By Kansascity ( on Thursday, April 12, 2001 - 11:45 pm: |
This post if for the multiracial people, allot of them are children who read this message board. Go for IT: Create your own racial categories because their are people on this board, country and elsewhere who want to deny your existence, your right to be born and live, and denigrate the parents who came together to create you. Stand up, be counted, start your own politics (just as long as it is not the politics of hate, separatism and Marxism etc.).
Multiracial, Biracial is BEAUTIFUL! Remember people when it use to be said back in 'the day' that "I'm black and I'm proud"? Well, it is time for the 'mixed children of this world to stand up and say "I am MIXED and I AM PROUD" And do not forget to think it, say it, believe it: "I AM SOMEBODY!"
By Webmaster ( on Wednesday, July 12, 2000 - 08:52 pm: |
I took a look. Thanks for the addition!
If you come across any resources, or have a compilation of resources, please email them to me?
By Mindkandy ( on Wednesday, July 12, 2000 - 09:10 am: |
By Webmaster ( on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 02:25 pm: |
Yes, please do. Go ahead and submit whatever description you deem appropriate and send me the link?
Thanks a lot!
By Mindkandy ( on Monday, July 10, 2000 - 07:57 am: |
Hello Webmaster. I wanted to know if you would be okay with me submitting your site to the website
This site hosts and features a lot of interracial related links as well as resources. They have several categories of content. One of them is "singles groups". Any viewer of this site can submit a page that they deem appropriate in inclusion under any one of the race-related categories mentioned. So I thought to add this site along with some others because I feel that more exposure would be great.
Along with my submission of your site...there needs to be a short, brief but informing description of the site submitted which will be used to be the summary under the site's name and link if published. If you would not mind me submitting this site, I was also wondering if there would be any particular description that that you would like to go along with the submission. I could copy and paste it instead of using my own description within the submission process.
By proud black woman ( - on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 05:59 pm: |
Yes, kudos to you and your loved ones. But, many of us have the same story to tell, including myself.
And, I agree, black people aren't monolithic and shouldn't feel OBLIGATED to help other black people. For example, I've argued with more than one black person who says Oprah should do more. My point is that she does something. To some it may not be a lot but it is something. I would think a man with your background and who has traveled far would be WILLING, and not feel OBLIGATED to help others like himself along the way. You know what they say, you should never forget where you come from, or you'll never know where you're going! In my mind, I could never be a truly successful person without making some tangible contribution to my people. It's not like we don't need it! Anyway, much success to you. I love it when a black person becomes succesful in their pursuits. I may not always agree, but I will always support them, no matter what. Good luck!
By Webmaster on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 04:32 pm: |
Proud Black Woman,
You say that I could definitely make a difference. That I evidently don't think so. And, that is what bothers you most.
Well, I too am truly bothered that you feel this way. I am not going to confirm or deny that I've done anything at all for the black community, because I'd like to make this point.
It reminds me of the old Soviet system where they would say, you would be a good engineer, and you would be a good doctor, to help the cause.
It bothers me that many people, both black and other, see blacks as a monolithic group following a few select leaders.
I like to see blacks differing on views, from the confederate flag issue, to affirmative action. A group of thinking, intelligent, independent human beings who happen to share the same skin color, and the difficulties that come with it.
My father worked all his life way into his 70's as a garage attendant, among other odd jobs. He always left way early in the morning before I woke up, and came home around 6 or 7 at night. He fixed cars for people on the side for pocket money. My mother worked as a maid. At his funeral, my sister put in his obituary that he was a mechanic by trade, because she was ashamed.
I've always had new toys at Christmas, wore nice clean clothes, ate well, and got help paying for college.
I'd always see him in work clothes. He never owned a new car, until we purchased him one a year before he died of cancer, and really could not use it much. Many times at Christmas he got socks, cheap cologne, a tie/handkerchief, or nothing at all. I've never heard him complain.
Not once.
To me, that is making a difference.
By ANON ( - on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 03:27 pm: |
How does a black woman react when a black man who dated white woman now wants to date her? or how about when this black woman is in the vicinity of a black man with his white woman, like being at the grocery store, or where have you, the black man is coming on to this black woman through eye contacts and innuendos. He makes it a point to get close to this black woman even though his white woman is with him. Or you have, a black man who puts his head down when this black woman passes him and his white woman. Also, what do you think of a black man, who this very same black woman broke up with him because of his dependency on drugs and his disrespect to his mother (and you know how the saying goes about how a man treats his mother) initiated this black woman to break up with him and find a man who is more respectful to woman period. What does that say about the man she had to break up with and what does that say about her? Keep in mind the same black man she broke up with went to a white woman, with his disrespectful ways to woman and drug ridden tendencies still in tact. Why is it, this black woman attracts the black men that want her but will date white women, only if this black woman doesn't maker herself available. If she makes herself available, this type of black men won't even approach a white woman for a relationship.
