By Cma ( on Monday, June 4, 2001 - 08:25 pm: |
I've never heard the term "trixies" but I know just the type of woman you're talking about. Yeah, forget those sorority girls, they're wack. They're too shallow to ever understand a BM.
By Sabbadoo32 ( on Monday, June 4, 2001 - 07:12 pm: |
Your characterization is on the money. I live in Rogers Park, a well-recognized bohemian outpost. IR in my 'hoodie can be Puerto Rican and Jamaican, or East European and Muslim. It is a wonderful mix of races and nationalities. I love it.
In other neighborhoods, IR need not apply. Some South Side/South Suburban neighborhoods are very resistant to IR couples as well as other races, period. The North Side is much more tolerant. The northern suburbs are super affluent, so resistance to IR is more class- than race-based (in my opinion).
Good neighborhoods: Rogers Park, Evanston, Skokie, Uptown, Lincoln Park, Gold Coast, Wicker Park, Ukranian Village, Andersonville, Hyde Park, Oak Park, Lakeview, among others.
Bad neighborhoods: Bridgeport, any predominately white south suburb or south side blue-collar white neighborhood.
Is there an area of this city where IR couples tend to get mugged, etc.? No, you can get mugged anywhere in Chicago, IR or not.
I do my socializing downtown, in the Gold Coast, Lincoln Park, Evanston, Wicker Park–all places where there is a good mix of races. My circle of friends include Thais, Mexicans, Spainairds, Japaneese, Hispanics, Puerto Ricans, Iranians, Irish, Brits, Aussies, and good old-fashioned Black and White people.
Socially, if there are 100 people in a room, you can bet the farm on at least 3 IR couples or mixed groups of 3 or more. You see more at the larger of the neighborhood festivals and especially at the Taste of Chicago. You see many more at the big dance clubs.
Women are not initially over aggressive, but they have those wonderful ways of letting you know they are interested. I sense that women here over the age of 27, and under 21 are more open to IR. There are women here known as "Trixies." Trixies are the classic post-college sorority, pampered, smart but shallow, whiny, twenty-something husband-hunters. No IR with the Trixies.
As far as women under 21, if I go by what I see happening with some of the college kids I see, everyone will be dating everyone in 10 years.
By Cma ( on Monday, June 4, 2001 - 04:07 pm: |
Sabaddoo, how is Chicago for IR couples? The opinions I've heard are pretty mixed.(no pun intended :-D)
By Sabbadoo32 ( on Monday, June 4, 2001 - 11:32 am: |
From what I've seen here in Chicago, it's slightly more IR couples showing affection than not. Mind you, I'm talking about pecks on the cheek, hand holding, hello/goodbye hugs and kisses, etc.
Anything heavier, no matter the race, goes in the "get a room" social faux pas category.
By Frangiapani ( on Saturday, June 2, 2001 - 12:08 am: |
I have seen it before, although I can understand why some wouldn't. Some couples have got paranoia and like most of us, we care about what others think and dont want to be pointed out..
If there was one thing I could wish for, it would be to not give a toss what anyone thought about me or what I was doing or who i was doing it with... You hear people say all the time how it doesnt bother them to see an IR couple, but as soon as they see them showing affection in public, everyones head turns!
By Kansascity ( on Friday, June 1, 2001 - 11:40 pm: |
There are people who display affection in public to a person they are with....but rarely, if ever, in private. Figure that one out...
Also, public displays of affection do not mean any thing...if it is all for show. . . not that it always is.
IR couples always have to watch their back anyway.
By Ladylily ( on Friday, June 1, 2001 - 11:34 pm: |
When a man kisses his lady in public he is honoring her and he shouldn't care who sees it or whether people stare. She should feel the same freedom. I wouldn't hesitate to give my lover a kiss in public. On the other hand, making out with heavy duty kissing is a bit too intimate for public view. Holding hands, arms around one another, a certain amount of hugging and a few kisses here and there seems normal for a couple who feel affectionate toward one another. Why hide it from people when out in public? IR couples shouldn't care what anyone thinks about their displays of affection.
By Cma ( on Friday, June 1, 2001 - 09:37 pm: |
Since it's kinda quiet in here right now, maybe I can get some discussion going. Here's something I'd like to ask you guys....
I often hear that many gays will often shy away from showing their affection in public. Even though we know there are gays out there, we rarely see two men walking into a restuarant holding hands, or standing on the sidewalk kissing. Even when I drive through gay areas like W. Hollywood, it's rare to see gays showing their affection publically. It seems to me that they are thinking that society may "tolerate" their relationship if it is somewhat in the closet and they don't go too far in public.
I'm wondering if the same is true of IR couples? Particularly black and white. Because event though I see plenty of IR couples, I rarely seem them showing a lot of affection in public. I see them holding hands and that's about as far as they typically go. Yet I'll see WW/WM and BW/BM couples kissing or embracing each other face to face all the time. I can't think of a single time though that I've seen a b/w couple kissing in public. Maybe in their minds they think that would be going too far? And that it might push the bounds of social tolerance? I wonder. Like I've said before, I've never been in a relationship or date with a WW, so I can't attest, but I'm wondering how some of you feel about this?
Do any of you feel think that IR couples tend to be less affectionate in public like gay couples are? Would you guys feel comfortable on a busy sidewalk giving your IR date/spouse a particularly affectionate kiss? Or do you save most of your kissing for private moments?