A problematic issue

By Wyatt ( on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 08:39 pm:


Thank you very much for the constructive critisism. I respect your opinion, though we don't agree.


By Spade ( on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 02:53 pm:




I want to address your attack, because I am not sure why you are being so hostile about what I said. What is you beef with me saying "Wow, what a scary situation"? Have I no right to say that here? It was just a statement, so why are you so bent out of shape about it.

Because it was STUPID! Yes you have a right to say it but if it is stupid I have right to point it out, and it was. There was nothing "scary" about the stiuation that C-No-Color mentioned. There was no abuse going on, her cousin didn't slap or hit his girlfriend so all that "Wow, what a scary story and situation" was outright stupid from my perspective. Too stupid from a Ivy Leagued educated man.


What is your beef about my devoutness?

What devoutness???? You might express some "devoutness" in person but I haven't seen too much (if any) of it in your posts which is strange for someone claiming to be devout. If you didn't claim to be devout I wouldn't hold you to it. You seem more devout in speaking of your background and eduaction then in your belief in God.


I haven't talked about you and your religious or spiritual committment, so what is the problem?

Of course you haven't talked about my religious and spiritual committment because you don't have any room to do so. I don't talk about how devout a christian I am (except just recently in alignment what your words) you can see it in what I write.


I am the same Wyatt throughout here, why do you assume that I am using other peoples personalities?

First of all I alreay told you why I made that assumption in the last post and I even made an allowance for being wrong. Since you're a man that love's to read I'm not going to repeat myself, go back and read what I have already written and see if you can't get a better understanding. If not too bad, as an Ivy League educated man you should be able to figure it out.


And What does my educational background and familial background have to do with the statement that I made here?

It has everything to do with the statement you made. By mentioning your educational and family background as often as you do you give the impression that you are a seriously intelligent man who is a critical thinker with a rich diverse cultural background. You also mention that you love to read and that you expand your library which gives me the impression that you are continuing to educate yourself, and by reading more one would expect you to have more to offer in ways of enlightenment.


I was addressing C-No-Color and "Wow" is what I said, what is the big deal? How does that make me ignorant, because I stated "Wow"?

It wasn't just "Wow" that I had a problem with it was "Wow, what a scary story and situation" that disgusted me because there was nothing scary about the story especially for you to add the word "Wow" in front of your sentance to make it seem like it was. On top of that the story she gave had an almost direct implication on the information given on the black men and black women interracial discussion board that you are a member of for which you either didn't read or failed to apply to the situation. Both of which I find too ignorant for a man who has a Ivy league education and loves to read. Again if you didn't give those details that I wouldn't hold you to them.


With the Fem-Man comment, is that suppose to be another personal attack?

I don't know what do you think? Then again never mind.


have I made a personal attack of you? I have always respected your posts in this site, so I am in a quandry as to the personal attack. What is a Fem-Man anyway?

You make it seem like you don't understand. I'm not going to go back and repeat myself because I said it clearly the first time. You're not a child, you're an Ivy League educated man, figure it out. As far as what a Fem-Man is go back to the yahoo board that you are also a member on and look it up. After all you say you love to read so it shouldn't be a problem. I realize my words seem very harsh but I had to get it off my chest otherwise I would let it build up so that when I do speak my mind it will be even nastier in the future.

-The Spade-

By Spade ( on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 01:48 pm:



Gee! Thanks Spade, for your unrelenting critique and understanding of what I wrote.

You're quite welcome!


I have a question not related to the previous issue. I keep hearing about one-world-order government and trilateral union and more. Who do you think is responsible for trying to rule the world so to speak (and do not tell me it is all white people...that is not the case). What is your take on that?

