ( on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 01:42 pm: |
Roberto says stating that interracial dating between black males and white females prevents black males from being with black females (which is true) is "inciting a riot" and that we should be kicked out for it. Roberto says we've abused our 1st amendment rights as if saying things others don't agree with is equal to "inciting riots". Have I insulted someone by telling them about what I see to be true? Have I destroyed the dignity of white folks, because anything should've, it should be white folk's 400-year-long criminal past! LOL!!!
As a business person, I expect you to do whatever you need to do in order to ensure your business remain a successful one. If the white folks and house negroes threaten to botcott your site if we stay, then by all means, kick us the fuck out. But if anything, you as a businessman should see that the number of hits to your site increases with good debate and friendly rivalry. Roberto would be the only one leaving this site if we stayed. The others would stay and continue to TRY and prove Rashad and I wrong, to no avail. Your hits will be at an all-time high. You'll make more money, Rashad and I will continue to spit the wisdom, and folks will continue to challenge our intellectual superiority.
By Roberto ( on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 07:21 pm: |
Rashad the terrible and 22 Year old ? Derrick:
Free speech has its limits. It does not mean you incite a riot or yell fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire. It does not mean you intentionally and systematically insult and try to destroy the dignity of others. It does not mean that black racist talk is a justification or subsitute for white racist talk.
Sir, you have a choice here. As the racist wolves (Rashad the terrible and Derrick ?) call you the Wizard of OZ, (i.e our savior). As the critical decision maker that you are. As the man who I respect greatly. As the shrewed businessman that I assume you are. You have to make a choice. Either as a businessman who value his customers and service, as a business that respect the wish of its customers. You must must rid this establishment (as it is your right to do so) of undesirables as (Rashad the terrible and 22 year old ? Derrick) before they bring down your business or some of us will just leave and go elsewhere and let the racists who hate interracial dating and marriage between white women and black men run roughshod over you and your website. If you, Mr. Webmaster can get rid of MindStraight (a racist white man), Jwilke (who sent these two idiots here), The Three Horsewomen (fanatical black male hating black women) and the others misfits, you can spare us of these bigots who use velvet language to smooth over their racist overtones, who use the first amendment as a excuse to insult your most loyal members. I await your response as well as others here. We are patiently waiting for a response.
~ Roberto
By Anon2000 ( on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 06:38 pm: |
dude, in case you hadn't noticed, this isn't blackvoices, this is a privately-owned website, i.e., the webmaster can make any damn rule he wants here. Check out the AfrocentricOnline website, they play by the same rules. If a wm came to AO and said that he was "just giving his opinion" and that black women were this and that, yada yada, i'm quite sure that person wouldn't have a long shelf life on AO! derrick did exactly that and y'all wonder why you're feeling unwelcome? pleeeeeeze!
By Rashad ( on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 05:07 pm: |
Neither Derrick nor myself have called names or as the folks who we've encountered on this site thus far. Their education and religious doctrines, unlike ours, have failed because it hasn't taught them to be tolerant of opinions that differ from their own. This, I feel, is what keeps America a disunited body, the fact that people immediately look to persecute upon discovery of differences. Jwilkes never called one name, she simply stated her opinion, and she was booted as if she had been making threats and being indecent. I think that it is fundamentally retarded to be apart of discussions and expect there not to be or varieties of views. You should stress to others who post here that it is not mandated that everyone they interact with agree with them.
By Derrick ( on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 02:03 pm: |
We haven't met yet, so allow me to introduce myself. My name is Derrick, I'm a 22-year-old black man from Florida who's interest just so happens to include issues of race and culture as interracial dating. Now I see a lot of folks coming to you as if you're the wizard of Oz, asking that you boot Rashad and I for shining the light of truth on the implications that surround interracial dating. I want you to know that I ask (not beg) you to allow people with alternative opinions on the subject to remain on the site. It's the only way people here can learn. My knowledge on this subject is limitless. And I repeat, I'm not begging you to do a goddamn thing. I've never folded for fear of white people's consequences in my life and don't plan on doing so today. The only mature thing for you to do if this is suppossed to be a site for discussion is allow people with different opinions to stay. I think it was bullshit (excuse my French) for you to kick Jwilkes out of here for simply stating opinions that bothered this site's resident dumb asses. How 3rd grade was that shit? If these people didn't see truth in what Jwilkes was saying or what I say, they wouldn't be so bothered.
By Roberto ( on Saturday, December 23, 2000 - 01:31 pm: |
From your loyal members. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I, however would like to ask a favor of you. Rashad (the terrible) and Derrick are not good Santas and are not spreading Christmas joy and cheers here. Do us all a favor. Send them back to hell from which they came. What a great gift for Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS WEBMASTER. ~ Roberto
By Ladylily ( on Friday, December 22, 2000 - 10:13 am: |
Thanks Roberto...have a wonderful Christmas with your family. With love ~ Lily
By Roberto ( on Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 10:44 am: |
From one of the many, God Bless your recovery. May you forever stay healthy and strong. Merry Christmas and have a blessed and happy New Year. ~ Roberto
By Ladylily ( on Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 02:37 pm: |
To Jonathan (Webmaster) and all of you at WW/BM...I have enjoyed talking with you throughout this year. Also, I have been uplifted by your thoughful posts and emails during my recent surgery...I am doing just fine. Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year. ~ Love, Lily
By Roberto ( on Saturday, December 16, 2000 - 04:36 pm: |
Could you clear something up for me. Is there some sort of virtual manipulation to block or make difficult for on line users to access some white women and black men web sites in general. I notice I've had difficulty accessing some sites, but for other IR sites there is no problem getting through at all. It appears to me ( I do not know about others), but when some of these sites are clicked on you get a message that the site either no longer exist, there is an error message, or if its listed with other IR sites its barely illuminated for the on line user, or placed at the very end of a list of options. Maybe this is nothing more than me a colored guy being paranoid. If what I'm saying has some grain of truth among you black internet service entrepreneurs, then what is being done about fair access for your service to the general public compared to other IR sites. ~ Roberto
By Anon2000 ( on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 09:52 pm: |
perhaps, hector, lol! i won't change it to anon2001, but i may change it to something more, shall we say, personal...
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 05:17 am: |
Perhaps we have some form of cosmic connection Anon?
By the way, will you change your name to Anon2001 at the end of the year?
By Anon2000 ( on Monday, December 11, 2000 - 01:10 am: |
wow, hector, i just recently made another post that mirrors your last statement and i hadn't even read it...
By Swampfox8 ( on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 07:30 pm: |
By Roberto ( on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 04:42 pm: |
A second amen brother Hector. ~ Roberto
By Mad_scientist ( on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 04:38 pm: |
Amen, Hector!!!
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 03:16 pm: |
Perfect example of a Mandingo Man---O.J. Simpson.
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Sunday, December 10, 2000 - 02:42 pm: |
The short answer is there is absolutely nothing elite about being seen as a sexual beast or animal, to be easily disposed of when you have finished entertaining yourself. If these black men are so desirable by upscale white women then why didn't they marry a black man in the first place or leave the person they are with for such a "Mandingo Man?"
Have you seen or have you seen excerpts of the movie "Birth of a Nation," this awful turn-of-the-century film that Hollywood still venerates? This film was instrumental in demonizing black male sexuality and scaring white women and white men into thinking that black men were sexually violent predators. It was also used to cover the tracks of white southern men who had been raping black women all along. Have you seen the pictures that depict Mandingo Man as this ape-like beast devoid of any higher-emotional or rational consciousness with a large erect penis threatening white female "purity?" You can find them on the internet in Yahoo clubs. Do you think that the white women who are into the Mandingo myth really care about a black man's emotional or rational life, do you think they think blacks even have such emotional or rational lives?
The long answer has to do with the "Mandingo Man" self-image or self-representation being one of the most useless there is in the black community. Does this self-image increase the number of black men going and GRADUATING from college, does this increase the number of black male PhDs in Math, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, Molecular Biology, or Genetics. Does this self-image increase the number of black men who have founded and own successful companies and hence are beholden to nobody? Does this self-image increase the number of black men who are financial investors in black communities and who have the capability to organize large amounts of capital and execute large development projects?
These are the elite of black men.
Does the Mandingo Man self-conception aid in any of this?
Well I may have no money, no job, and NO POWER in life, but at least I have a big dick so aren’t I special.
This is why if I am ever in a position of leadership I will fight tooth and nail to eradicate such self-conceptions. They only self-perpetuate what has been done to blacks in America for the past 400 years
By Maximus ( on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 11:21 am: |
By Mindkandy ( on Saturday, December 9, 2000 - 01:39 am: |
By Hectorvelasquez on Friday, December 8,
2000 - 11:44 am:
Webmaster, please don't let this site turn into a Mandingo
fantasy island. Please don't legitimize this Mandingo/slave
mentality on this site.
"Mandingo Fantasy Island"...LMAO!!! now THAT is a funny description...but you are would be ridiculous for black men to be exploited in this by having the site cater to such a theme.
By Maximus ( on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 02:19 pm: |
By Mad_scientist ( on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 01:37 pm: |
I rarely talk on these boards, but it is time for me to speak. If you want a swingers page, there are probably hundreds of pages around the Internet which deal with interracial swinging. Your proposal would destroy the very purpose of this website. This is one of the few websites that black men and white women can discuss issues in peace. There are too many websites, books, and movies that talk about only the sexual aspect of IRs. This helps to perpetuate the stereotype that IRs are only sexual attractions, and that there is not any kind of love and affection. All of us here on this website, with the exception of you, seem to believe that this stereotype is false. Yes, there are many IRs for sexual purposes, but remember that there are also a lot of Monoracial Relationships (MR) that are the same way. I am also disgusted that you are using this board to make war with black women who post here. You make war by saying that black females are inferior, and you are helping to make the divisions between black men and black women much deeper than it really needs to be. So please clean up your act if you are going to post here.
