By Roberto ( on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 09:02 pm: |
My sister is planning to do a business plan through a partnership for a Jazz & Classic Soul Club. I will present some of these ideas to her and her partner and see what they think. The idea would be to have special nights that would cater to interracial couples of all types and not just to black men and white women. ~ Roberto
By Mindkandy ( on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 08:34 pm: |
Hello Roberto, you have some valid points, but I think these types of people will be quick to allow clubs based on sexual orientation for example gay and lesbian clubs. Such hypocrisy. I don't think there should be any double standard placed with the idea of race as compared to sexual orientation when it comes to special interest clubs. Others will rebut this and ask, "well what if whites wanted clubs to themselves"..well my answer to this would, "they already have!"..there is really no need or desire amongst most whites to have such groups because many groups, clubs and social settings by default are mostly white. Interracial dating of any constituent particular of a black/white coupling is far less common and accepted and there are social pressures to date within one's 'race' all the time. It's no wonder that people would want to find solace in an atmosphere where there are others who share their interests and views.. This site an online example of many
I personally know of many clubs in LA that are ethnocentric in nature. Black/black clubs, Asian clubs and Hispanic I don't see why IR clubs shouldn't be allowed. Actually I talked with someone recently and they said there was a club in Washington DC called Zebra 5 yrs ago which did pretty well, but the managers of the club had personal issues that allowed the success of the club to collapse (partnership failures)
It's still an idea that I find interesting
By Melirosa ( on Thursday, May 10, 2001 - 10:08 am: |
well said roberto, well said
By Roberto ( on Wednesday, May 9, 2001 - 10:37 pm: |
Such a club would definately be unique and would probably receive much unwanted attention. The lawyers would have a field day with it. You can bet the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) would be the first to descend on the club idea for its exclusionary policy based on a particular race and gender like the vultures they truely are. Someone would cry discrimination and this novel idea would have a quick death. If black men cannot have an all male school (like what was tried in Chicago several years ago) without the National Organization of Women (NOW) being up in arms for instance, what make you think an idea like this will even get off the ground.
Instead, you would have black women organizations, white males, diehard racists, and "touchie feelie" politicians jumping on the bandwagon to kill this idea.
Any idea or concept that caters to a particular group will be challenged in this politically correct society. ~ Roberto
By Modulis ( on Monday, May 7, 2001 - 04:42 pm: |
Personally, I find the idea pretty cheesy. It would bother me that race is being thrown in my face every time I look at the wall, a piece of candy or the floor. Having a club that advertises itself as a meet market for BM and WW would be a perfect target for someone like Buford Furrow to shoot up, sad to say. Or I can see Aryan Nations types waiting for people to walk out and beat them up or something. I remember hearing that that TV show "True Colors" that was out in the early 90s had to have security on staff all the time because they had got so many threats. Such a club would probably face the same fate. I see enough interracial couples at clubs anyway, why would there be any need to have a special club to do this?
By Mindkandy ( on Monday, May 7, 2001 - 02:10 pm: |
I have asked this question in various IR forums and lists catering to overall black/white IR relations.
Okay I thought about something and it struck me as an interesting idea not only because of the fact that I know of no clubs or places like this publicly (heard of some in Germany though), but because I am also curious as to how people (in general) would react to such a place so this topic is sort of like a "survey discussion topic" and I am looking to get some feedback.
The place is:
An interracial dating & dance/meeting club for black men and white women located in some progressive, "hip" large city (which location would this be?)
Features are-
1) Themed seats and chairs. Tables are black and chairs are white and dominoes, checkers and oreos are passed out as snacks (LOL!) Style is formal looking with some casual and fun decorative elements. Overall colors are laid back and maybe the walls are either black and the floors are doused with swirl symbols for a pattern and the ceiling is decorated as a sky.
2) -Some- (not all because there are the traditonal drinks and full bar) mixed drinks are ethinc oriented and interracial thematic in colors and glass decoration. White and regular chocolate candies are given with the drinks as compliments to club members.
3) Movies, songs and also cultural events as well as games are implemented on particular days of the week for scheduled events to keep the club 'popping' and social all the time as well as successful.
4) There exists a head committee who is responsible for handling the events, themes, and organization of the club ..both men and women and also a few couples who are experienced in handling and knowing about IR situations.
5) Couple or single pageants are featured monthly..almost like an interracial prom to make things fun for members who like to show up, dress well and take the spotlight or feature themselves to other people who are interested..LOL
6) Advertisement is dished out in various public venues & publications to promote the club. There is ad advertisement committee as well to do the marketing. Plans are to basically create a string of clubs like this all around the US in cities with people and environments that seem progressive enough and will be cool to this idea.
The policies are what I would wonder about...what if black women, white men or any other group not related to the theme of the club wanted to come in and mingle? Should, could or would there be a legistation for the club that would allow or disallow them in? Would assumptions of discrimination arise from outside critics?
Would this club attract a lot of anti-ir opposition and violence and attention? If so, how could that be handled and is this a reason NOT to ever have a club such as this?
What ideas could be added, changed or taken away to make this hypothetical club be a great idea that could realistically work?
I've heard several black men and white women on discussion lists and through personal contact.. fancy this idea so I suppose that some advantages could be that it could encourage some white women to openly seek black men more and some black men to consider giving white women a chance as dating options (those who aren't haven't been open) and of course there are disadvantages as well (What could those be?) It could create and normalize new trends?
I am curious as to what you all think about this. This could actually be real someday if enough people all over the nation or in some locations were interested and this could open up other clubs catering to certain IR combinations.