I take that issue very seriously though in many political and social circles such things are regarded merely as conspiracy theories to negate the truth. What you have touched on here is precisely why I chuckle to myself when I read the words of member's on this board who write of politicans and politics as a whole. The issues and people being spoken about then are usually figures and matters that are the epidermis of
a greater problem. For example, how many people are aware what an executive order is? And how many people know what executive orders 10995, 10997, 10988, 10999, 11000, 11003, 11004, 11005, and order 11490 signed by President Carter mean? How many are aware that in America the President now has the power through executive orders to call a national emergency (for whatever means) and completely shut down the constituation and erect a sub-goverment in its place? Not too many I'd wager. And how many would know what the symbolism is of the pyramid on the back of a dollar bill with an eye as its capstone is (read this article for more)? Then again how many know what mason's are up to (see this)? Shoot, half of the mason's are so confused they don't even know why they do half of what they do (except for the elite).

There are forces that have been working to reshape America (as well as the rest of the world) into a communist socialist environment. Once done America and all other countries would then fit very easily into a one world government which is the end goal. That goal is being orchestrated even now but the plan calls for something more on a global scale of crisis to unite all the world powers into one goverment. Who are the ones that are trying to make this happen? As you have already stated they are not all white, however it is the white members that control most of the power and money and I say that not to be racist but to be truthful. [You see, the only thing left after one has attained an insurmoutable amount of assests is the want of power.]


Have you read the Bible?

Yes I've read and continue to read my Bible and I've been using the scriptures over and over again even in my petty debates about race. Unlike others I do not profess to be "devout" without being so.


Have you noticed how what is written in the good book is so relevant to all times, places, and people?

That's the whole point to this one world goverment scenario in the first place. Those seeking to install it are followers of the Luciferian arts, the Brotherhood of the Snake, the Illuminati, and so forth. The occult is very strongly instilled into the value system of those seeking to bring about a system of goverment with Lucifer as its God. Think about how many times you hear black people run off at the mouth about being a black queen or king in many cases referring to the Nubians who ruled over Egypt for over 100 years and built about 180 small pyramids. But the Nubians worshipped many of the gods that Egyptians did and Egyptian paganism is steeped in Satanic occultism. Occultism that sets Satan as the god of logic, the god of the sun and the air, the god of wisdom, etc. There is so much information it would take me all day to go into detail in explaining and give references.

-The Spade-

By Wyatt ( on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 12:38 pm:


I want to address your attack, because I am not sure why you are being so hostile about what I said. What is you beef with me saying "Wow, what a scary situation"? Have I no right to say that here? It was just a statement, so why are you so bent out of shape about it.

What is your beef about my devoutness? I haven't talked about you and your religious or spiritual committment, so what is the problem?

I am the same Wyatt throughout here, why do you assume that I am using other peoples personalities?

And What does my educational background and familial background have to do with the statement that I made here? I was addressing C-No-Color and "Wow" is what I said, what is the big deal? How does that make me ignorant, because I stated "Wow"?

With the Fem-Man comment, is that suppose to be another personal attack? have I made a personal attack of you? I have always respected your posts in this site, so I am in a quandry as to the personal attack. What is a Fem-Man anyway?

By Kansascity ( on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 03:52 am:

Gee! Thanks Spade, for your unrelenting critique and understanding of what I wrote.
I have a question not related to the previous issue. I keep hearing about one-world-order government and trilateral union and more. Who do you think is responsible for trying to rule the world so to speak (and do not tell me it is all white people...that is not the case). What is your take on that? Have you read the Bible? Have you noticed how what is written in the good book is so relevant to all times, places, and people?

By Spade ( on Tuesday, April 24, 2001 - 02:23 am:

Kansas city,

You're certainly entitled to your opinion and your beliefs but you have done exactly what I said many do when this issue comes up. Recall these words that I wrote earlier:


Our society teaches that submission of any kind that a woman might give to a man is incorrect. It teaches people to believe that something is wrong about a woman who voluntarily is submissive to a man. It teaches people to use terms like "easy" in relation to describing a submissive woman so as to cast a bad light on woman who are submissive to any degree. There is not nearly enough information to educate people correctly in this matter for them to be aware of the mechanics behind what drives dominant men and submissive women...

