By Anon2000 ( on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 07:34 pm: |
thanks for the sequel tip! i wasn't aware of it.
By Anon2000 ( on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 07:34 pm: |
thanks for the sequel tip! i wasn't aware of it.
By Frangiapani ( on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 01:46 am: |
Ive seen "once were warriors", its a good movie, its moving, especially since I have been to New Zealand, the maori men there are big guys! Theres also a sequel called "What becomes of the broken hearted".
Theres another movie I saw once, I think its called Mississipi Marsala?, it has Denzel in it who falls in love with an indian girl and the family /town are against their relationship.
By Ishvara ( on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 02:14 pm: |
Sorry to say, I don't have too much info. It was one of those movies I happened to catch late one night. It was on the cable movie channel Encore, Pierce Brosnen? was in it. The title is "The Nephew". It is about a bi-racial boy's journey to ireland after the death of his mother and his subsequent trials and the unexpected finding of love. I really liked it. Thanks for the others I'll check em out.
By Anon2000 ( on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 01:57 am: |
can you tell me more about this movie, the nephew? i'm interested in it. i have a good vid too - "once were warriors". pretty cool movie set in new zealand, modern times. the focus is on everyday life with the maori people.
also, a classic, "black orpheus".
By Anon2000 ( on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 01:51 am: |
i'd say it was lawrence fishburne in the matrix. he was so cool, calm and collected, very sexy. a man of intelligence. now if he could just have had dreadlocks....*smile*
By Roberto ( on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 08:17 pm: |
Brother, you are far ahead of most on this issue. I think the images makers in the motion picture industry are more dangerous than any extremist group with guns and bombs. They are the ones who control what we see, what we think, and are the prime movers of society's image of itself. I will never understand why the NAACP never took them on effectively, unless they are being paid hush money to keep their mouths shut.
I admire Sidney Poiter. His performance in "Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner" was a movie ahead of its time in the sixties on interracial dating and marriage. He was a man ahead of his time. He took a lot of heat, because of his marriage to a white woman, but he held his ground. Did you see a recent movie he made about as a master craftsmen in a southern town who lived alone and a young white female who became attracted to him. I cannot remember tha title of that movie. ~ Roberto
By London ( on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 06:56 pm: |
Thank You for your candid response, I think I understood what you meant, originally. Although, I didn't want to put "words in your mouth".
By the way, cool handle-Frangiapani.
Roberto et al,
The problem I believe to be two-fold: 1) that as you stated, concisely. 2) the backers of movies, the less visible, yet POWERFUL final decision makers-producers, directors, some writers. Who are these people? what is there motivation? Is it money, solely? What about image? What about visualization? If these people are, i.e. WASP or of the like and are over 40 yrs old, do you really think they are going to see a strong black male lead characters and be able to invest millions of dollars into such projects? I for one think they have little incentive or want to do this.
Eddy Murphy almost did it-Trading Places.
Will Smith neared it-Enemy of the State, but back tracked twenty-five years with The Bagger Vance.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out what in the hell happened with the gap after Sidney Portier; Have you seen his movies?! Considering the time and the roles he had, he was far, far, ahead of his time. I think he was the last and only black man to win an Oscar for best leading man. That was around 50 years ago, incredible!
By Ishvara ( on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 11:04 am: |
I love Wesley, he's a great actor, I was thinking to myself last week why I don't see him in too many movies, guess I got my answer. Fran, it bugs me too the way movies in general tend to portray these kinds of relationships, it embarrassses me. I did see a great movie where a bm and wm had a sweet real relationship. It was called the Nephew, a black american goes to ireland to trace his mother's side of the family falls in love with an irish girl, it was real sweet very unstereotypical.
By Roberto ( on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 10:33 am: |
The comic, slapstick, jovial, jive time black male image today that millions of blacks will spend billions of dollars to see in the comic shows, and movies is what they would rather see, and emulate, not the serious, thinking, versatile black man like a Mr. Snipes. We are our own worst enemy. ~ Roberto
By London ( on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 10:00 am: |
I think I can relate. As a BM, movies in which the black guy plays this jovial, slapstick, jive turkey, or "uncle tom turn philosopher" (Bagger Vance) burn me up. Thank goodness for Wesley Snipes.
By Frangiapani ( on Wednesday, February 21, 2001 - 02:38 am: |
It just does...only in the movies anyway, the black guy always seems so sweet and genuine and then he gets "used" or seduced by a WW. Usually in movies set in the 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's. She runs to Daddy if something goes wrong. It just bugs me!
By London ( on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 09:57 pm: |
Why does that make you cringe?
By Frangiapani ( on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 - 06:30 pm: |
I saw this movie lastnight and it was a GREAT movie!, its about Racism in the US Navy and his struggle to become a chief master diver, the fact he wanted it so bad because they said he couldnt have it. I love movies like this, anyone who hasnt seen it should! As a WW, there are moments where I cringe to myself, the way WW act around BM in the movie...the typical scene of the rich white daddys girl seducing the young black man, and you know the rest...