By Ebonykowboy ( on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 04:56 am: |
In addition,
I find it interesting that white supremist and white militia groups have the same paranoi of the "Government"........
By Ebonykowboy ( on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 04:52 am: |
Question...Where does intelligence end and paranoi begin.......
Answer.......In this post.....
The "Government" that so many of you seem to fear is made up of people just like you and me. There have been census records kept in this country for hundreds of years. Census records helps those of us who want to know where we come from, to at least glean some idea. Also, the census records do not only contain information of the citizenry, but also of the "government" officials.....The "boogie man" died when we reached puberty, why not just let him stay buried, cuz each time we dig him up he just gets uglier and uglier....
By Kansascity ( on Friday, May 4, 2001 - 11:11 am: |
It really made me angry when I discovered the 'solicitations for organ donors' among some kids school papers the other day. Next thing you know, there will be a BODYPARTS MART right next to McDonalds.
An elderly woman said that she decided not to be an organ donor because she said they might start pulling parts out before she is even gone. In the propaganda literature it STATES that there is a great NEED for organ donors. Are we in scary times or what?
I read a book this winter about a woman of means who got a liver from a young teenage boy of no means. It is a rediculous story because she goes on and on about how she feels, thinks, and has the same preferences that her 'organ donor' once had. She even dreamed about the young man...saw his image. After meeting his poor parents, she said she recognized the young man in a photo. He was the one in her dreams. (It is being said that our cells hold our memories?). Give me a break! So, someone else dies so another may live?
Is her life worth more than his? You see where I am going with this? The double-speak, double- dealing nazi medical systems we have now are extremely dangerous to us all.
Yesterday, while renewing my drivers license they ask me the question: "Do you want to be an organ donor?"
Some of you may have an entirely altruistic attitude toward this issue. I use to be that way, thinking it could help someone else. But, when I consider that there are people who are being murdered for their organs then that changes everything.
In prisons in China, for example, the many inmates are slaughtered just for that purpose.
By Roberto ( on Thursday, May 3, 2001 - 09:42 pm: |
Sorry I missed this post. The genetic bomb or the race bomb (some biological agent) will be created based on genetic information gleaned from the human genome that will be selective to kill off certain races that are susceptible to certain genetic disease. Selective killing of an enemy or race of enemies will (may be available based on genetic research with the Japanese) be the new way for war in this century. There will be a new Hitler someday. He or she will use technology of the highest order to wage war. ~ Roberto
By Ishvara ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 02:10 pm: |
Roberto, you hit upon something that is my own personel fear, we are being led blindly into the abyss. The danger of this is glaring, the government is doing it behind our backs as much as possible, I have examples if needed to prove this point, there is nothing to do except live the perfect life, yeah right, so yes any future Hitler's already have all the intelligence gathered and stored. Have any more thoughts or insights on this subject? Regarding race specifically?
By Roberto ( on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 08:42 am: |
Is it not strange, that the very person who started Planned Parenthood, "Margaret Sanger", who founded the early eugenics movement, and whose policies that were established years ago, is seen today as a pioneer for women by the same liberal organizations, "National organization for Women, numerous black women's groups, and the Democratic Party for the platform of a "Woman's Right to Choose". ~ Roberto
By Kansascity ( on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 07:20 am: |
Many people (many with children) who were kicked off the old welfare system, ended up on the new welfare system: SSI Disability for Mental Illness diagnosis when in many cases it is a real physical problem like Fibromyalgia etc. And yet they insist on cornering people into the mental illness label. This incapacitates and takes away their credibility. If medical records are opened for all to see, this would severly limit people in their choice of occupation, legal, social, etc. They would basically end up with no life! What if people recover? Imagine the difficulty they would then have trying to reintegrate themselves into the mainstream? Who would want to hire a legal assistant (with a mental illness diagnosis which often is just a case of bad nerves) to work in a law firm , court, or police department? I think the policies and laws that were enacted during the 90's absolutely devestated the lives of thousands of people who may never recover. It isas though we were locked in a box. For example a homemaker with children on welfar is classified as imcompentent due to her limited resources. She and her children are considered to be 'useless feeders'. It is convenient to label her as imcompetent. That is how Margaret Sanger thought in the early eugenics movement in this country. She founded Planned Parenthood. The United Nations scares me when they say they want to eradicate POVERTY. How do they plan to do it? Well, kill the poor. Real efficiency !! :-(
By Roberto ( on Wednesday, March 21, 2001 - 10:48 am: |
I'm disturbed about information that is coming out how intrusive the government's information collection efforts are being so intrusive into our personal lives that its creating a real concern that is near panic. The U.S. census as far as I'm concern is a tool that would have made Hitler proud. This effort to determine the racial composition in a race phobia society as this, is nothing more than a tool used by unethical people to use data or information (processed from data) to target interracial unions by unsuspecting bigoted officials in positions of power. I ask this question, where is this information being stored, and where, and how is it updated, who is in charge of it, what if this information is wrong. It's hard enough to correct errors on a credit report. What if you were HIV positive identified and it was wrong? After the recent FBI and CIA fiasco, who can trust the human element of government agencies. How many of you give a damned that a law signed by President Clinton will go into effect to automate your medical records next month (April 14th) that will (through a sneaked provision) allow insurance companies, HMO's, doctors, etc, based on a national database to share your medical information.
On the census question my problem with it is that if someone wanted to know how many interracial marriages between white women and black men there are, where they live, which ethnic group of white women are prone to interracial tolerance, what their incomes are and where they work, how many mixed race children they have, what are there religious backgrounds, criminal records, and medical illness history. Folks, I see a danger here in the use of this information leaking out not only to marketeers, medical providers, and employers (who may have a potential to discriminate), but to racist groups who can hack access to such information to target interracial couples nationwide. I do not mean to scare you folks, (domestic terrorism), but the danger of a database established by national racist groups to target black men and white women is real. I've been involved with information technology for several years now. I know the potential of Information Technology Warfare (ITW) as a weapon of war for the 21st century. Folks I warn you, get aware and stay vigilant. ~ Roberto