By Maximus ( on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 01:15 pm: |
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 11:44 am: |
Webmaster, please don't let this site turn into a Mandingo fantasy island. Please don't legitimize this Mandingo/slave mentality on this site.
By Maximus ( on Friday, December 8, 2000 - 12:26 am: |
By Anonymous ( on Friday, October 20, 2000 - 01:31 pm: |
I actually find her sites amusing. We as interracial couples have to deal with this everyday in the real world, why not tell you feelings to this "woman", let her know how you feel about her ignornce!
By London ( on Friday, October 20, 2000 - 12:31 am: |
WEBMASTER, this place is out of control. If I were to find this site for the first time as of today I would have thought it was a joke. I think that some here are trying to make it into a joke. Most of the traffic here does not concur with the title of the web site. Please clean it up, or change the title of the web site.
By Wyatt ( on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 03:27 pm: |
Hey Webmaster:
Like Mindstraight, we have another racist invading our site. At first it looked as if this person was going to have logical debates. I don't mind if someone disagrees with me, but to insult and not have even a sensible dialogue ruins the purpose of this site.
Please help us by ridding this racist invader. thanks.
btw: The NAACP was founded by whites and it has had many white leaders.
By Webmaster ( on Tuesday, August 8, 2000 - 10:41 pm: |
I believe you can discriminate if your website is privately owned. Just like you can kick anyone you do not like off your property or out of your home.
Either way, individuals or groups can make it very hard on those they don't like. It would be very difficult for a black person to become head of the Klan, or for a white person to become head of the NAACP.
What's ridiculous about his ban is, there are black men and white women who support his views.
He could very well be banning the same women he is trying to meet.
By Anonymous ( on Tuesday, August 8, 2000 - 09:05 am: |
Is it legal do discriminate someone from comming onto your website because of their skin color like Mindstraight did? I'm not familiar with how the cyber world works, but I know in the "real" world, that would not be legal!
By Roberto ( on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 10:44 pm: |
Webmaster, If nothing else mindstraight in his warped thinking will increase the readership here, he's giving this site a wider audience to come in and check out what it really represents. It will be his own undoing when he has to be put to the task to defend his positions, as you have stated. His call to arms of bring together an interracial union of white men and black women together to fight against another interracial union of black men and white women is most amusing to me and fascinating. Hell he is only doing in reverse what he has expounded in his writings to hate. He is a classic case study for college psychology course.
By Webmaster ( on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 12:20 pm: |
I took a look at Mindstaight's site. It actually looks a lot better than when he first started it.
I think it was a good thing for him to do. He used to come on here harping the same agenda over and over again. Then he would complain when he got squelched. Now he understands what it is like to have to deal with individuals who do not support his views, and insist on making their views heard. supports a specific viewpoint and does not discriminate against anyone solely based on race or gender.
Here is a quote from Mindstaight's site:
"Kiss my ass!!!. I will be putting up a message board where only white men and black woman can get on, where you will have to sign up for a membership and password."
And his message board:
"Heres where white men and black women can make comments against black men/ white women relationships, or comment on the page. Also, no interracial couple is allowed to express themseleves here no matter what they say. Oh, and I will block the email addresses of IRs who keep trying to insult their own race. If they continue emailing me, ill report them for email harassment. Just like the webmaster at, I am banning people. In your email, put your question or topic in your email subject line, and please put if your a black woman or a white man so I can weed out all the evil haters."
By Rocky ( on Friday, August 4, 2000 - 10:41 am: |
Anon, it's
To be honest, I don't feel comfortable advertising that insane little madman, but I suppose one shouldn't be afraid to shine some light & expose those types.
By Anon2000 ( on Thursday, August 3, 2000 - 11:07 pm: |
rocky, would you mind posting his website addy? i would like a peek.
By Rocky ( on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 10:30 pm: |
LOL, you're not kidding anon. His grubby face looks very menacing & slovenly, that's for sure!
By Anonymous ( on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 - 03:10 pm: |
Hey Webmaster,
Have you had the opportunity to check out Mindstraight's new sight yet? He is completely disrespecting this site, I guess he still has a complex about being kicked off. Hey, he even placed a picture of himself on the webpage, I think the picture explains why he can't get a date!
By Webmaster ( on Sunday, July 9, 2000 - 12:25 am: |
Posting an ad is free, there is a small fee to respond to ads.
Up to this point, I've been paying the monthly hosting fees, and have purchased two scripts for this site.
In the last two months the traffic on this site has started creeping up towards the bandwidth limit of five gigs per month. Most of this traffic is generated from the personals. The data file that tracks all the responses to personal ads is currently 1.5 megs in size.
Who do you propose should pay for the extra bandwidth charges when it's exceeded?
I figure one of two things will happen.
Either individuals will take your stance, not respond to ads, and the bandwidth will not be exceeded - no extra charges.
Or individuals will purchase memberships, respond to ads, and if the bandwidth is exceeded the membership fees will cover it.
From the looks of things so far, it seems the later is going to be the case.
By Anon2000 ( on Saturday, July 8, 2000 - 08:49 pm: |
imo, charging folks to either post or respond to posts on the ad section is a bad move. i won't be paying to do this here, nor do i elsewhere. you might want to rethink this.
By Neonubian ( on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 11:31 pm: |
You are welcome. I am very glad that you did not take offense. You are right. The term has no history in the English lexicon and is not considered standard or nonstandard. Have a great 4th.
By Webmaster ( on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 06:46 pm: |
Hey thanks. That is true. Here is what I found on it:
Usage Note: The label Non-Standard does only approximate justice to the status of irregardless. More precisely, it is a form that many people mistakenly believe to be a correct usage in formal style but that in fact has no legitimate antecedents in either standard or nonstandard varieties. (The word was likely coined from a blend of irrespective and regardless.) Perhaps this is why critics have sometimes insisted that there is “no such word” as irregardless, a charge they would not think of leveling at a bona fide nonstandard word such as ain't, which has an ancient genealogy.
By Neonubian ( on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 06:34 pm: |
Not to be mean or critical, but the "ir" prefix is not necessary before the word regardless. When used with this word it is redundant. Again, not trying to be mean, just informative. I used to be an English teacher.
By Webmaster ( on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 02:21 pm: |
I've never said I was going to start censoring the ads area with respect to adult content. What I said was, "I have removed a few ads that were bogus or totally offensive (with and without photos), but I am not big on censorship."
So far I've only received 3 complaints about adult content in the ads area, and I've removed two ads for that reason. About 1/3 of all traffic to this site goes to the personals area.
If I get a complaint, I check out the ad.
As far as issues with black women go. Anyone who works against the purpose of this site will be banned irregardless of their color or gender.
Attempting to specifically ferret out white men or black women will only create a game of impersonation.
If black men and white women who wish to discuss issues would simply ignore these individuals and post, then eventually (with the 90 day message expiration) the tide will turn.
By Lynn ( on Monday, July 3, 2000 - 01:08 pm: |
Some of the personal ads on this site are rated XXX. When you click on the ads to read any of them you have no clue which ones are distasteful. It's offensive to read porno trash while searching through the ads here. This site is going downhill fast. Why haven't you cleaned up the trashy ads like you said you would?
I read here sometimes and I'm not surprised that white women and black men have left the discussion area. They must be sick of black women being stubborn and determined to stick their noses into everything here so nobody wants to bother writing anymore. They know it will happen everytime they try to talk to each other. No matter what excuses (understanding, etc) black women have made up it's their jealousy that brings them here or they would just leave this site alone and they wouldn't care what happened here. Maybe you should personally tell them to leave when they show up here and if they don't then ban them. That might make a difference to the members here. I can understand why they don't want to try to discuss here. It's always interfered with by black women. That's why I haven't come here even though I've read here sometimes. I bet the majority of white women and black men feel the same way. It's a shame that black women always ruin discussion for the others here. This is my only post. I don't want to write here either as long as the problems continue.
By Roberto ( on Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 10:31 pm: |
The idea of building a national (or international) IR Directory should rest with your on-line audience. Rather than having one or a group of people on your staff compiling information on clubs, jazz concerts, conferences,meeting halls etc. let your vast audience out there send in (for your quality control screening of course) the activity and events in their towns, city, state or even country outside of our borders that are available. The dimensions of IR is great, I know I have seen it around the world, especially in Europe. Your audience is the resource to know what is available in their own areas. If what they have is good checks out as a good resource for everyone then post it to the a proposed ("IR Places to Go and Places to Meet")category under your main menu. If changes occur then you would periodically update it. That would be your role. Let this new site become a life of its own to grow over time. Secondly, on the converational end. I understand why you deleted the "White Men and Black Women Corners". Why not add in their places a "White Women's Corner" and for black men "Between the Brothers Corner". I propose this segmentation off from Moderated Conversations which you will stii keep of course, to give each gender a place to go to talk only among themselves. This must be enforced by you. Violators after a number of times would be restricted by you. I propose this because, sometimes men and women have unique views and opinions that they prefer to discuss among themselves. Those of us who would read in or observe could can much insight into their thinking. Webmaster, in a few months I will be in Germany and England. I will spread the word about your web site over there among black servicemenbers active and retired and among European women interested to know about IR here in the U.S. Thank you for enlightning me and exposing me to a world of good people I did not know existed a few months ago. Hasta ~ La Vista. Roberto.
By Joe ( on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 04:18 pm: |
Webmaster, I left a question for you under the subject, "Why more black men prefer white girls," but I thought it might get lost among all the other posts there, so I figured I would let you know about it. Thanks.
By Ladylily ( on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 08:11 am: |
I was just teasing you about the photo on the home page...I know you are more handsome than that guy. I guess you are too low key to put your own photo there...besides, all the women would be chasing you then...(lol). You wouldn't want that to happen. You'd have to buy a good pair of track shoes.
By Webmaster ( on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 - 01:39 am: |
Roberto and Lily,
No, I am not the guy in that picture on the homepage, and I do not know the couple. I shamelessly lifted it from somewhere off the web and cropped it into that graphic.