With that said, let's look at the first sentence of your recent post, I believe it went a bit like this:


Being too submissive is not healthy when it is not in a persons true nature.

That's a moot point considering the information I gave as resources were thorough enough to already project those very sentiments. You tried to build an argument about a person being "too submissive" to express your dislike for submissive and dominant relationships without actually coming out and saying it. That is precisely what I was talking about in the quoted statement I made from my own previous post above. Even after I had made that statement and went on to give information accordingly you come along making bias statements about a lifestyle that you don't like but in a covert (but familiar) way. Take this crap here:


Also, there are some pretty sick submissives who allow anything and everything to go down just because they cannot take a stand on any issue.

What you tried to do here was take two separate types of submissives and tie them together to put a negative slant on submissive/dominant lifestyles altogether. You took a person who wasn't aware of their submissive nature and because she was unaware often got ran over by others and tried to link them to people who ARE aware of their submissive natures who seek a submissive lifestyle. And although abuse can happen to either there is a world of a difference between the two because those that do seek a submissive lifestyle willingly because they are aware of who they are have TAKEN A STANCE TO DO THAT! Just as the black woman's personal testimony that I used previously proved. But there's more:


For example, a dysfunctional couple with children: The father abuses the kids and the mother does nothing to protect them because she always submits to his dominance. Cannot think of one good thing about master/slave relationships.

You cannot think of one good thing about master/slave relationships because you're stupid and didn't read the information that was given. Right here is a clear example of what I'm talking about. You crossed over two entirely different types of submissives, the unaware and the aware (though you were really aiming at those that were aware), clumped them in the same bracket, and finished it up with a negative opinion. Women who are abused along with their children or women who simply let their dominant husband or what have you abuse their children are not thinking about being a submissive because usually they are completely unaware of what that is. But you tried to use them as a means to smear the standing of the woman who ARE fully aware of their submissive standing because you dislike it. I know this technique well...after all I've only seen it used, I don't know how many times, by black women trying to refute interracial relations between black men and white women. The issues are different but the theme is the same.
What these women would do is take a person on this board to argue with and debate about other bm/ww interracial couples just so they could put a bad light on interracial mixing between white woman and black men as a whole. It didn't make a difference if the black man or white woman they were debating with didn't fit the profile of the accusation. As long as the accusation might be true from some it was used as a weapon against all. And here you are using the same technique.


I certainly do not think it is a healthy dynamic for IR couples to say the least.

Considering that it would be a very "healthy" dynamic for IR couples with the types of natures being discussed what you "think" is irrelevant. There are submissive and dominant relationships of different degrees many of such I personally don't agree with myself however it is not for me to agree with but for them to agree with because it is their relationship. The account I gave about the black women was but one of many different kinds of submissive/dominant relationships ranging from the very subtle to the very extreme. The variation depends on the persons involved but if you don't like those types of relationships regardless then more power to you, just say so. Making stupid statements based on weak parables will only get you broke down.

-The Spade-

By Kansascity ( on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 04:07 am:

Being too submissive is not healthy when it is not in a persons true nature. Also, there are some pretty sick submissives who allow anything and everything to go down just because they cannot take a stand on any issue. For example, a dysfunctional couple with children: The father abuses the kids and the mother does nothing to protect them because she always submits to his dominance. Cannot think of one good thing about master/slave relationships. I certainly do not think it is a healthy dynamic for IR couples to say the least.

By Ishvara ( on Friday, April 20, 2001 - 09:44 am:

Also, I just want to add the desciption of the child fit me to a T. Sensitive...you bet! Extremely so....What was described fits me perfectly. That is my personality but I have over the years acquired a tough hide and an unbending strength of will forged by such tragedy.

