By Ebonykowboy ( on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 04:25 am: |
Browneyes, you are beautiful in your intelligence, although that intelligence is being wasted on this Anajansi person. I believe this person to be a white woman instead of a black man, or perhaps a white woman who also uses that profile, as she referred to her "fiance not being around to defend HIMSELF" in the post you referred to when you mentioned yourself as being a black woman. I wasted alot of penstrokes before I realized that I was either dealing with an idiot or someone who likes to fan the flames of discontent. If it is a white woman as I suspect her to be, then all she has done is to succeed in causing you to vent (justifiably so considering the circumstance) against the black man. Most black men that date white women do not do so because they have negative feelings towards black women, no more so than you date white men because you view the black man negatively. Black women are our mothers and grandmothers and worthy of respect for that reason if for no other reason. If you really look at what this person is saying you will see that the comments are often contradictory. And as is the case in the Sept 25, post Anajansi often refers to "black men" in the third person. Anyway, most of us black men although our preference is to date white women, we have and hold our black women in the highest esteem and regard and would defend your name with all that we are and have.......
By Anajansi ( on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 08:15 pm: |
Ms. Browneyes I have to admit the most intelligent conversations I get are from black women because of their increased access to higher education. I wish the black males could have been programmed to have the same equal access. Black women have historically been favored for education. The black males were and are expected get a basketball or football in hand and not a diploma.
By Browneyes ( on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 11:50 am: |
Okay, never in that post did I say that it was the black male's fault for any of the problems within the community. I'm not sure if you quite understood the point I was making, but here it is again: my point is, don't be quick to point out the flaws of us as black women, when black men have got their own share of problems. Apparently, a few bad apples spoil the bunch, because even the best of black men and black women still have to deal with stereotyping and generalized comments directed to us that don't fit us individually. I do think we have it a little easier, because although we're still black, in the eyes of society, we aren't as big a threat as black males. However, so many people think all of us are on welfare, and we aren't. (actually, more whites) I never said anywhere that you all were the cause of all our problems, and before you pin the blame on us, to give you a little history lesson, a great many of the problems blacks have are a result of the enslavement and oppression of whites in past centuries. This does not give an excuse to stay in turmoil or ignorance, but black women did not cause it either. Our female ancestors suffered, were raped, dehumanized, and made to feel inferior just as our black male ancestors were, so that isn't anything we've brought upon ourselves. No one chooses to be treated that way. More and more of us these days are opting to further our education, and do well for ourselves. Historically speaking, whites (at least affluent ones) have always been afforded the best of everything, while we, thought of as 2nd class citizens, got whatever was left. Times have changed, and some of us, unfortunately, still continue to blame slavery and the 'white man' for their opression, as opposed to making what they can of their lives. In several of your posts, you always talk about other people being narrow-minded, yet you speak this 'white women are the world' rhetoric, which makes YOU just as closed minded as anyone else if you feel your life depends on nothing else. Therefore, I feel that a lot of what you speak is hypocritical. You go on to compare bm who date ww and vice versa, and fail to see that even though the wm/bw combo is rising increasingly, most bw don't want wm. Where I live, to see a bm/ww couple is almost like seeing any other couple, but to see a bw/wm couple, it's highly likely that you get looked over twice. The numbers aren't equal YET.
By Anajansi ( on Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 07:00 pm: |
Ms. Browneyes you are no doubt one of those extremely rare black women, BUT after years of being programmed by black women to believe that the average black man is no good I think its presumptous of you to say black men are the cause of all the problems in the black community when its black women who program them from birth to think less of themselves anyway. But a black woman in tow in a white man's arm will look a black man down and turn up her nose to the sky and say to herself that she has something better. PLEASE SPARE US THE VICTIM BLACK WOMAN'S NATIONAL EXCUSE THAT ITS THE BLACK MAN'S FAULT. To the apologetic black males here, stop the double talk of liking white womeen and then turn around and make excuses for black women. YOU ARE RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING AS YOU SAID:
"As a black man you should know for yourself that you (I guess you mean black men and not black women) have it alot harder in this society than we I guess you mean black women) than we do". That is why historically white men effectively used you (black women) against us and still do.