By Ron ( on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 08:58 pm: |
Hey Joe, LOL not if I get her phone number first.
By Joe ( on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 05:26 pm: |
Sharon, I'd love to run my fingers through your long silky blonde hair. I'll bet a lot of black men would. Sweet lady, I'm glad you came here today. We'll talk again soon.
By Delicate ( on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 05:02 pm: |
Sharon, I thought a lot of black men were attracted to bleached blondes.
By Sharon ( on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 04:14 pm: |
I've heard a lot of black men say they love natural blondes, especially when they have long silky hair. Well, I've got it and I've seen how black men look at me. Now I'm looking back at them! Isn't attraction wonderful? Ah-h-h what a feeling.
By Joe ( on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 12:38 pm: |
Rocky: Just one look at those curvy little white women with the look I described and I can just taste how sweet they are. Get's my motor running. When they have the personality to go with the rest of them, they've got it made. You know what I mean bro. You wouldn't be here if you didn't agree with that.
By Rocky ( on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 12:20 pm: |
Geez Joe, quit salavating over the keyboard like that. You'll get a short circuit, then we won't be able to hear from
By Joe ( on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 - 11:43 am: |
Thank you webmaster. I am interested in this. I just adore those sweet little honeys with their beautiful big blue or green eyes and silky blonde hair. White women have the sweetest and softest skin. Yum yum yum (lol).
By Roberto ( on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 12:49 pm: |
I second that idea for an IR directory. Your site should lead the way. Signing Off. So Long.
By Webmaster ( on Sunday, June 11, 2000 - 08:43 pm: |
Yes it is. I just need to compile all the information, or find someone who is willing.
By Joe ( on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 11:31 pm: |
I read in previous posts that you were considering a Directory on this website of organizations and clubs for black men and white women to meet. Is this still a consideration for this site? Thank you.
By Lily ( - on Sunday, May 28, 2000 - 09:48 pm: |
They say everybody has a twin. All my friends say Crystal Bernard on the the show called "Wings" (a sitcom about an airport in Boston, now reruns) could be my twin. They said she has the same face shape, features, hair and she is about the same size. Well, I checked it out and sure enough, I felt like I was looking into a mirror when I saw her.
By Macy on Sunday, May 28, 2000 - 09:00 pm: |
Funny the man looks just like my ex.........
By Lily ( - on Sunday, May 28, 2000 - 08:12 pm: |
Roberto, it is funny that you should ask this question about the lady in the photo on the homepage. I have wondered who the black man is in the same picture. I have also wondered if they are a couple the webmaster knows. Or is this the webmaster and a girlfriend?
By Roberto ( - on Sunday, May 28, 2000 - 05:11 pm: |
The lady in the picture in the initial web page who is she?
By Sweets on Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 09:57 am: |
Anon .165
I am not a violent person and I have never used violence as a means to solve a dispute (siblings don't count!). But I will defend myself if need be. This is the main pt. I am trying to make.
Threats did not even enter my mind and if you read the last several posts you will see where all this is coming from.
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 08:53 pm: |
Why are you talking about guns, isn't there enough violence in here already. The Webmaster will kick you off, and you don't want that do you? My mother always taught me to kill people with kindness. Don't let yourself become as ugly as soo many people in here are.
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 08:51 pm: |
Don't get upset. You have said nothing ignorant or wrong, just ignore it. You lady is lucky, and you tell her I said so.
By Neo-Nubian ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 07:28 pm: |
What? How have I been kissing black women's butts?
What really upsets you is that I refuse to speak disparagingly of either black women or white women. And why should I. I have two black sisters; I have several black women friends who know my girlfriend, I might add.
I have been challenging people on their prejudicial or racist statement since day one. Why do you not consider that standing up for white women? Anyway, I don't want white women. I want my girlfriend and yes she is white. Just like I wanted my last girlfriend who was black.
Are you even reading my posts?
By Sweets on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 06:31 pm: |
Let me make something very clear here. I do not condone violence as a solution to problems/disagreements but I do believe in self-defense. NOTHING that I said was a threat to anybody. So where that came from I do not know?!? Nobody was trying to threaten anybody!!!! If someone has a problem with my words then pick it out and let's talk about it. But if you want to get petty and ignorant then I can go there TOO!!!!
My loved ones and I have also received threats in this lifetime so don't think for one second I am not prepared to deal with WHATEVER comes my way.
P.S. If anybody else feels the need to go IP address is right there. Come find me!!!!! Show me your rifle and I will show you my '9............
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 04:00 pm: |
I appreciate that Harris could admit his wrongs, not thats a real man. I agree with Delicate, people need to stop putting eachother down, and start getting to the heart of the problem. IR relationships of all kinds piss one group or another off, and we need to talk to eachother to understand why. Can anyone educate me in a mature way??
By Harris ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 03:36 pm: |
What a site this would be if people could talk intelligently to one another and learn each others experiences without putting each other down. The thing that surprises me is what we all have in common as human beings. It's the small clique of extremist on both side of the issues who want to divide us. We must fight them together, not divided.
By Delicate ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 03:31 pm: |
I am not a bitter woman. I am just a determined woman. If you would read through these threads, you would see I give credit to where credit is due. I believe all woman are beautiful and all men have the right to choose who they want to be with, as long as they do not hurt others in order to be with whom they want to be with.
By Harris ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 03:26 pm: |
I agree Anonymous. I'm sorry. There has been threats against us in the past. I got carried away.
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 03:10 pm: |
As husband and wife, people should love eachother enough to give their lives for eachother. We don't believe in owning weapons, with our little boy and all, I just don't think it's a good idea. I do have to ask why you felt the need to mention that you owned a rifle? Were you trying to scare someone? Just asking.
By MS ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 02:41 pm: |
All this time you were insulting em for giving my opinion. But you say "I really dont see the need for everyone to put each other down". But yet, you would insult me and try to bring me down any way that you could. Whats the deal? Oh, your insults saying that I was a loser, I am a little white guy, I am to dumb to be in college all made me laugh so hard I almost fell out of my chair. I am just a white male who wants to know why more and more white women are going after black men. I have heard because they were black, and they were after the sterotype and they wanted to get even with white men. I am a honest white male and I deserved to be loved and treated with respect like any other man. I am nice till someone pushes my nerve!
By Sweets on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 12:42 pm: |
WHAT THE HELL?!? No one is here to harm ANYBODY!!! Where did that come from?!? Everybody has the right to bear arms. I have a piece for protection my self and so does my man. Just because some things were said you did not like you had to go there. Well baby I can go there too!
But you know what anon .68 has a pt. Maybe you should read her post!
By Harris ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 12:30 pm: |
My wife and I are bound to each each other to love and protect. I tell you I believe in those words dearly. I'm a conservative. I believe in my first and second amendment rights (freedom of speech and the right to bear arms) I'm an NRA (National Rifle Association)member. I will fight to protect my wife against all who would try to harm her.
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 11:59 am: |
I really don't see the need for everyone to put eachother down, it just lets out the racist monster within. I agree that when white women put down black women, they are in fact putting down the black men they want so badly to love. On the other hand I don't agree with the black women that come on this site to put down IR dating, because that was not the intent of this site. I admit, there have been quite a few positive black women on this site, when they had a problem they didn't feel the need to TYPE IN BOLD LETTERS, or put down black men for "selling out". White women and black men are going to fall in love, just as white men and black women are going to fall in love. You can't change who people love, it can't be done. So as if any one here cares, why don't we stop all this crap now. If you don't like the purpose of the site, then leave. White women and black women are different, thats what makes the world a beautiful place, it's full of beautiful people. My mother in law, and sister in law are black women, and they are two of the most beautiful black women I know, but thats really not the purpose of this site. I will apologize for letting my anger out a few times on this site, and it will not happen again. I am too good of a person for that, and I hope some of you will follow my example. Delicate, I will no longer respond to your posts, you know who you are, and I don't want to make you any more bitter than you already are.
By Delicate ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 10:59 am: |
Now black men and white women...are you warriors, or are youwimps? Will you be trampled, or will you stand up for what you believe in? If you
cannot do it here, you will not be able to do out there in the world, either.
Damn, you watch entirely to much T.V. Ms. Jane. you are nameless, so I will give you a name. Someone has to help you out.
By Faye ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 10:56 am: |
I want to make myself clear to all of you who read this...I do not hate black women. What I hate is what some of them are trying to do to this website. It comes down to our integrity as white women and black men. Will we, or won't we allow this "support" site to become downtrodden by some black women who will "take over everything" (as they put it themselves)? They are trying to create a wedge between black men and white women to keep us apart. Now, I did say some black women..bear that in mind. On another post a black woman claimed today that they will "fight like hell to keep white women from having their best black men." Unless WW/BM unite and defend against the daily onslaught of these black women, we will not only lose our self respect, we will lose a place of support where we can come together in peace to communicate and learn from one another's thoughts, ideas and experiences, It will no longer truly be a "support" area for us. Are you WW/BM going to support and turn your back on it? I am in hope that our Webmaster will aid us in this endeavor to rid this site of all the ones who have caused these encumberances.
By Delicate ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 10:52 am: |
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 09:04 pm:
You are hilarious, someone else comes to this site and rips you to shreds with the truth and you still have to mention me to try and deter them away from putting you in your place. HA! HA! HA! HA!
Stop making it so obvious you wish you were me.
By Delicate ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 10:45 am: |
By Sweets ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 09:52 am:
You said it all so well. Give yourself a hug.
By Sweets on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 09:52 am: |
I am not at war with you. But I will say this, a lot of white women who date black men have a desire to have the black men disrespect black women or even go as far as implying white women are better than black women. It is as if these white women have a need to fulfill their desire to prove white superiority through being with black men. And that is inherently RACIST!
I will repeat myself again and say that any black man willing to fulfill this need of white women is T-R-A-S-H to any sensible woman.
But the TRASH needs to be taken care of too......