By Ishvara ( on Friday, April 20, 2001 - 09:32 am:

Thanks Spade that was very honest and I suppose not so unique viewpoint. In my life I am submissive in degrees. As far as someone controlling my actions or preferences totally, as my own person I would not like someone telling me, I'm not allowed to have a drink and then scold and punish me by making me go sit in a corner. I respect the one I'm with and except it to be returned in the same manner.

My man has a very forceful personality, he's used to everything being done his way. You'd might think he'd be looking for a compliment to that, a very quiet submissive type women. However, nothing is closer to the truth. He's told me more than once he loves the fact that I'm not a "yes" women, and if I ever behaved that way he'd lose interest fast as he has in the past with women of that type. Sometimes I think it is easier to buckle beneath the force of his personality and let him always get his way but I'm not made that way.

I enjoy the stimulation it eliviates boredom which is my greatest enemy. We rarely argue, neither of us likes drama. Please don't get me wrong, I know when to be soft and yeilding and I know when he needs me strong and opinionated. I enjoy my soft side fully, my way of showing love and taking care of his every little need is a testimony of that bond. But he's not highhanded or demanding nor do I feel any need to play out that dynamic in a blatant collar wearing way. Each of us have masculine and feminine qualties it's up to the individual to find their own perfect blend.

By Spade ( on Friday, April 20, 2001 - 12:16 am:

Here is an essay written by Yaldah Tovah M.D.
that also coincides with my earlier points on the thoughts of a submissive woman.


The Healthy Female Submissive

"Discipline gives total freedom;
it allows you to go beyond your limitations,
to break through boundaries and reach the highest goal.
The path to discipline will not only save a person's life,
it will also give it meaning. How?
By introducing him to deeper joys and deeper longings,
by creating a silence in which the whisper of the heart can be heard.
Truly, discipline is the road to liberation."

--Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

In this discussion, I will be talking primarily about the female heterosexual submissive, because I don't know enough about non-heterosexual female submissives and Dominants to know whether this analysis is completely applicable. This focus is not to suggest that lesbian female submissives and their challenges are less worthy of study, merely that I am not equipped at this time to do such a study.
So often, women who are newly aware of their submissive needs endure a period of self doubt around the troubling question: am I sick?
I've seen women read the psychiatric diagnostic manual (DSM-IV) and then ask, "do I have borderline personality disorder?"

I am writing here not ONLY about the sexual aspects: "am I sick because I get turned on by images of being taken, used, forced, swept away by masculine energy more powerful than my own?"; I am also writing about the nonsexual aspects of being submissive: "am I sick because I yearn to depend on, and follow the lead of, a man stronger than myself?"

I will attempt to address both aspects in this essay.

What precisely fuels this kind of question, "am I sick?" Why would a woman discovering the language of her nature think she has a mental disorder? Or at the very least, have something very wrong with her?

A submissive discovers, or more properly, realizes and acknowledges that she functions AT HER BEST in relation to another. And the more intimate, holding, containing that relationship, the better she feels and the better she performs in cardinal areas of adult life: work, friendships, and parenting. Realizing she is at her best in such relation makes her wonder why she can't do it for herself? Why does she need such a relationship to accomplish what she should be able to do for herself?

In thinking about this, I have come to question the cultural determinants of what is considered the highest good. Here in Western society, we place highest value on independence, on "pull yourself up by the bootstraps", on the lone pioneer, the trailblazer, the less needy and more self sufficient. We value competition over cooperation, tangible acheivement over acheivement in relationship. We pay big bucks to men (and the few women) who run big corporations, and less to the nursery school teachers, the nurses, the secretaries, the social workers, the caregivers rather than the producers.

There is something wrong with believing that such independence is the only good. It is especially wrong for the most relatedness-oriented among us, the submissive female.

Part of the newly aware submissive's task is to separate out the internalized voices of her culture: those voices that tell her she is too needy, too dependent, too focused on the others in her life. Once she can articulate what those voices tell her, she can begin to question not HERSELF, but the validity of those internalized values, using her own yardstick to measure her life, rather than our culture's standard.

