By Aarm ( on Wednesday, July 4, 2001 - 08:46 am: |
This is going to be brief because I have an urgent errand to run.
Kngdavid, although I dont necessarily agree with Cleticman, I think you are mistaken in your attributing Christianity to the advancement of women's rights. In my research I have found that the plight for womens rights tend to be diven more by a secular force than Christian.
Also, in regards to the middle-east, I have found that culture often overrides religion in the muistreatmen of women. You will find that 100% of the gender issues attributed to the middle east is a result of Arab culture and not religion, specifically Islam.
Anyway, I gotta go now. We can discuss this in another medium if you like so as to keep within the theme of the board.
By Kngdavid ( on Wednesday, July 4, 2001 - 02:17 am: |
I decided to chime in briefly,
The acceptance of christianity has led
to the idea that they are somehow less than equal. I find the notion ridiculous and
think we need 100% of our population to run at 100% efficiency.
I'm afraid our caucasian friend is deluding himself. It is arguable that the status of women has improved in nearly all countries that have been affected by Christianity.
Let's remind ourselves of a few that haven't; such as the old, venerable culture of China, where women where held as chattel for millenia, and even to this day, female infants are aborted or exposed because the lives of women are not valued as much. The same practice occurs in India, in regards to female infants. Men routinely brutalize their wives for not giving them male offspring. However, it should be noted in the case of India, that the practice of burning the still-living wife on the funeral pyre of her dead husband stopped after the christian British took over, and has not resumed.
And certainly, I don't even need to talk about the Middle-East.
The precious freedoms that 'liberated' women enjoy today first originated WITHIN Christian society! Yes, granted that unscrupulous leaders will always exploit those unable to defend themselves, but you can't pen those crimes on Christianity. All throughout the Bible, there is a clear statement that we are all one in Christ, neither male nor female, neither slave nor free. The concept was so revolutionary, that many people simply were not enlightened enough to accept it.
"The fault lies not in the Stars, but in ourselves...."
By Swampfox8 ( on Sunday, July 1, 2001 - 10:10 pm: |
Sorry Celticman, as long as there are fathers out there who forbid their white daughters from dating black guys, there will always be interracial dating. That is not the only reason though, some women are always going to be attracted to what is new,different and or unknown. Oh, and i for one do not use or abuse any woman of any race nor do i treat them like a show piece! I treat them the way i like to be treated.
By Celticman ( on Sunday, July 1, 2001 - 09:45 pm: |
You asked for input by one of us so here it is.
We do not treat them like property, nor do we treat them badly in any way as a total population. I see the women of my racial group as having great potential, of being an equal contributer of new inventions. My European ancestors designed great weapons, great vehicles, but yet could have contributed more if half of our population had been taken more seriously. The acceptance of christianity has led to the idea that they are somehow less than equal. I find the notion ridiculous and think we need 100% of our population to run at 100% efficiency.
As fas as assuming black males do not get smug attitudes or show white women off as trophys, I say BS! I find in my own observations that black men seem worse about this than many older white men that have sexist attitudes.
I think white women would prefer white men if our social makeup was better known for wanting gender equality. I do not appreciate anyone who self hates, but also recognize that the older foolish generation has led to this predicament for the new. Perhaps IR dating will become less common as our new generation that disregards the christian idiocy comes to represent our sub group.
By Roberto ( on Friday, February 9, 2001 - 04:42 pm: |
If white women date black men to get respect its because, many white men treat them like property. White men want to control them. I see this everyday with their arrogant behaviors and special status in believing that they are God's gift. I think many white women are turned off from this "holier than thou attitude" from many of their own men. I wish many black men could see this, rather than falling into the same pit as many white men. It must be hard being a woman these days to find men who would understand them, rather than using them. Why do we not hear from white men here to get their honest feelings on black men dating white women? ~ Roberto