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 08:51 am: |
No one is asking/telling black men to hate black women. They are expected to defend themselves and the white women who come here from the black women who have marched in here to destroy the integrity of this website. No one...I one is asking them to hate their own race of people. Instead, to defend our team against those who seek to dismember us. If black men and white women do not have the guts to do this..then, they should put their tails between their legs and run. Do you remember Joan of Arc, do you remember Deborah of the Bible? These were women of substance, who had character in their being. They are the ones who lead their troops into battle when they were all endangered by opposing forces. Now black men and white women...are you warriors, or are you wimps? Will you be trampled, or will you stand up for what you believe in? If you cannot do it here, you will not be able to do out there in the world, either.
By Sweets on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 08:36 am: |
Ain't this a blip?????
Why would any woman ask a man to disrespect the women of his family so he could be with her? That does not make any sense for these white women to expect these men to reject black women. You better try to find a man who likes you for you and not out of some twisted fantasy or insecurity about being black. Because in that case you are being played like the ace of spades!!!!
Just like a lot of these men disrespect black women and tell white women LIES about how awful black women are, I know plenty black men who have talked about the white women they have been with like dogs. I can get to quoting but it would just BURN you up. If a man has it in him to disrespect certain women don't think he doesn't have it in him to disrespect YOU!!!!! It is all a game to them. They love seeing women fight over them. If that is what these women choose to do then drive yourselves crazy. But a smart woman knows that any man who is trying to get women to fight over them or trying to play women is NOT worth fighting over and he for damn sure is NOT worth fighting for.
To the white woman who said that black women of today are no good and not like their grandmothers, let me tell you something black men of today are products of that SAME community/family. So what does that make black men???? They were raised under the same households and neighborhoods as the black women you despise so much. But I guess you thought black brothers and sisters were raised separately.....
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 08:09 am: |
Unfortunately, black women have come here to "take over everything" (as they put it). This destructive attitude is evident in their daily onslaught here. We as black men and white women should not have to defend our territory, unfortunately if we do not..we will get trampled. I do not like the fact that we have a battle going on here between WW/BM and BW. Nonetheless, it is true. If this were a football game and we had no wall of defense, our team would be a sorry bunch with no backbone. Our team are the WW/BM who come here for support from likewise team members. This is our locker room, so to speak. Only a handful of white women and black men have the guts to be the defense here. The rest are team members, but they do not have what it takes to stand tall, be accounted for and not back down to the daily onslaught we endure here. Some of the men try to sit on the sidelines between the two in battle and run back and forth trying to soothe all the little bumps and bruises that occur. They don't have what it takes to defend one team. Some of the men are afraid of being called a "sold out" by black women. They don't have backbone to stand up and defend the women they supposedly want in their lives. They would rather allow them to be trampled. No way, way!! You want us, you fight for us...period. If you cannot..and you are not man enough...then we don't want you anyway. There are better black men than you out there and we will find them. The black men who are www (doesn't stand for world wide web) wishy-washy-weaklings do not stand a chance in hell with white women of dignity and character. You can not pretend..we will see right through you in short order. If you want us..stop sitting on sidelines between both sides like a www and fight for us damn it!
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 07:12 am: |
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 07:05 am: |
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 02:49 am: |
Neo-Nubian, I recall that someone here said of another black man that he was trying to straddle the fence. Another person said, he was trying to play both sides of the fence. When it comes to you, I would have to say I would apply the latter. You want to kiss black women's behinds, then turn around and kiss white women's lips. White women will figure you out real quick and will turn away in distain from the smell and the taste of your lips. You cannot seem to make up your mind what you really want. Not that you should hate black women, but butt kissing (???). White women do not want men like you. One white woman today used the term "cream of the crop" when applied to the kind of black men that white women want. Unfortunately, you do not fit into that category. No matter how you slice it, you are not good enough for white women who are looking for quality in a black man. You don't have the guts to REALLY stand up for the women you claim you want.
By Neo-Nubian ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 11:51 pm: |
You have chosen to be selective in your observations. I concede that their are people out there who feel as you do. But I would argue, mainly from my real life and not by cyber life experiences, as well as my interactions on other IR sites, that such people do not represent the majority of interracial couples, of any mixture. Does the existence of such people with these views mean that interracial relationships are inherently wrong. No, that's a non-sequitur.
I have transcended the politics of race. And I'm not the only one. It's rather simple; don't buy the propaganda. Think for yourself.
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 11:38 pm: |
Neo, Haven't you been reading this site long enough? Listen to what your black brotha's are saying to the world. They have stated over and over on this site the same thing that I have stated in my post. If you resent it..that is just too bad..the truth is the truth.
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 11:34 pm: |
You just stepped over the line "T" and the Webmaster is going to kick your sorry ass off this website! Have a nice ride.
By Neo-Nubian ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 11:32 pm: |
On what grounds do you based this assertion that black women are not what they once were? I hope it is not this website.
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 11:21 pm: |
to 205 198 192 you know white girls are jealous of black women. i wasnt even going to go there but you are going take it there. first of all, you dont even know any black women personally, all you know about black women are the lies that are feed to you by "black men" to get your draws off (mainly to give them head, yall have no rhythem and yall cant fuck. now thats what the brothers tell me!!! how ya like me now) and the ones that marry you to keep you from voicing your opinions and getting what you give from the relationship. do you white girls have any shame. to sit up and down grade black women proves you would sell your very soul to look like us, and to BE us. YOU GIVE BIRTH TO BLACK KIDS NOT VICE VERSA !!!!! if you could be a black woman for one day you sell your own mother with your matted nasty WANNABE DREADLOCKS!!!! WHO HAS TO WEAR A TON OF MAKE UP JUST TO LOOK HUMAN. WE WEAR OUR HAIR AS WE DAMN WELL PLEASE ALL YOUR STYLES AND PLASTIC SURGERY IS INTENDED TO MAKE YOU LOOK MORE LIKE US, YOU SILICON TITTIED FLAT ASS HAG. YOU WISH YOU HAD OUR CURVEY SEXY BODIES. YOU WANT A SOFT BIG ROUND ASS. MAYBE THE BLACKMAN WOULD REALLY LOVE YOU INSTEAD OF JUST YOUR RACE. YOU AGE BAAAADDDD!!! YOU AGE 5 YEARS TO EVERY ONE YEAR. YOUR OWN MEN SAY YOUR OVER THE HILL AFTER 21. THATS IS WHY HE PREFERS CHILDREN TO GROWN WOMEN. WHY DO YOU RAISE SO MANY DEMENTED PEOPLE? YOUR CHILDREN GO FROM STATE TO STATE BRUTALLY RAPING AND KILLING WHITE WOMEN. HE HATES YOU. THATS WHAT YOU SHOULD BE MAD ABOUT. THE LAW LETS HIM GET AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE HE IS WHITE AND YOU TAKE THIS. BUT THEY BEAT AND SHOOT BLACK MEN FOR TURNING THE CORNER TOO FAST. THOSE ARE THE CHILDREN YOU PRODUCED. AFTER READING YOUR LETTER, HOW ANY BLACK MAN COULD GO ON DATING WHITE GIRLS IS BAFFLING.
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 10:20 pm: |
Neo, the black women today are a totally different breed. Don't you realize this yourself? The wise, kind, geniunely loving black women of yesteryear were the Grandmothers and Mothers of men like you. Women more the Della Reese type who were not out to dominate black men..they were the devoted, family oriented women. I have the greatest of respect for women like her. Black women who had true dignity and true character in their person. I have no regard for the "Delicate types" who have tried to over-run this site. The majority of black women who come here did not learn proper attitudes from the examples of their Grandmothers and Mothers. They're the early twenties bossy overbearing types bent-set on conquering black men's free will to chose white woman and they will go to any means necessary to do it. I will make one exception..MacyB appears to be level headed and she can be pleasant at times. However, she also steps between white women and black men who try to communicate by throwing in her opinions of everything we say to one another. She states she is here to understand (the reasons why we make our choices for one another) IR relationships. Yet, she spends the majority of her time voicing her "opinions" about such relationships. Delicate has been a real pain in the ass (let's face it)! The only way to rid this website of women like her who want "Black women to take over everywhere" to fight fire with fire. White women will not roll over and play dead when black women make attempts like this. White women who desire to know and communicate with black men should not have to tolerate black women pouncing on their every word, but THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE DEALT WITH HERE. It is time for white women and black men to take a stand and defend our space here on a website devoted to our communication with one another. It is time for BW to evaporate and let black men and white women have their space to communicate. It is only right and it is only decent for them to do so.
By Neo-Nubian ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 09:38 pm: |
I am offended by these statements. For me, "race" is a non-issue with respect to dating. Yes I find white women attractive, but I also find black women attractive. For the most part, I only date black women with natural hair. I think nappy hair is beautiful, which is why I wear dreadlocks.
It's absurd to say that a woman has to be of a certain race to be beautiful. Tell that to my white male friends whose jaws drop when I enter a room with a beautiful black or white woman.
By Neo-Nubian ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 09:27 pm: |
If you don't respect my sister or my mother, then you don't respect me. I sincerely hope that those of you who are making these statements denying the beauty of black women do not believe this. Once again, don't become the monster that you claim to loath.
One Love
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 09:04 pm: |
Sweets, black men have much shorter hair, or they have shaved heads, so running our fingers through their hair isn't a problem :). Women like "Delicate" do not deserve any better than they are getting here and I would say it is a long time coming, too. White women do not have to prove their appeal to black men..not is a given. They KNOW they are cherished by black men. Everybody knows that any race of man will chose a white woman over ANY race of women. This has been stated by the black men themselves on this site..several times. Have a nice evening.
By Sweets on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 08:25 pm: |
How weak of these white women to have to put down other women to make themselves look good!?! Truly beautiful women (regardless of race) do not have to talk about others to let their beauty shine. It comes out naturally in the way they talk and treat other people (even those who disagree with them). I am surrounded all day with people of different races and I know beautiful women of ALL races including white women but YOU ARE NOT IT!!!!!! You obviously do not have what it takes. What we have here are FRAUDS and FAKERS of what beautiful women should be.