We can see how perspective is critical in understanding a phenomenon. In a study of moral development in children, for example, Dr. Robert Coles, in a study of moral development in children, researched how children decide what is good and right. To do this, he presented several scenarios describing a moral or ethical dilemma, presented the scenario to school age children, and analyzed the results. The description of the study here is to illustrate the nature of cultural bias and it's impact on individuals.

One of Dr. Cole's scenarios was as follows:

A man has a very, very sick wife, so sick she could die if she doesn't get a particular, very expensive medicine. The man doesn't have the money for the medicine, so in desperation he steals it from a pharmacy.

The children are asked questions about this scenario. Coles found that boys tended to conclude that the man should be punished, because the law is the law, and nobody should break the law. Coles saw this as a higher order of moral reasoning, reflecting the statement, "a nation of laws, not of men." That is, that nobody is above the law, and the rule of law is not situationally defined. The boys applied an abstract universal principle to a singular instance. Coles understood this ability to transcend the personal as a "more evolved" form of moral development.

The girls were deeply troubled by the scenario, and most of them sought ways to solve the man's problem within the context of relatedness: they wondered if the man could ask the pharmacist for the medicine, and offer to work for him to pay for it, or pay him back later. They wondered if the man had friends who could help him pay for the medicine, and they believed he shouldn't be punished for his act of desperation. Their sense of right was situational, and defined within the context of relatedness. They did not come to articulate an abstract universal principle, but sought to solve the problem within the context presented. Coles saw this as a less logical, lower order of moral development because the girls could not emotionally distance themselves from the central human drama in the scenario.

After Coles' work was published a woman named Carol Gilligan reviewed the studies that Cole had done and reanalyzed them, in a book called, "In a Different Voice." Rather than seeing the boys' responses as evidence of "higher" development and the girls' as "lower" she redefined them as different. And she pointed out that the girls responses, so firmly rooted in human context and relatedness were devalued by a society in which the typically masculine is of more cultural worth than the typically feminine. She asked, "why is it considered a 'higher' order of moral development to value universal principle over human context?" and in so doing highlighted the sexism inherent in the analysis.

As we can see, this type of analysis is extremely useful in understanding typical submissive conflicts. We tend to ask the wrong questions: "am I bad, sick, weak?", when we should be asking, "is there something missing from the yardstick I use to measure myself?"

If one looks at capacity for relatedness as a strength, as a good, then it becomes clear that the submissive has a talent for this, for relatedness. And that seeking a partner who can meet her need for this relatedness is a good thing, a healthy thing.

If we begin our analysis without the cultural assumptions about what is of "higher" value, we can begin to understand that it is possible for a woman to be submissive, and to be healthy. And we can try to imagine what a healthy submissive functions like, and how she developed her adult personality. Let's start backwards, and ask ourselves, what might a healthy adult submissive woman "look" like, psychologically speaking:

1. The healthy submissive is capable of, and thrives on, intense, intimate, emotionally open relationships. This is often evident in the number of nourishing, sustaining, and life affirming friendships she makes over the years.
2. The healthy submissive is a giver. She often needs help to ration herself because her impulses nearly always lead her to want to do good for others.
3. The healthy submissive is capable of intense joy, especially in the context of a sustaining relationship.
4. The healthy submissive finds significant relaxation when properly related. She is at ease in that place.
5. The healthy submissive has finely tuned interpersonal sensitivity. She is reactive to subtle shifts in the emotional tone of others.
6. The healthy submissive has a fluidity of self, a flexibility that enables her to adapt to changing circumstances.
7. The healthy submissive is playful.
8. The healthy submissive has no more than the usual cultural conflicts about her body, and its goodness and beauty.
9. The healthy submissive takes pride in her accomplishments.
10. The healthy submissive accepts herself as she is, knowing that while her culture values independence and self sufficiency, she has strong dependency needs and that there is no inherent "wrongness" about those needs.
11. The healthy submissive seeks nourishing relationships.
12. The healthy submissive, in accepting herself "as is" is tolerant of others. But neither will she allow anyone to tell her what her truth should be.
13. The healthy submissive has a reasonable self concept, aware of her difficulties as well as her strengths.
14. The healthy submissive hunger is to be the object of an intense and penetrating understanding. When her nature is understood and she is held in a loving and firm frame, her devotion is almost limitless. The healthy submissive has an enormous capacity for devotion, from which springs her service.

