By Derrick ( on Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 06:25 pm:


You're history son!!!

By Rashad ( on Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 04:59 pm:


By Anonymous ( on Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 01:49 pm:

I don't know, but I do know that Martin Luther King was beating hate when he was getting it on with the white women!!

By Derrick ( on Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 12:44 pm:


By London ( on Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 10:38 am:


Love will always beat hate.

I know you will understand this.

By Derrick ( on Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 08:37 am:


By Roberto ( on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 04:46 pm:

Erma, Derrick/Rashad:

You mean your God is Satan with demons as your angels. May our God restore your soul. ~ Roberto

By Derrick ( on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 04:40 pm:


By Anon2000 ( on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 01:43 pm:

oh let's see, that must be the same God that I follow - JAH RASTAFARI!

deal with it!

By Rashad ( on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 09:43 am:


By Spade ( on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 10:10 pm:

Stupid Girl aka Erma aka Rashad aka Derrick,


So you want to know how we can say "God" and "fuck" in the same sentence, huh? God wants us to be doing what we're doing, son. God wants us to unite his people. He wants us to preach the truth. And he never tld us to preach it nicely or with clean language, just to preach it. Sometimes using forceful language is the only way to make things clear to the enslaved mind.

(LOL!!!!) Let me get this right, your god sent you as a black woman to a site for black men and white women under the disguise of two black men who swear and say Amen in the same sentence????? This god wouldn't also be known as having horns on his head and holding a pitch fork would he?

-The Spade-

By Mad_scientist ( on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 01:58 pm:

For your information, my "religion" is called secular humanism.

By Rashad ( on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 11:04 am:


By Derrick ( on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 09:14 pm:


By Hectorvelasquez ( on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 04:16 pm:

"No part of maturing will teach me to sleep with women who can't give me black kids, can't relate to my "black self", or who's association with will label me a SELLOUT in my own community."

Part of maturing is acting without fear of ridicule from one's community and acting independently regardless of whether one will be thought of as a sellout or whatever. Oh that's right, individual independence is not an African value and one should do whatever other pro-Africa people are doing that the time, even if they have never been to Africa.

By Derrick ( on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 04:01 pm:


By Anon2000 ( on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 11:15 am:

young derrick,
you said, "God wants us to unite his people." FYI, we're all "God's people". If you don't believe that, may God have mercy on your soul.

you're obviously young, zealous and wet behind the ears (hey, we've all been there), but young man, you have much growing up to do. please do so and come back here in 20 years.

By Derrick ( on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 09:34 am:


By Spade ( on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 04:39 pm:

Derrick the Rashad,

(grins) Its so very interesting how you completely turn the scriptures of God to meet your man made definitions. Saying things like "God speed" and "God Bless" reminded me of the biblical issue I had forgotten to address as pertains to you and your so called twin brother. (laughs) In any event, I still find it amusing how you moderate your writings to a degree when under particular topics to the webmaster whereas any other time your post would we loaded with racial slurs and profanity. Granted you done a bit of that already on under this topic but not as much as you usually do. (laughs) But lets get back on this issue of spirituality. I don't know about your black man's bible but my bible doesn't condone profanity. My bible also doesn't teach racism it teaches against racism which is why you quote it as being a white man's tool. But its very interesting that racist white people do the exact same thing when scriptures of the bible are mentioned. They claim it is a tool of the negro to bring down the white man. (laughs) And here you are on the opposite side claiming its the tool of the white man to bring down the black man. Well, at least you agree with your white adversaries that the bible as it is written doesn't help your cause. And why should it? It was inspired by God not men and though some have distorted its meaning with the factions of many religions (Babylon the Great) such was already fortold. In fact everytime this kind of discussion is raised against a racist person their first act is to discredit the word of God by any means because it stands as a paramount obstacle for their ideals. Once this is done they give what they deem is the truth and how the word of God should have been written or give theories as to the way it was written before it was tainted. Once this is accomplished, they are ready to rush in with writings and sayings of men to justify their version of the "truth." However, the fact that both opposing racist views of white and black people also oppose the bible because it supposedly is a means to help the other adversary in racial exploits still holds true. The bible itself has already spoken of those that will use the name of God as a means for their own benefit and that prophetic design holds true even more so now. Oh, how easy it would be to say God was white and Jesus was white to help suit bias motives or to say God is black and so is Jesus to do the same, when the truth is God is beyond color and has always been. Your imperfection as a human being and as a so called spiritual follower of your Black God offers little to be desired to your faith. You should stick to books and movies which help support your views and leave the name of God out your comments. But since you don't, I'll be more then willing to show you why you should, son. (smirks)This should be interesting.