For the white woman who is disgusted with wooly hair and black women's skin, more likely than not if your man is black he has these same feautures so do you run your fingers through HIS hair???!???! That is disrespectful to the women of his family, close friends etc. What kind of respect is that for your man and his family???
Any man wanting to deal with women who think they are superior (racist) to other women just because they have white skin is backwards and any sensible woman is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better off without him.
So for that I want to thank these white women for picking up black women's TRASH!!!!!
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 04:55 pm: |
Anon 209.115, thank you for your kind offer. However, as I stated before...I am here to learn about IR; then and only then..will I decide to see the black man of my choice. I have read many of your posts about your life and I have learned a few things about IR from you and from others. It is something I have wanted to know about for a long time...first hand from white women and black men who have been/are involved in IR relationships. I never get myself involved in anything without knowing about it first, so I am here to absorb WW/BM's thoughts and experiences in this regard.
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 04:07 pm: |
When will you understand that Delicate is a lonely person, this site is her only friend. There is nothing you can say to her to change the way she is, she has no business being here, and she knows it. Somewhere inside that mind of hers she thinks that her being here will prevent black men and white women from getting together. Maybe she should try to go out in the world, because I think this site should be the last of her worries. If you want to have an INTELLIGENT discussions with an INTELLIGENT white woman who has been through hell and back when it comes to IR relationships, talk to me. Delicate only makes you bitter, and believe it or not, not all black women are like her, she is a disgrace to all of her kind. I have quite a few single black male friends maybe I can help you. My husband is a great guy, and I'm sure one of his friends would be interested in talking to you. Let me know!
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 03:40 pm: |
Delicate, white women are not spewing out hate, just their distaste for black women who insist on interfering on this site with their pushy opinions of everything anyone says. You are the ones who are out of place here, not the white women. It is time for the white women and black men to unite and take control of this website. I encourage all of you WW/BM to pursue this endeavor. It is our right, since this site is a place created for us to get to know one another and learn from one another's experiences. Delicate, you spoke of the married WW/BM who come here. You are right, it is also a place for the married WW/BM to relate their experiences as IR couples and I stated in a prior post, I would enjoy hearing from addition to chatting with black men. Black women have brought this upon themselves by invading this site. Perhaps an occasional comment from a black women would not be unwelcome, but you little gal have run it in the ground. Now you are getting a dose of your own medicine and you don't like the taste of it. White women are fed up with the black women who have tried to dominate this site and we are determined to regain what is rightfully ours..a site dedicated to US. There are some fine white women and black men here and we do not need anymore black women sticking their nosy noses into the discussions on this site.
By Delicate ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 02:48 pm: |
Please excuse the typing errors.
Thank you.
By Delicate ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 02:44 pm: |
You say there are charming white women here? Do put on a blindfold when there are obviously many white women here who radiate such hate for blacks period, but because they are looking for a man, they will use whatever means to get a black man, who probably is just as distraught as they are.
Many black men who come here are already in a relationship with a white woman and want to discuss their experiences.
Besides, why do the white woman come here and spew out hate against black women if they are looking to truly love a black period.
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 01:36 pm: |
Delicate, my aren't you in a real sourpuss mood today ;( This is a place for white women and black men to get to know one another. Ask the Webmaster if this was his intention in his development of this site. Go ahead and ask him..he doesn't bite..he is a darling man. In addition, he created it as a SUPPORT site for white women and black men. We come here openly, honestly to talk and get to know one another, because it is our choice/preference. Just by being here black men make it clear they want a white women and vice versa. To those of us who are new to IR, it is a place to speak to black men and white women who have experienced IR themselves. I haven't seen any desperate white women here. On the contrary, they are quite charming and a welcome change from the black loud mouthed women that have been haunting this website for way too long.
By Delicate ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 12:25 pm: |
I just chuckle at some of the white women on this site. I thought this was a site for people to discuss interracial relationships. I mean, .com/discus/. Here you have white women desperate to find a black man. The pretty, secure and intelligent white women do not need to go to a site to find a black man, they have one already and are happy for any other woman who has a good man as well. What really entertains me, is the white women on here that are so miserable they have to talk about black women are this, and black women are that, and black women are just jealous.
The venom these women spit is a reflection of their own inner abyss of hate, jealousies and tormented loneliness. What black man in his right mind would want anything to do with women like this.
I really would love to put some of these women in there place, but why step down to their gargoyle level.
Instead I say, I hope you all find happiness.
Hey, should this site read no black colored women allowed, like no coloreds allowed signs were displayed back in the day. HA! HA!
Good day!
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 11:32 am: |
Go get your man girl, and don't let anyone get in your way. I got your back!!
By Faye ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 11:28 am: |
PS - Oh, and I have been told that I am quite lovely both as a person and in my physical appearance. I am very interested in IR and I am here to chat with black men and with other white ladies to get to know their feelings on this subject and how they began their IR dating experience. I just happen to like the way Neo speaks..he is a very insightful and intelligent man. I have always enjoyed his posts.
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 11:24 am: |
Speak your mind girlfriend!!! Give them hell!!
By Faye ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 11:13 am: |
To make myself known here, I have been around a while, but I have decided that I am tired of black women trying to run this I am making a stand. I will not allow any of them to get in the way again. So, ladies..beware. It is time that I give you my true name, which I proudly post. Black men are my cup of tea and I am their white sugar.
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 11:05 am: |
I thought this site was for black men to talk to white women. It seems like this site has moved to black women arguing with white women. I thought that the guidelines for this webpage said that this was not a site for people against IR dating to protest, and that there are many other places to go for that. I realize that there are a lot of opinions, but why are they voiced here? This site was intended for white women and black men, yet the black women constantly call white women insecure. Black women probably wouldn't get put down in here at all, if they weren't here, I think the fact that they even entered this site shows a lot of insecurity on their part! I realize that there are some black women that have come here with positive attitudes, but even so, this is not the place for them!
By MacyBloomingdale on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 10:59 am: |
I know you didn't write the original post, but you did respond to mine, and I simply stated my opinion like you are yours..............
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 10:57 am: |
I'm glad to see your sticking up for yourself. There's too many white women that come on this site and end up leaving with there tail tucked between their legs. If a black man is here for the purpose that this site is intended, no amount of interuptions will prevent you from communicating with him. Keep in mind that a lot of the "black men" that come here, are really black women! Keep sticking up for yourself, I got your back!!!
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 10:50 am: |
Macy dear, I didn't write the original posts about black women's physical appearance. I am only informing you that VERY FEW white women, or women of any other race are trying to be black. As for myself, I am highly educated, well traveled, sophisticated and quite well off financially. Also, I have many friends and I am very well liked. If black women are so insecure they have to come here to a WW/BM's website to voice their opinions, then that is their problem. I am here smiling...with bells on my dear.
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 10:48 am: |
In all honesty, society does make people of all colors believe that white women are far superior in beauty than all others. I'm not saying that I agree with that, but it is the truth. It's not something new that women of non-white races are looking to immitate the appearance of white women.
I have done a lot of research regarding black women views on interracial relationships between black men and white women, and the majority of them do not approve. The majority of white women men would not date a black women, due to society's brainwashing. On the other hand, most black men would date a non-black woman, if the opportunity arose. I can imagine it must be upsetting to the black women that disagree with IR dating, they outnumber black men two to one, and when so many black men are dating outside their race, what will be left for them? I think it is great that so many black women are going to college and making a life for themselves, they are proving that they don't need anyone to take care of them, but everyone needs love in their lives, and who will they have in the end??
By MacyBloomingdale on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 10:18 am: |
It may not be you. All I am saying is there are insecrure women in every race. You may not be trying to be black, but it is done none the less. There is no need for women to come here and bash each other, I am not defending anyone, but discussion of why you date black men is one thing, but to put down black women, talking about how discusting you feel their hair and skin, is pretty low and makes you unattractive,after all looks don't last. You have to grow old and wrinkly and what do you have, if it is the same attitude you had when you were outting down other women and their physical appearance, you don't have much going for you at all then..............
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 09:55 am: |
There is a major difference between getting a "golden" glowing tan and any shade of black skin. Any woman who wants to have that golden girl glow is not trying to be me. I am golden myself and a lot of it is natural since I have a natural peachy skin tone anyway and very soft skin (and big blue eyes). There is no way I would ever care to be a black woman. Nor, would I want a butt that sticks way out (profile); that is not very attractive. I will take my nice, softly rounded, tight little buns, thank you. As far as the lips, the women who do things like that are pure idiots who aren't secure with themselves and there are VERY FEW women who do that sort of thing. Most white women are very natural, only a minority seek false means to change themselves. I wouldn't change my hair for is lustrious, long and silky. No, I don't think white women would ever care to be a black woman. However, black men look better on the average than the black women do..and there are certain black men that gorgeous. My kind of man!
By MacyBloomingdale on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 09:36 am: |
Anon don't be misinformed! There are plenty of white women who want to have the features that come naturally to most black and hispanic women. Some of you go to the gym and get your asses worked on, get implants to have curvy figures like us, tan at the beach til you are as red as a lobster, inject your lips with collagen, and so forth.
I don't know where all this hostility came from (this is to both the black and white women that get into it with each other) but it is getting old, give it a rest already...........
By Anonymous ( - on Monday, May 22, 2000 - 08:20 pm: |
Why would a white woman be jealous of a black woman? What is there to be jealous of?? I mean why would we want to be like somone is is constantly trying so hard to be like us?? Why would we want to trade in our touchable hair that can have fingers run through it, for your wool?? It's no wonder that black men date white women. He can run his fingers through her hair, and touch her silky smooth skin. I mean black women have the nastiest skin, it's so greesy that you could use them as a mirror to see yourself, sometimes I feel blinded by the glair of the sun off their skin. Then theres the issue of a weave. You all are damn nasty to put something on your head that a horse used to get flies off his ass with. Why are soo many black women trying to be blondes? If we supposedly want to be like you, then why do you keep trying to look like us?? Black men desire white women, or any non-black woman for that matter. Black women have an odor, probably from all the greese you all use in your hair. White women are sexy and sleek, while black women are shaped weird, their asses are huge, and they have no breasts. Black women don't know how to treat a man, thats why all your men are leaving you. You all outnumber black men two to one, and you all will have nothing left, because all the beautiful women will take your men away. I can understand why your all jealous, you should be!!