What makes a woman a submissive?

As with all conjectures about human development, the answer is likely two-fold: a combination of nature and nurture, biology and environment.

There is a whole body of literature that makes observations about temperment. This literature talks about the variations in behavior in infancy as a manifestation of temperment: the expression of regularity, responsiveness, and reactivity. In the area of regularity, some infants are regular and predictable from the get-go: they sleep regularly, wake at predictable intervals to nurse, and have predictable periods of alertness in which they begin the earliest socialization. Some infants are irregular: they will one day sleep for an 8 hour stretch, then be awake all night, the next day they will sleep for one hour intervals through a 24 hour period. In the area of responsiveness, some infants will find novelty and intense stimulation aversive, and will withdraw or become irritable when presented with those; some infants are stimulated to engage and explore novelty and intense stimulation. Some infants have high thresholds for sensation, requiring a relatively intense stimulus to become aversive, some have low thresholds, and respond to mild stimulation. Some infants will for example, be intensely distressed by a wet diaper; some will not register discomfort until diaper rash sets in.

The sum total of these innate, biologically founded responses make up temperment. It is easy to see what people mean by an "easy" baby: one who sleeps, eats, and eliminates regularly and predictably; one who has a moderate response to stimulation, neither withdrawing nor reacting intensely; one who is drawn easily into social exchanges, and provides pleasurable reinforcement of socialization with their caregivers, one who is easily "read" and easily comforted, one who accepts change without undue distress.

I think one of the traits in this biologically grounded array that makes up temperment is common to all submissives. And that is social responsiveness. I would suggest that the baby who is tempermentally "set" to register and respond selectively and sensitively to social cues has the seeds of submissiveness in her nature. This is the baby that will search the environment for a human face; who will be attuned to, and very responsive to the human voice; who will preferentially and selectively attend to, and process, human interaction.

This baby, as she grows into childhood, will be easy to control, to shape, especially if she is tempermentally on the "easy" side. This little girl will be exquisitely sensitive to criticism and correction, to disapproval, to praise. Rather than requiring a raised voice to correct, a raised eyebrow will often do.

Even further, this little girl will be exquisitely sensitive to nuance: she will know when others are angry, hurt, sad, bewildered even when they are not spoken about. She has a "sixth sense" about people.

As children do, she requires the adults in her life to validate her perceptions when appropriate. Let's say her parents are troubled by a financial stress, and like good, responsible parents seek to shield her from their stress. The child will pick up on the unspoken tension, sensitive as she is to subtleties of body language, voice pitch, facial expression. She might inquire of her parents what is wrong, and be told "nothing is wrong, honey... go and play." This leaves the child confused: she knows in that way that she knows, that something is wrong. But her perceptions are not validated. She is told nothing is wrong. But her parents, who are not at their best, may be a little short with her, and picking THAT up too, she goes off to play concluding that she must have done something wrong, to be sent away. Part of this is the megalomania of childhood, part of this is a reasonable and logical synthesis of resolving the child's felt sense of things with what she is told.

This kind of interaction, repeated over the years, in the BEST and most loving of families, leads to an adult personality in which there is some anxiety associated with relatedness. The submissive female learns to scan the social environment for signs of trouble, seeks to "fix" the trouble, and all too often, believes herself to be the cause of the trouble. If someone important is tired, the submissive has exhausted them. If someone important is angry, the submissive must have angered them. If someone important is disappointed, the submissive must have failed them.

