By Roberto ( on Thursday, April 5, 2001 - 12:28 am: |
I was speaking in jest. ~ Roberto
By Melirosa ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 05:06 pm: |
what you say is true. i have seen men love women so much, they can't let go, they can't live without these women in their lives and to do so, would literally be a contribution to their demise.i have an uncle, who for the past 9 years, has hung on to a woman, he has settled for less to make her happy, he has compromised a lot of himself and his family because he feels that to live without this woman, would be no life at all. we all, at times, look at him and think that surely, no self respecting man would go through what he does in order to keep this person in his life, but really, who are we to judge? we don't see who people love through their eyes. he always tells us, "you don't see her heart like i do". so, yes roberto, i do see where you are coming from. sometimes it is so sad though because the woman will take advantage of the mans vulnerability and use it to their advantage. how sad. obsessive love DOES have the ability to kill as you say, and yes it is very dangerous if you don't know how to control it.
By Ishvara ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 02:30 pm: |
"We try to be all things and everything for a woman, even at the expense to our own health (that is why we die earlier than women)." Roberto surely you are jesting, one the same note this is often very true with females as well, I see it as a mental sickness, no self love or respect, no strength.
By Roberto ( on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 09:35 am: |
We men can be a strange bunch. We spoil our women without a thought of the consequences of our mates infidelity, but we still hold on, even if if we know that the women in our lives have other lovers. We desire so much to have a particular woman, (in this case white women that we desire), we fight for her against the odds and once we have her we want more. We try to be all things and everything for a woman, even at the expense to our own health (that is why we die earlier than women).
When it comes to a woman or women in general, despite all of our strengths as men, we are vulnerable to one aspect of the male/female paradigm, and that is "female obsession". Some of us (men) and that includes me are obsessed with women. Some of us can control it, some of us cannot. When a man truly loves a particular woman to the point of obsession he is (like the old Percy Sledge song of the 1960's, "When A Man Loves A Woman"), obsessed, he cannot think keep his mind on nothing else, and turn down his best friends when they speak ill of her, when she does him wrong. Love kills, obsessive love will only hasten a man's downfall.
I once had a best friend who I lost, because of his obsessive love for his woman, who for that matter was seeing another man. When I tried to warn him, he became my enemy. It hurt so much to lose him as a friend. To this day he will not speak to me. His woman is still having extramarital affairs. I'm told he knows this, but he will do anything to keep her, even if she sleeps with other men. He is suffering as a result of this obsessive love. Does it have to be this way, to have a woman that you desire so much that you would be willing to overlook other men having her, in order for you to keep her? Love can be dangerous, it can kill. I guess that is why a great many good men have been taken down by it. ~ Roberto