By Delicate ( - on Monday, May 22, 2000 - 04:12 pm: |
I'm the one not ready for marriage quite yet, and I just don't marry someone to try and validate who I am.
Also, my boyfriend loves black women, and any black man I respect would not make the mistake like your black man has and be with a white woman like you.
I really wish you would face the truth that you are threatened by a black woman like myself, and you really do not want to have your black man any where near a black woman in fear of him leaving you, especially if she is as beautiful and loving as I. Learn to love yourself and you will not have anything to worry about and you would not have to pay me so much attention.
Divorce rates are pretty high these days you know.
Besides, how happy can your marriage be if you are with a black man and you always have something negative to say about black women. I'm starting to think maybe you are in fear that you want a black woman for yourself, you put so much energy into discussing them.
Also Anon, you are fooling yourself if you think your husband does not question your insecurities when around black women. You have shown your weakness, and it will be played on when you least expect it.
Don't be afraid to show you husband this post. In fear aren't you?
By Anonymous ( - on Monday, May 22, 2000 - 02:32 pm: |
Once again I really suggest that you look in the mirror, even though you may not like what you see. Yes I should keep my husband off this site, I wouldn't want him to hear the ignorant things you say, and have him remember why he didn't marry someone like you! Maybe thats why your man hasn't married you yet, oh yeah, he's probably waiting for the right white woman to come along!
By Delicate ( - on Monday, May 22, 2000 - 02:27 pm: |
You shouldn't let your man come on to this site too much, there are many intelligent, beautiful black women here. Your man just may cross back over and have is crying soul reunited with another soul. Be careful of what you share with your husband.
I have nothing against interracial relationships, but I do having someting against ignorant, shallow thinking, immature, closet racist, people though.
I am here to offer insight to those who are in interracial relationships because they are not secure enough within themselves to have a happy relationship, and insight to those who fabricate their happiness at the cost of others feelings.
But you wouldn't now anything like this would you? I mean you just concentrate on making your black man happy because you are so secure with yourself and your relationship that you do not need to harass anyone or obsess with anyone else while in your relationship.
Take Care!
By Anonymous ( - on Monday, May 22, 2000 - 12:06 pm: |
I'm not here to argue with you, because I REMEMBER where that got me last time. All I have to say is that you have nothing to contribute to white women, black men IR couples, because you are not in a white woman or a black man, and your not in an interracial relationship. If you have such a GOOD BLACK MAN, then why are you here? What are you aiming to gain, do you hope to "change a few brothers minds", good luck to you if that what you are aiming to achieve. Or is it maybe that you are concerned that your own man might decite to cross over the color lines, and you hope to prevent it, or has he done that already. I find it amusing that you continue to question the SECURITY of my marriage, wheres your man? Has he contributed to this site, or was your man Daryl, I haven't forgotten him! My husband has gotten on this site numerous times, and he has been quite amused by you, especially before you were kicked off!! So maybe before you question how secure I am in my relationship, you should look at your self, and why you are obsessed with this site, what your missing in your own life, that you feel the great need to involve yourself in others. I realize it makes you angry to hear me talk about my marriage, God forbid a black man and a white woman are happily married and share their happiness with others! No need to get mad...
By Delicate ( - on Monday, May 22, 2000 - 11:48 am: |
By Anonymous ( - on Friday, May 19, 2000 - 04:17 pm:
Like I said to you before Delicate, I remeber who you are, at least this time your only using one name. You are a fraud, and anyone who remembers you can agree with that. I am in an interracial marriage, what about yourself. Go to MS's sight,
and bitch there! You have no insight because you are black woman, not a white woman or a black man. If you weren't a fake, I might concider listening to what you have to say, but your not so I give you the hand GIRLFRIEND!
Some of us take a look at ourselves and grow to become better people. I see you are not one of them. Please state to me exactly how I have bitched on this board not from the past but the present and why are you so affixed with how people communicated on this site prior to now?
MOVE ON!!!! Like I said before
Are you really that happy in your interracial marriage? The reason I ask is because you are so defensive and people who are overly defensive have something to hide. Also, I have insight on what it takes to be a good, respectful and honest person and I can contribute to interracial relationships and any relationship in that regard.
I can't help you with your confidence in your relationship but, you made a mistake with the spelling of the word remember it should not be spelled remeber. You were so concerned with spelling in the past, but maybe you should work more on the correction of your character.
Your statement: so I give you the hand GIRLFRIEND!
Where is your originality?????
Take Care!
By Anonymous ( - on Friday, May 19, 2000 - 04:17 pm: |
Like I said to you before Delicate, I remeber who you are, at least this time your only using one name. You are a fraud, and anyone who remembers you can agree with that. I am in an interracial marriage, what about yourself. Go to MS's sight, and bitch there! You have no insight because you are black woman, not a white woman or a black man. If you weren't a fake, I might concider listening to what you have to say, but your not so I give you the hand GIRLFRIEND!
By Delicate ( - on Friday, May 19, 2000 - 02:01 pm: |
By Anonymous ( - on Thursday, May 18, 2000 - 04:37 pm:
Let us all read what you have to contribute positively about interracial relationships in a non-selfish way. Can you do this?
By Anonymous ( - on Friday, May 19, 2000 - 01:59 pm: |
Good question Rocky, it's nice to know that you see the ignorance in this INSECURE individual!!
By Rocky ( - on Friday, May 19, 2000 - 01:17 pm: |
You really don't know what's not "worthwhlie" about your opinion?
By MS ( - on Friday, May 19, 2000 - 12:42 pm: |
What was not "worthwhlie" about my opinion? Most guys feel like white women hate the white male race when they see an interracial couple. Some people belive the sterotypes. And no where have i said no one has to believe what i say. i am just giving insight from a white male's perspective.
By Anonymous ( - on Friday, May 19, 2000 - 11:49 am: |
Your not giving a worthwhile opinion, your just spreading ignorance!
By MS ( - on Friday, May 19, 2000 - 10:26 am: |
Why? because I give my opinon?
By Clarence ( - on Friday, May 19, 2000 - 08:00 am: |
MS, If I had the means you would be terminated from this website.
By MS ( - on Thursday, May 18, 2000 - 06:45 pm: |
The reasons why I start it with you is because you say stuff about me that you dont even know about! You by making BS assumptions about me is what makes me to respond. So what if I am a white male? is that why you started to give me a real hard time in the first place? You say you dont mind if people come in here and giving their point of views, well that makes me wonder, because I give my opinion, but you insult me and try to say stuff that is NO way near me. (Midget boy? Virgin? HA. I am 5'7, 150 pounds, thats average). Anyways, if you dont like what i have to say, then either
a) ignore it
b) respect ones opinion
I never tryed to start any problems. you just try to start problems with me by making assumptions and LIEs about me, and the thing is, You dont know me .
By Anonymous ( - on Thursday, May 18, 2000 - 04:37 pm: |
I find it difficult to understand why I have been kicked off this site before, but you allow other individuals who don't belong here to stay. I am a white woman married to a black man, this site is for people like me. I have no problem with people comming here to give their point of views, but it is getting out of hand. There is a certain white male on this site who is constantly trying to start problems. Your allowing this to continue makes me wonder if you and him might be the same person. He is not contributing any positivity to this site!
By Anonymous ( - on Thursday, May 18, 2000 - 12:16 pm: |
Not all the black women comming on this site are here for a negitive purpose! Freedom of speech is our Constitutional right, and it is just as much ours as theirs! If you don't like what they're saying then let them know, no need to go being a taddle tale! I am a white female married to a black man, and I get a lot of negitivity from black women, and being on this site gives me a better understanding as to why they feel the way they do!
By Julie ( - on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 - 10:33 pm: |
Webmaster: Your website is being dominated by black women. If this website is so humerous as some black women said coming on to this site or not as enlightning as their white man black woman websites, then why in the hell are they coming here to dominated like they try to do in every aspect of life. No wonder black men are leaving them. Please respond.
By Lily ( - on Wednesday, May 17, 2000 - 07:41 pm: |
This website is NOT attracting white women. The conversations here are between black women and black men. Occasionally one white guy writes and now and then two white women write. I'd say approximately 95% of the conversations are BW/BM. White women are not going to come here with statistics like that..and it is very obvious by just skimming the posts that this is the case. It is not a site for WW/BM..not really.
By Delicate ( - on Monday, May 8, 2000 - 05:17 pm: |
Interracial relationships have become mere propaganda.
By A Businessman ( - on Sunday, May 7, 2000 - 12:48 am: |
I see an opportunity here to fill an unfullfill need. Can you imagine clubs, organizations etc that targets a specific group for a specific need. By my own research interracial dating will be the biggest social trend of this century. Show me the money.
By Patrick ( - on Sunday, May 7, 2000 - 12:43 am: |
Mr. Webmaster: On point six I meant a history (mistake hitory) corner. I would welcome input from the your audience out there.
By Patrick ( - on Sunday, May 7, 2000 - 12:39 am: |
Mr. Webmaster: What about the following for your resource section:
- A Legal corner to offer referral services and advice for interracial couples.
- An opinion corner for interracial couples to get PROFESSIONAL advice from experts not novice.
- A National listing of social organizations that support interracial couples and fellowships.
- A national directory that is state by stae that shows clubs and other entertainment that cater to interracial couples.
- Establish a separate page for children of interracial couples to write in to discuss their unique problems.
- A hitory corner of books and other materials on interracial relationships and marriage in general.
- And finally, a corner to recognize those outstanding interracial couples that successful make it. With a mini bio and picture. May want to have a family of the year award.