By Browneyes ( on Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 03:39 pm: |
To Anajansi-
As you read in a different board, I happen to be a black female, and I take MUCH offense to that generalized comment you made about black women. When you say 'average,' what does that constitute? My mother raised me well on her own, and because of that, I've been exposed to music and the arts, good education, and being able to speak gramatically correct English. I do not have an attitude, nor am I loud-mouthed, arrogant, greedy, or the mother of 2 kids with one on the way. Is that what you think average is, because I've heard that same garbage ad nauseum, from other black men before. I date a white man currently, but it's not because I think black men are unworthy of my time, or that I'm just too good for them. As a black man, you should know for yourself that you have it a lot harder in this society than we do. (racial profiling, false accusations, inequality in salaries, etc...) Would you not defend yourself if someone said to you, that as a black man, you have nothing better to do than smoke weed all day, screw a bunch of women leaving them pregnant and then taking off, not being able to hold a job, blaring loud rap music from your car while some other woman is taking care of you, and can never stay out of jail for more than a month at a time? The same way none of that may describe you, your assumption is not a "one size fits all" either. Before you talk about how 'emasculating' and 'ego-sapping' we are, save that opinion for those that you've come across, as opposed to all the others you know nothing about. I'm sure you've heard before that people living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, so with that being said, remember what the rest of society thinks about black men, and just black people in general. Now, I don't doubt you are very cultured and articulate, but what makes you an exception of the stereotypes and racism? People are becoming more tolerant of others with different backgrounds, but racism is still alive and well. People see your color before anything else, and will judge you on that solely before they will your credentials, so don't assume that because we're living in a more tolerant society today, that you're not subject to the same stereotypes and problems of minorities. Just as you were quick to complain about black women, a lot of black men have got their own share of this world's problems, and there are more than enough who still play on the race card. If we are such a problem, how do you explain those black men who helped contribute to the number of illegitimate children, the rampant spread of AIDS in the black community, the hustling on the streets, and the incarceration? You're no exception to stereotyping and racism because you're still black, no matter HOW intelligent you may be. Just as those people were just a number, so are we. This is not to offend, but so you'll know that I don't appreciate being subjected to generalized comments from someone who has no room to judge. Thanks.
By Cat ( on Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 04:00 am: |
You know, it's all a matter of perspective. This site is about black men liking white women and vice versa, so it's natural for you to think that there is a tremendous demand for white women, but in my experience as an attractive white woman, there are a hell of a lot of men who prefer Latin or Asian women or Black women. I notice that a lot of men really like exotic looks. It's kind of nice to hear your perspective, though. I would like to think that my "type" is in demand, but I think it's funny, though. My Latin women friends tend to get a LOT of male attention.
By Anajansi ( on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 08:46 pm: |
White women are more desirable in spirit and personal contacts. They understand fully what history has been to us black males. White women I have known tended to be more accepting rather than demeaning and "ego sapping" emasculating as it is so typical of the average black woman
By Modulis ( on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 11:38 pm: |
Keep in mind though that not all or even most WFs are highly desirable. When I say "white female" someone like Faith Hill probably pops into your mind, but most white women don't look like that at all. Our society conditions us to automatically associate white womanhood with beauty and desirability. So even not so good looking white women are often sought after by minority men. Far more look like Rosie O' Donnell than Faith Hill. Especially out in rural areas. It's a bell curve, most white females are average with very few being very attractive and very few being very unattractive. Average to average, I think the "average" white women probably looks better than the "average" of any other woman, particular when we're talking about a Mediterranean white women like an Italian, French or Spanish woman. But not all are terrific. I just got back from England, I could've probably counted on one hand all the gorgeous women I saw there. But the thing is, it's more than just their creamyish skin color and light eyes that I like, they tend to have personalities that I like more. Not all of them of course, but it's easier for me to find a WW I have lots in common with than a black, hispanic or especially Asian woman.
By Anajansi ( on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 10:47 pm: |
Lust for them, correction, they have a lust for me. Can you imagine the fight over that dwindling group of white females at the end of this century.
By Modulis ( on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 10:42 pm: |
Of course there will be a shortage. Like anything in high demand. White supremacists know this, which is why they are so fiercely hostile to interracial marraige. They say by the middle of this century whites will be a minority. By the end of the century they probably won't even exist. So that should answer your question. By the way, seeing some of your posts here, you seem to have a lust for white women that borders on the pathological. I mean dude, I kinda dig white chics myself, but I'm not gonna lose my mind over them either.
As to immigrant men, it's a mixed bag, many of them are tradition and would rather have someone from their background, especially those from eastern cultures.
By Anajansi ( on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 09:26 pm: |
There is a tremendous demand for white females in this country. This is especially true from the great demand for white women from the increasing number of immigrant men and native born non-white men. Will there ever be a shortage of white women in this century since they are the women of choice in the world?