This trait, this interpersonal sensitivity in its highest expression is when the submissive accurately registers interpersonal nuance, and responds to it with a minimun of self-referral, recognizing that other's emotional states may have nothing to do with the submissive herself. This is how it works for the healthy submissive, who as an adult, often finds great fulfillment working in fields such as social work, nursing, medicine, counselling, teaching.

There are certain vulnerabilities a child constituted with a submissive nature faces.

Because of her intense awareness of interpersonal nuance, she is highly sensitive to both criticism and praise. When criticized, she is likely to feel intense shame; when praised, intense pleasure. Since the shame feels so bad, and the praise so pleasurable, she becomes a people-pleaser. This tends to lead to the development of what psychologists call "an external locus of control." Meaning that child bases her self assessment (am I good or bad?) on factors outside herself. The female submissive defines herself based on what others tell her she is.

Parents have enormous responsibility with such an influenceable child. Nascent talents can either be nurtured or aborted with just a word. This child will likely live up, or down to, whatever is expected of her. Expect more than she can constitutionally do (like academic, athletic, or social success) and she will develop an intense sense of inferiority. Praise her out of proportion to her talents (this is the BEST drawing any child EVER did) and she will develop an inflated sense of self. Accurately and sensitively validate her real abilities and talents, and she will seek goals appropriate to her ability, and take pleasure in acheiving them.

When the environment is reality based, sensitive, and balanced, the child grows up embracing her special ability to be "related" to others, to be sensitive, and has a sense of self in reasonable tune with her true abilities and vulnerabilities, neither excessively self effacing or self aggrandizing.

But if development should go awry, as it too often does for this child, the personality traits she has develop in a distorted manner, and cause her difficulties.

In dysfunctional families, this child suffers more than others with tougher hides, less reactive temperments. She is often the one singled out for physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Her very nature makes her available for use: for the parent's angers, frustrations, sexual impulses, or narcissistic gratification.

When a submissive child is misused in this fashion, she is unable to utilize her interpersonal talents in a constructive way. She must either develop rigid defenses that constrain her ability to be flexible as an adult, or be blown about by the winds of other's emotions all her life, or become stuck in what are popularly called, "co-dependent relationships."

Women who emerge from childhood with these traits will be more or less consciously submissive in that they are STILL moldable, controllable by others. Those who don't consciously seek a Dominant partner will naturally gravitate to a man who influences, controls her in a benevolent manner. Who accepts her, loves her, nurtures her, and values her sensitivity.

Those who consciously seek a Dominant partner are those who are perhaps, so sensitive that they require not only benevolence, but someone who understands PRECISELY how moldable and influenceable they are, and is capable of using the power to mold her and influence her deliberately and consciously, for her good and the good of the relationship.

In that kind of relationship, the submissive is freed to be all of herself. She is safe enough to feel her exquisitely sensitive reactions to others, to play like a child, to give care and to take care, to be angry, to lose shame.

There is a strength beyond measure in self knowledge and acceptance. There is freedom in jettisoning shame, in letting go of "shoulds."

To know oneself as a submissive woman, to accept that it is neither the terrible thing that society tells us it is, nor the only right and true way to be for OTHERS, is to be free. What is, is.

There are two kinds of strengths: the strength to lead, and the strength to follow; the strength to control, and the strength to yield. There are two kinds of power: the power to strip another's soul bare, and the power to stand naked.

Do not mistake following for weakness, for it is not. Do not mistake yielding for weakness, for in yielding there is resilience. Do not mistake the submissive's need for relatedness for inability to be alone.

Submissive women are not weaklings. They are sensitive people who have a great deal of resilience in the face of their particular challenges.

Submissiveness is a strength seeking a proper context.