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, April 26, 2000 - 02:02 pm: |
Maybe there are few opportunities to meet people of a different race (white women and black men) who are interested in IR dating. I like the idea of a directory and I hope we might have one here eventually.
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, April 26, 2000 - 12:27 am: |
How would a listing of organizations for social clubs for white women and black men work? How would people get involved in it? I didn't know such places existed and it's possible few people are aware of this. Some people don't especially like the singles bar scene and one night stands. It is shallow and unfulfilling. So, how would a person know if it wouldn't be more of the same of that sort of thing? Can you enlighten us about how these things work and what one could expect? Thank you.
By Anonymous ( - on Sunday, April 23, 2000 - 09:40 pm: |
Dear Webmaster,
Please accept my apology for writing the recent post about your occasional contribution to the discussions anonymously. Even though I had been aware of it for a while, I did not have the right to say anything about it. You apparently enjoyed participating in the conversations, otherwise you wouldn't have spoken up from time to time. You are human just like the rest of us and you have feelings and opinions. The discussions here have been very controversial at must have felt interested in them and I can understand that you enjoyed being a part of it. I not only apologize to you, I apologize to my fellow readers/contributors in these discussions. By now I realize I have made a mistake by doing what I did, because there was an immediate lull in discussions. I feel responsible for this reluctance. I hope you will come back and give it another try. You are missed!
By Patrick ( - on Thursday, April 20, 2000 - 11:42 am: |
Mr. Webmaster: I will get together with my inner circle of friends and brainstorm to see what we can come up with as proposals to give to you.
By Webmaster on Thursday, April 20, 2000 - 02:15 am: |
I really do not know of any specific sites, but I can create an area here, if you and others tell me what you want in it.
By Patrick ( - on Thursday, April 20, 2000 - 01:17 am: |
Mr. Webmaster: Can you help me. Is there an national directory or listing of social organizations, social clubs, conferences, support groups etc for interracial (IR) couples (more specifically black men and white women) to contact each other. I think such a network will surprise you on the numbers of couples dating and married out there. Maybe you can be the spearhead for such an organization(s) if none exist thru this web site. Please respond.
By MindStraight ( - on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 - 06:33 pm: |
i also want to know where is the support for white men/black women who are against IR. (Dont mention KKK or skinheads. i dont consider that support)
By MindStraight ( - on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 - 06:31 pm: |
And might I add the webmaster was kind enough to create topics for white men/ black women, but coversations like "Black men and White Girls" kep showing up under "white Mans opinon". Anon, Ill ask you again, do you think that white men/black women shouldnt have a voice at all?
By MindStraight ( - on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 - 06:29 pm: |
Do you belive that white men/black women shouldnt have a opnion at all or something?
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 - 06:20 pm: |
With the way things are on this website, you may as well re-name it BLACK WOMEN/WHITE MEN. They came on the website and you have allowed them to stay here by creating topics where they can voice their viewpoints. They didn't stay in those areas though. No, they have gone into EVERY TOPIC on this site and now well over 50% of the discussion on this site is about THEIR ISSUES. Whatever your intent and purpose WAS for this website, it hasn't happened here. Why have you allowed this SUPPORT FOR WHITE WOMEN AND BLACK MEN website to be turned into a podium for black women and white men to push their issues? What kind of support is that for WHITE WOMEN AND BLACK MEN? The Title of this website is very deceiving. Once you start reading it you realize very quickly it's NOT A "SUPPORT" site at all. It is a DEBATE site and a major disappointment as far as support is concerned.
By Webmaster on Tuesday, April 18, 2000 - 11:43 am: |
Anonymous ( -
Sorry for the delay. The personals are back.
There was no sabatage. Just lost data that had to be restored, and that has been done.
As far as people coming to this site and trying to push their own agenda. That issue is being dealt with. But there is a fine line between censorship, and moderating. Takes time.
By Anonymous ( - on Thursday, April 13, 2000 - 11:01 pm: |
What is happening to this site. It seems like now it's populated with vindictive black women who get pleasure out of being argumentative and spewing out insensitive remarks. What happen to the personal ads? Was it sabataged? Thank you Mr. Webmaster for providing a unique service
By MindStraight ( - on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 - 05:52 pm: |
Ever mentioned in the media webmaster? Comon!! They are mentioned in movies (example, Jungle fever), and on TV shows, and what erks me is that most of these are based on a sterotype and a fad. i quote myself, i said most, not all. Plus, i am tired of being negativitly sterotyped because i am a white man. White females assume that since I am white, i am not very good in ___. Some white females are not like that, but some are, and i am tired of it. i am also angred by the fact people these days thinks it is ok to sterotype white men/black women.
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 - 11:48 am: |
It is very good to hear what you have to say. To those of us the website was intended for (White Women/Black Men) it means a lot to know that you care what is going on here. You take the time to let everyone know you are protecting the intent and purpose of this site...a place where white women and black men may come together to communicate their feelings, opinions and experiences in life. It is NOT the place of others who do NOT fit into the above category to visit this website to debate anything about it, or the contents thereof. Afterall, it is a SUPPORT WEBSITE FOR WHITE WOMEN AND BLACK MEN. Many thanks!
By Anonymous ( - on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 - 09:20 am: |
I have to say, Webmaster. You make a very, very good point! Touche'
By Webmaster on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 - 02:08 am: |
Why must there be a singling out of black men - white women relationships for scrutiny?
As someone pointed out in another post on this site, white men - black women relationships are hardly, if ever, mentioned in the popular media or scrutinized.
And what about Italians who date or marry Irish, or Germans who date or marry French? Each of these groups have distinct cultures, customs, and traditions. Yet, none of these groups worry about losing their heritage or identity through mixing. Why don't people get upset when individuals in any of these groups mix?
Take a country like Haiti, Cuba, or Jamaica, where most citizens share the same culture, customs, and beliefs. If you mix black men and white women, people have a problem. Yet neither the black man, or the white woman, is losing his or her identity, because they share the same culture.
So what if some black men and white women are getting together for "the wrong reasons". Many black men and black women, white men and white women, get together for the wrong reasons as well. Be it over money, career, sex, co-dependency, religion, children, jealously, drugs, "they are easy", stereotypes - like "blondes have more fun", etc.
Why single out black men and white women, who choose to date or marry one another, for scrutiny?
By MindStraight ( - on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 - 11:10 pm: |
Ok, To get the fact, i am not a rasist person. What I do not like is when people interracially date because of sterotypes or some sort of fad, and sadly, some white women do this. i am not saying all of them do. It justs irratiates me when i read when a black man goes after white women because "they are easy" or white women go to black men because of the sterotype that i have mentioned so many times before. And I just want to know why some white females belive the myths and only date interracially for those reasons and leave us white men disappoined, and angry
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 - 08:52 pm: |
Mr. Webmaster, sir,
Again I totally disagree. Where else would a person who has issues and want to understand something go? They go where discussions are taking place with the people involved in the activity they're against, to ask them questions and maybe to increase their understanding? Why would he want to go to an obviously racist website and listen to someone who's not only against interracial relationships but also feels black people are lower than monkeys? Again, come on!
He can get on this website and ask questions of the people actually involved or interested in dating interracially because it's safe and anonymous. That's the beauty of the internet. Like I said before, he hasn't been disrespectful. If he had been, it would surely have been an indication that he was a racist.
Personally, I think he's been one of the most honest, although irritating, people on this website. And, I think some people have probably learned something here, maybe even him. People who date and have interracial relationships don't live in a vaccuum or alone in the world. It's good to know the obstacles and hear the viewpoints of people who are against these type relationships and why. Dialogue and sometimes fighting increases understanding.
I'm a black woman, and I promise I will not intefere with any dialogue between black men and white women. But, I am curious as to what they talk about and how they get to know each other and some of the issues they have in common. It's a learning thing, and in the final analysis, it all boils down, probably, to these relationships not being any different than any other type relationship. There are good ones and there are bad ones.
By Webmaster on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 - 06:36 pm: |
Anonymous (
I am not insinuating Mindstraight is a racist at all. I think there is a good possibility that he is, but he has never backed up any of his "I don't like this" or "I don't like that" with any facts. So whose to say for sure.
He made a request as to where he can find information on the web supporting his point of view. I simply gave him some keywords whereby he can find discussions, against interracial relationships, on the web.
I know for a fact that many KKK, skinhead, and white supremacist sites have all sorts of information and "facts" on why they feel interracial dating/marraige is wrong.
Is it not hypocritical to say that people should stick to their own kind, and then "mix" with people on an interracial website?
What he sees may reinforce his views, or cause him to renounce them. But if he is a racist, then he should be the best racist he can be and head off to greener "or whiter" pastures.
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 - 06:09 pm: |
I'm sorry, but it's not right insinuating that Mindstraight is a racist just because he doesn't agree with interracial relationships. Come on! You're too intelligent for that. Should I call you racist because you've set up a website touting and encouraging interracial dating with white women and don't do the same for black women. Huh?
Although, I'm tired of hearing from Mindstraight, I think he unfortunately speaks for a lot of white men who are insecure, maybe very young, shy with women, or who just have problems, period. I don't think he's been disrespectful or called women names like some of the white women who have come to this site. Overall, I sympathize with Mindstraight and wish he would just get off the internet and start going out more often. Maybe then he'll find a nice white woman.
Good Luck, Mindstraight!
By Rocky ( - on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 - 04:44 pm: |
amen again, lol
By Webmaster on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 - 04:03 pm: |
Pull up any search engine, like and put in the keywords "interracial dating" and you should be able to find discussion areas.
If that isn't strong enough for you, use keywords like "white supremacists", "kkk", "skinheads", and you'll find many who think along the same lines as you.
By Rocky ( - on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 10:28 pm: |
By Anonymous ( - on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 09:35 pm: |
This is just another example of immaturity and jealousy among women. This site is not a battle ground, it is a way for ADULTS to educate eachother on feeling about interracial relationships. Negitive opinions are going to do nothing, your negitivity will not keep black men and white women from being together so whats your point???