Can someone please answer, what do you think of this black woman and the type of black men she attracts?
By Webmaster on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 02:52 pm: |
In the long run? That should be the least of your worries.
Cloning is old news. Genetically engineered food is old news.
We live in exciting times, but the best and worse is yet to come. Let me tell you about the long run.
Computer power has been doubling every 18 months. With the power of computers it is believed the detailed molecular structure of each of the roughly 100,000 human genes should be completely mapped out by around 2005.
So you're in luck! Scientists will be able to re-engineer the way humans look to counteract this horrid race mixing. Unfortunately, they will also be able to genetically mix completely different species - which will make race mixing look saintly.
Just recently, genetic engineers have combined a human cell with microscopic electric wires, and are able to control the cell electronically. Larger objects built of these components are commonly known as Cyborgs.
Scientists believe that in our galaxy alone, there are approximately 10,000 planets, out of roughly 200 billion, that are earth-like and teaming with alien life.
Spaceships powered by nuclear rockets, ion engines, rail guns, and solar sails are on the drawing board. Capable of reaching these distant stars.
And you are worried about black men and white women getting together?
By proud black woman ( - on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 02:33 pm: |
You've dated black women which is very comendable. But, do you have any websites involving black men and black women
relationships? Do you think black people have it together enough in their own sometimes dysfunctional relationships to venture out into interracial ones? Or are interracial relationships the answer? Why is it so important to set up websites for the advancement of interracial relationships when black relationships are so in trouble, and as a result black people and their children are suffering. Aren't you putting the carriage before the horse? While I have nothing against you or this website or interracial relationships. (Please read post below.) It's too bad that an intelligent black man like yourself isn't working toward the betterment and advancement of his people and their relationships which is very needed. You could definitely make a difference. But, you evidently don't think so. And, that I think is what bothers me most.
By proud black woman ( - on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 02:12 pm: |
You indeed come across as a very wise and intelligent man, and I'm a black woman. You must understand that not all black women are against interracial relationships between black men and white women. Only if there is hate spewed at us should black women get upset in my opinion. Unfortunately, that is happening a lot too often over the web. But, in the end, we all have to live our own lives and make our own mistakes and hopefully learn by them.
By ANON ( - on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 09:30 am: |
Thank you for answering me.
You are a fine man, it is apparent you have a true understanding of people and keep yourself true to you.
By WhiteMan ( - on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 09:25 am: |
yes but dont you know you are helping hurting white men in the long run?
By Webmaster on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 02:06 am: |
Anon -
You ask how do I benefit from this site, and what does it do for me personally, as a black man.
The question is moot.
I have no hidden agenda. And the benefits are probably not what you'd think they would be.
I do not like to discuss my personal life, but perhaps it is relevant, in some cases, to help some visitors understand the origins and intent of this website. Especially those who take offense, or are asking "what the hell is going on here?."
I am a black male. I have a company that owns, runs, and maintains numerous websites, of which this is one. There are numerous individuals involved (of all races) in the maintenance of these sites, but I primarily handle the webmaster duties here.
I've dated women of all races. I do not know if I have a preference, because I've fallen deeply in love with black, white, and spanish women, so far... There is a certain type that I am attracted to.
Percentage wise, I've probably dated more white females than any other race. As far as serious relationships go, I have dated a Mexican woman (1st love), a white woman (7 years), and a black woman (3 years).
I've found the dynamics of the relationships to be pretty much the same - the age old male/female thing. The biggest differences in women I meet, usually stem from the way they were brought up, their personalities, their outlook on life, and their smarts.
So why the website?
It is not easy to step across cultural or racial boundaries and possibly meet someone who may be just right for you. If you meet someone at work, at a club, or online - of a different race - you have no idea what prejudices or steroetypes that individual harbors, and it sometimes leads to an unpleasant experience.
In an ideal world, people should "not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character" - MLK.
We do not live in an ideal world. But those who dream of living in an ideal world should not change the content of their character to reflect the world as it is now.
We need more websites like:
And when these sites start losing traffic to, things will get better.
But for now...
This website is simply a place, where one subset of the human race - white women and black men - can step across those boundaries and judge one another on character, not skin.
By ANON ( - on Monday, March 13, 2000 - 02:38 pm: |
How do you benefit from having this site? and what does it do for your personally as a Black Man?