-The Spade-

By Hectorvelasquez ( on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 01:59 pm:

Derrick/Rashad you have proved nothing but how backward, ignorant, and unenlightened you are. Your views are actually a detriment to black empowerment.

By Roberto ( on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 11:34 am:

The true ugliness rest in you my friend. The ugliness of your hate. I wish that whatever liquidates you from this world, is will be swift and unmerciful.

By Roberto ( on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 11:14 am:

I enjoy being the sellout. I enjoy being the underdog to protect my woman. Thousands will agree with me. ~ Roberto

By Derrick ( on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 10:49 am:


By Roberto ( on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 10:35 am:

Rashad the terrible:

Up to this point you have said one thing I agree with, "So fiercely fight to protect your way of life and to keep your beliefs guarded". There are many black men who cherish and adore their white female mates. They will do as you said. You threaten their women or their children, you will meet a hell unlike any you have ever experience. You see RTT (Rashad the Terrible), there are things in this world worth dying for. Our women and children are worth dying for, no questions about it. ~ Roberto

By Rashad ( on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 09:13 am:


By Crimson ( on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 02:34 am:

Please..... *Laughs hard* Don't ban the Jurid Shamma Gramu Habeeb Domar...also known as Derrick or Rashad...He is way too funny.Everyone needs a good laugh,why not have them laugh at an ignorant racial bigot such as "Derrick the Jester of Lamma sense"


By Ladylily ( on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 05:55 am:


You don't know me, but I have written here on occasion. FYI...the Webmaster is not a white man...he is a gorgeous black man in his thirties. I have spoken with him several times and I have seen his photo. In addition, he is intelligent, kind, understanding and generous. If this were not so, he would not have the graciousness to tolerate you and Rashad up to this point. However, he will tire of your agenda on his site soon enough.

Life is too short to spend your time debating interracial issues. Get out there and live...do something with your life to be productive, then you won't spend your time worrying who other people chose to date and marry.

Time to get Christmas breakfast going for friends and family arriving early. In the true meaning of this holy day, I wish you a Merry Christmas.

By Crimson ( on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 08:01 pm:

Oh don't ban Derrick the X-Rashad just yet.* Laughs * I am not quite finished chewing on his racism.


By Spade ( on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 05:49 pm:

Derrick the Rashad,

Awwww, look at Derrick (aka Rashad) talk to himself again. What's wrong Derrick? You were beseeching the webmaster to give you continued access but Hector's post may have you scared...well, at least one of your personalities scared anyway. Hmmmm...I wonder what you'll have Rashad the Derrick write? I hope you don't have him curse this time, he's suppose to be the benevolent one remember? Come on son, get it right this time.

-The Spade-

By Derrick ( on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 05:35 pm:


By Hectorvelasquez ( on Sunday, December 24, 2000 - 02:50 pm:

I know you get really busy around here and I know the holidays are here, but we have some new friends here named Derrick and Rashad.

Here is an example of one of their posts.

This poem is dedicated to those who know the truth:


dear mr & mrs united states or greetings to you all of america
you in your comfortable all white or all american
neighborhood, suburb, township
have you finished having your ball at third world's expense?
have you taken everything for what it was worth
including this retribution?
dear mr & mrs america of yesterday and today for there is no more guarantee of your
tommorow. that's why you and insects long for
yesterday when, for you, crime did pay
are you ready to go? are you sick and tired of it all?
your game is over. you lost!
i greet you with a quick death in your home of the depraved land of the white free
the third world has let you show your bloodstained
hands physical, mentally guilty.
your time is up...the knock on your door is...death. death comes to you america
death cannot be prevented. you are going to die white girl. you are going to die
white boy. you are going to die white man. you are going to die white woman. you are all
going to die. negro man, with your individual money getting plan, you are going to die.
death is here as you listen to this poem death is each word you hear. death sinks into
ears, your eyes, your asshole is full of death. your shit smells of death, sniff it!
death made your skin colorless to resemble death
negroes that lean white, love white, will have white nights of death.
guilty of robbery, exploitations, and murder/ death will get him. death is after you too.
you of the white will die this very night/ death has chosen you/ so die, die, die, die!

-Ted Joans

I know you don't check all of the messages, but you might try looking at some of their other posts to see if you deem what they are saying appropriate for this site.

Thank you,


P.S. There is also a rather vulgar and racist white women who has also started posting here, thinking she is debunking some myths she has from her own rather narrow personal experience.

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