By MindStraight ( - on Monday, April 10, 2000 - 12:41 am: |
also, webmaster, i want to know where those websites are that are disagreeing interracial relationships, and hwere people can speak up against it. i cant find them, seriously.
By MindStraight ( - on Sunday, April 9, 2000 - 11:21 pm: |
I think its unfair that white mens opinions or white men themseleves are not thought of by white women.
By Webmaster on Sunday, April 9, 2000 - 05:52 pm: |
TO: Anonymous ( -
First, I have restricted access to people on both sides, from various areas on this site.
Second, you and a few others are missing the point of what this site is about. The purpose of which has not changed since day one.
Here is a quote from the security page:
In other words, this site is primarily a support site on the topic, not a site to debate the rightness or wrongness of it. This site has a very specific name and purpose to make sure there is no confusion as to what it is about.
Whether or not you agree with the reasons black men or white women come to this site, it is not your job (or anyone elses, including me), or your commission (or anyone elses, including me), to "save" them.
I've already received dozens of emails from people who are upset that they have to spend most of thier time defending what is the defacto reason this site exists.
I think I've been more than tolerant of everyone's views. Even so much as to create TOPICS just for certain groups who wish to voice their opinion. However, these individuals still insist on posting inappropriate messages in the wrong areas.
Therefore, I've been temporarily banning those who are consistently and persistently working to undermine the goals and purpose of this site.
By Anonymous ( - on Sunday, April 9, 2000 - 01:30 pm: |
Oh, aren't we touchy, touchy! You sound like someone who's deperate and frustrated and can't get any.
Sorry, if you feel black women and white men are preventing you from true satisfaction and happiness. LOLOL!
By One Who Cares ( - on Sunday, April 9, 2000 - 11:51 am: |
As I stated in Steretypes and the Security Page. No one here cares what a black woman and white man have to say, so go someplace else to moan.
By Anonymous ( - on Sunday, April 9, 2000 - 11:26 am: |
You have the chat rooms, don't you? You can talk and pick up each other all you want.
Don't make excuses for black men and white women not getting together on this site.
You've talked more to me and other black women on this site than black men. It's very obvious you have a problem with black women. Were not preventing you from getting your freak on, if that's what you want. This is a free country.
But, as a black woman, if you don't want us around, don't talk and degrade us. I will not put up with it! Now, I know the webmaster is a black man, and its too bad he hasn't ALSO eliminated the negative degrading posts regarding black women. After all his mother, aunts, and sisters, if he has any are black. I just don't get black men! I think it's very sad!
But, you and he have every right to do what you're doing. And, of the 30,000 people who visit this website, why aren't there more black men coming forward. Black women have never stopped them before from getting white women, why now? It's just YOUR excuse. Maybe, they've taken a look at the white women on this site and don't like what they see. So far the most intelligent, feisty, interesting, and HONEST women have been the black ones. They seem to be able to talk about more than how great white women are!
But, last I looked this is a free country, and there is the 1st amendment where free speech is everyone's right. If you know something different please enlighten us with your raving intelligence!
By One Who Cares ( - on Sunday, April 9, 2000 - 11:10 am: |
PS - You haven't done your homework. There are several black men and white women writing on this website and if black women and white men would leave it alone (since it's not their site anyway), other white women and black men would contribute. Take a look at the amount of people who visit the website...presently over 30,000. Few white women and black men will even try to communicate in the discussion area, because there has been so much negativity here. From the moment a person starts reading the website it is obvious that black women and white men are trying to ruin it for the white women and black men, because of their bad attitudes, prejudices, insecurities and jealousies. The Webmaster could not possibly expect this site to be a success if this behavior is allowed to continue.
By One Who Cares ( - on Sunday, April 9, 2000 - 10:48 am: |
Lady you are sadly mistaken. Not once have I ever made a racist comment on this site. It's very likely you have me confused with some other person who has written on this site before, but I can assure you it was NOT me. I just feel that black women and white men have no place on this site and that is why I made an inquiry to the Webmaster to find out why their INTRUSION is tolerated on this website. No one invited you here and the site is SPECIFICALLY FOR WHITE WOMEN AND BLACK MEN. You guys are crashing the party. Whatever comments white women and black men make between them is none of your business and you are nosing into their conversations. Perhaps you need a website of your own where you can gripe all you want, but black women and white men really have no business being on this site at all. Black women and white men came on this website and INTRUDED into an area that doesn't belong to them.
By Anonymous ( - on Saturday, April 8, 2000 - 11:41 pm: |
Oh, yeah,
So what are you going to do about all the black women who come to this site. Have more hissy fits about it? You need to grow up, and not tell people to shut up, unless you are willing to back that up with some action. It is up to the webmaster to make these decisions, not you, miss thang! So, go back to playing with your crayons!
And, I have read some of your racist comments toward black women. And, yet you profess to "love" black men. I sincerely doubt that. Or, you wouldn't see black women as your enemy or a threat to your happiness. If you're racist toward black women, you're the same way with black men. The only difference is that you're willing to have sex with the men! Boy, that sure makes you less racist doesn't it? NOT!
By One Who Cares ( - on Saturday, April 8, 2000 - 11:18 pm: |
I was not directing my questions and comments to you, so kindly mind your own business. FYI, I have not made negative comments about black women..but I realize they do not belong on this website, nor do white men. IT IS FOR WHITE WOMEN AND BLACK MEN. Do not tell me to shut up, because I have asked the Webmaster a question. Go find your own website...this one is ours.
By Anonymous ( - on Saturday, April 8, 2000 - 08:08 pm: |
Who died and made you boss?
So far the only ones on this site are white women and a few black ones. You wouldn't have black women on this site at all if black men and white women hadn't made such negative, derogaratory comments about them. Go back and look at the some of the posts. If this is a site for black men and white women, then your conversations SHOULD NOT include black women. You've in essence, YOURSELVES, made black women part of the conversation. So if you don't want us here ignore us, and don't say anything else about us and you shouldn't have a problem.
So, if you would just shut your trap you wouldn't have any problems, and you white women and black men can talk and screw each other until the cows come home!
By One Who Cares ( - on Saturday, April 8, 2000 - 06:13 pm: |
Since this is supposed to be a SUPPORT WEBSITE FOR WHITE WOMEN AND BLACK MEN, why are black women and white men writing on this website? There is an area on this site for their opinions..and it's always negative (never the least bit supportive), so why have an area for their messages anyway? Maybe there should be a website for them to gripe, so they'll leave the SUPPORT WEBSITE alone. White women and black men would like to communicate in peace, but the black women and white men make that very difficult for them to do so. Thank you for your support.
By Anonymous ( - on Saturday, April 8, 2000 - 02:43 pm: |
I also think that should go for the white women on the site who use profanity and call black women names. Let's be at least fair about it!
By Webmaster on Saturday, April 8, 2000 - 09:59 am: |
Someone Who Cares:
I've added a link to the security page with a list of those who have been banned, what areas they've been banned from, for what reason, and for how long.
Anyone who finds themselves blocked from a particular area on this site, can go this page as well, unless they've been blocked entirely.
By Someone Who Cares ( - on Saturday, April 8, 2000 - 08:08 am: |
There is a person who writes on this site by the name of Jessica who goes out of her way to be derogatory to everyone and constantly argues about everything. She sounds like a black woman who has it in for white women and black men who date and says nasty things about both parties. There is never a supportive remark made by her in regard to the true purpose of this website. She uses several names when she writes (another being Daryl), but always comes out with the same sort of garbage. Can't you get rid of this kind of behavior on this site? Thank you for your time.
By Webmaster on Friday, April 7, 2000 - 07:40 pm: |
If you notice that little number by your "name" you will see that the first few blocks always stay the same and only the last block, and possibly the last two blocks, will change. That is called a dynamic IP. If it never changes, you have a static IP.
Your school has access to the range through To block the entire range of addresses from any computer at your school, one would simply have to block 209.115.
Anyone starting out with those 1st two blocks would be blocked from entering.
If the situation were to get further out of hand, the DNS for that block of IP's your school uses is handled by Fiber Network Solutions, Inc. The administrator, who one would direct complaints to, is Todd Stroup. I have his phone and e-mail address.
Public access machines are the easiest to track. You simply supply the network admin with an IP address and time, for example at 9:08 am, and they simply check thier log to see who was logged in on that machine using that IP at that time.
I've banned individuals on both sides. Some permanently, and others for a set amount of time - depending on whether or not they've contributed anything positive at all.
By Neo-Nubian ( - on Friday, April 7, 2000 - 07:12 pm: |
What is this nonsense about black men dating white women hurting white men and black women. I was visiting a site last nite devoted to interracial dating and there were several black women who were dating or married to white men. Stop pretending like it doesn't happen. The fact is white men find black women just as attractive as they do white women. Many of my white male friends have gone nuts over some of the black women that I have dated. Why? Not because they were black, but because they were gorgeous inside and out. So let's stop "frontin'" people.
By Rocky ( - on Friday, April 7, 2000 - 06:52 pm: |
Geez mindstraight, how many times have YOU been burned?
By MindStraight ( - on Friday, April 7, 2000 - 04:39 pm: |
well Anon, most of the time black women are just standing up for what they think is right. yes, interraciall dating does harm black women and white men. I just wish that white women respected their white men more, and show us love.
By Rocky ( - on Friday, April 7, 2000 - 10:46 am: |
What exactly did you say about white women?
By Anonymous ( - on Friday, April 7, 2000 - 09:08 am: |
I think it's a damn shame that black women on this site can say whatever disrespectful thing they please, and you do nothing about it. I think its even a greater shame that when someone defends white women, you make it so they are blacked from entering the site. In all honesty, I believe you are a black women, because only a jealous black woman would do that type of thing. I might also let you know, that the computers I use are at my school, therefore a lot of people use them. I have access to as many computers as I please, so your attempts to deny me of my freedom of speech are no good!!!!