By Kansascity ( on Sunday, April 15, 2001 - 03:25 am: |
As a married man, you have no business telling a stranger woman that she is beautiful (no matter how well she keeps herself UP) because you are married!! Right? Same old same old sh......t! Where did you get your morals/values system? Probably from the 'old heads' on the street.
By Wyatt ( on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 10:45 am: |
Mad Scientist;
Nice points, however, as a believer in Entropy, a devote Christian and a studnet of culture, the vulgarity of today will not be less so in the future, and hardly elegant. The signs point to a further erosion of character, integrity, manners, grace, kindness or banality. It starts with the fact that we become more secular, then we have become hypermaterialistic(with the academy/university catering to vocation rather than beauty, learning and eduation)where. everything is commodified with price tag. And we have swung back to overt sexist images. I respectfully disagree. We will not become more elegant in our portrayal of sexual imagery or women, but will continue to work to titilate the lowest common denominator in our society
By Mad_scientist ( on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 06:50 pm: |
I get the gist of what you are saying. And I highly recommend a book to you that is intellectually stimulating in explaining how biological differences amount to behavioral differences. The book is called Why Men Don't Iron
The acceptable sex roles are going to diverge again. Pop culture has taken a sharp and decisive turn in the past two years. Pop culture is heading away from South Park, and going in the opposite direction. The culture has now started accentuating gender differences within society. A perfect example of this is the XFL. The hyperfeminized cheerleaders and the hypermasculinized players are pushing the roles apart. Expect for this trend to continue. However, in the future, while the difference in gender roles are widening, but the culture will become less sexualized, and more elegant.
By Anon2000 ( on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 06:13 pm: |
oh no, wyatt, not sex in the city!! i just love that show!
By Wyatt ( on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 12:24 pm: |
I think the disrespect comes from male family members, male friends and society, media, etc., who continue to portray women as lesser humans than men. I blame fathers for raising disrespectful son, by disrespecting their mothers, sisters and other females. It is subtle and often women play along with it. It is common place to go to someones home and the man is waited on by the wife, the daughters desires are sublimated by the sons. Girls still perform worse than boys in math, sscience an technology, because fathers and mothers don't push girls to pursue these fields, because they think they are masculine fields. I still see girls and boys treated differently with regard to sports, clothing and the toys marketed to them. Girls are still marketed as nurturer, caretakers, weaker, while boys are marketed as more adventurous, tough, verbal and aggressive. I know many parents today, my age, who continue this habit.
Society via the media, education, politics, religion, business and social structure continue to subjugate women to roles of sex kitten, dumb blondes, helpless, sluts, or bitch. This is a way at chipping away at the woman's self esteem. The media,(tv, movies, etc) portray women as sexually aggressive, but still wanting the knight in shining armour, when this is not going to happen. It portrays heavy set women as biches or jealous at thin women. It portrays ambitious women as angry, mean, self absorbed and bithces(ie., tiger woman, snake, catfighting). And the programs are getting more sexist, not less so. A new study just came out that said that the selling of sex on tv was up 20 percent from just 5 years ago. Programs like the "Man Show", videos and talk shows perpetuate sexism to the highest degree and they are all aimed at the younger generation. The videos portray women as nothing but objects and I personally think should never be watched..I would never let a son look at that stuff. Models are portrayed as beautiful for being as thin as death, but real women like their mothers, daughters , sisters are not close to that. I think that Cameron Manheim, a larger actress, is so beautiful or Star Jones or bigger models. The HBO show "Sex in the City" is another, racy but sexism is so perpetuated in that show. These women are supposedly intelligent women, but they continue to use their sex to get men, who are less than worthy. But this also perpetuates that 1950's mentality, which permiates the 1990/2000's. It says that women need to be carried away on a white horse by a white man who should be a doctor, lawyer, tech guy or anything that makes tons of money. That is superficial, objectifying and ignorant to say the least. Women are objectified more today than ever, and we are suppose to be more aware today than in the 1950's. It is a matter of values and principles and values having been thrown out the woindow today for relativity. To me there is no relativity, however, there is good behavior and bad behavior, there is good manners and bad manners, their is respect and disrescept.
By Peediddy ( on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 07:06 am: |
Thanks for the welcome Melirosa & Swampfox. Yeah I agree with you Swampfox, I love all women also. But I just have a strong attraction to white women. No special reason, I just always have.
By Swampfox8 ( on Friday, February 9, 2001 - 04:01 pm: |
Hey what's up Peediddy? Glad to see another brother who's not afraid to admit that he's attracted to white women! There's nothing wrong with it at all, i like all races of women but have a strong attraction to white women also.
By Ishvara ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 04:24 pm: |
Wyatt, I just wanted to say that I wish more men out there were like you. I don't mind chivalry and respectful comments. I do wonder where all the disrespect and objectifying comes from. Any thoughts?
By Melirosa ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 02:23 pm: |
hey peediddy-
good post and i'm sure we all agree with you. we are certainly not here to have meaningless chit chat or arguments over issues that have no real importance to IR dating. we all want to discuss real, serious issues that effect us on an every day basis as people in an IR relationship. catchy name by the way.
By Peediddy ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 01:04 pm: |
Hello people. Im new to this board. I've just finished reading all the previous posts in this thread. And I must say that was deep conversation. I would like to add my point of view on the subject. I registered at this site and started posting here because I am a black male that is attracted to white females. If I didn't like white females I would not waste my time, or yours posting a lot of negative things about someone else's preferences. If you don't agree with what this site is about, why not just leave? That seems a lot easier than arguing a never ending battle. And arguing over who we should or should not date is not what we're here for(im sure you can find a web-site on the net for that).
So that's my two cents on the matter. As I said before, hello people!
By Wyatt ( on Monday, February 5, 2001 - 03:06 pm: |
It is sad how men like that disrespect women. I can say that for me, chivalry is not dead and I would only say respectful things about women. You are a very nice person and should be treated as the beautiful woman that you are, and that goes for all the women on this site. Those other guys are pigs and they can't relate to good women and so they continue to objectify women. They are not the kind of guys who deserve decent, beautiful women like yourself, so don't pay them any attention.
By Melirosa ( on Monday, February 5, 2001 - 02:51 pm: |
hello roberto-
my day was fine, thanks so much for asking. you sound like a true gentleman and i think it was very nice that you said if a woman takes the time to look nice she should be complimented in a respectful manner. i wish all men could think like you when it comes to being respectful in their way of complimenting women.
By Ishvara ( on Friday, February 2, 2001 - 06:10 pm: |
Believe me Roberto a man telling me I'm beautiful is refreshing and I respond with a sincere smile, so much better than being told, "you got a phat ass!" Or damn mmmmmm look at her, I'd tear it up," This was said to me a few days ago, I ignored the guys, kept walking and then got called a chickenhead!
By Roberto ( on Friday, February 2, 2001 - 05:16 pm: |
Hello Melirosa. How was your day? No I did not experience a rejection from her, if that is what you meant. I merely commented on a beautiful woman who I saw that day. I was not in pursuit of her. I did tell her (at risk to myself, in this PC environment we live in) that she very beautiful. If a woman takes the time to look good herself and to others, she should be respectfully complimented for her efforts. ~ Roberto
By Melirosa ( on Friday, February 2, 2001 - 02:10 pm: |
sounds like you got it bad today judging from your posts!!!!!!!
By Roberto ( on Thursday, February 1, 2001 - 11:09 pm: |
I saw a woman today who was of exceptional beauty. She had reddish brown color hair (like copper). She wore one of those blue white pin striped business professional outfits with blue/white low cut shoes to match. She was very elegant in how she handled herself. She was very neat and clean in her appearence. A beautiful woman is something to behold. ~ Roberto