-The Spade-

By Spade ( on Thursday, April 19, 2001 - 11:55 pm:

Now let me stop for a moment and get back to Wyatt and his Ivy league...no....Ivory League education and fondness of reading. I'm not opposed to a man being proud of his achievements and education enough to let others know (quite often) what they are and/or how he acquired them. What sets me off is one who speaks of his accomplishments and background and by action shows himself to be nearly completely contrary to his achievements and education. For example how does one with an Ivy league...no...Ivory league education and a supposedly rich cultural well-to-do background read the initial post of C-No-Color that started this topic and post a reply with the first sentence stating: "Wow, what a scary story and situation?"

What the heck was so darn scary? It wasn't like C-No-Color's cousin whipped out a switchblade and put it to the throat of his girlfriend and threatened to cut her head off. C-No-Color was talking about her cousin not Jack the Ripper. But here you have this Ivy league graduate who loves to read (apparently not enough) saying "Wow, what a scary story and situation" as if he just go through watching Scream. I think its scary to expect that comments like the ones he made come from those considered Ivy league graduates. Not to mention the fact that considering the post that sparked this thread Wyatt and his Ivy...er...Ivory league education should have been able to apply the information about masculine and feminine natures that he learned about on the yahoo board he was a member on and give insight accordingly. Then again he would have actually had to have READ the information to do that now wouldn't he? I mean after all the man just lovvvvvvvvvvvvves to read, no?

Am I to believe that someone who said they "Love to read with a ever growing library" can't apply what they read? Well, first they actually have to read as often as they say they do and then they would have to purchase some more books from which they can put in their "ever growing library" so they can make more intelligent comments instead of nonsense like Wow, what a scary story and situation.

There's a certain person on this board that has a history of playing different people, I don't know if you're another one of his made up delusions he got from various books he has read or you're the real thing but the latter option isn't looking too good right now. Either way you're hyprocrisy has caught my attention and I'm going to get this off my chest right now and drop it unless you have anything further to add. I find it rather ironic that you can call yourself a devout christian but rarely ever speak of God or about God and yet have so much to say about being Ivy League educated and so forth. On top of that you're a FEM-MAN who likes to compliment and jump on the bandwagon of the women of this board (like someone else I know) to get into their good standing to a degree. On this very topic you had a chance to shed some light on the matter discussed but choose to go along with what the women disagreed with even to the point of saying "Wow, what a scary story and situation" just like a little FEM-MAN!

1. If you're going to be a devout christian THEN BE A DEVOUT CHRISTIAN!

2. If you're going to talk of having a Ivy League education and a love to read THEN ACT LIKE IT!

3. If you're going to be a FEM-MAN then at least be one only for your wife.

I'm done, time move back to topic at hand.

-The Spade-

By Spade ( on Thursday, April 19, 2001 - 07:16 pm:


I honestly don't know how to show or tell my cousin that this is not the case. The thing is he is one of those people who believe that his views are right, and everyone elses is wrong. & Ishvara, I certainly wish that he was with a woman like you that would have put him in his place for speaking that way. I'm just shocked that she sat there and took that crap from him!!! I can't figure out whether or not this woman has a low-self esteem issue, or has been taught that all black men are demanding & dominant over their women, (another stereotype). *sigh* That just troubles me.

Those things trouble you C-No-Color because you (like many) are not aware of the forces behind such behavior except to conclude that there is a problem or self esteem issue. Our society teaches that submission of any kind that a woman might give to a man is incorrect. It teaches people to believe that something is wrong about a woman who voluntarily is submissive to a man. It teaches people to use terms like "easy" in relation to describing a submissive woman so as to cast a bad light on woman who are submissive to any degree. There is not nearly enough information to educate people correctly in this matter for them to be aware of the mechanics behind what drives dominant men and submissive women but I shall attempt to enlighten you a bit hence.

There are varying degrees of dominant men and submissive women. For example, the more dominant and masucline the man the more inclined he will be to have the opposite of himself and seek a very submissive woman. And likewise the more submissive and feminine the woman the more she may be inclined to have a very dominant man. The principle is simple to the attraction of the sexes. Men and women are made to be attracted to the differences that they provide for each other. Women don't want a man who acts like a woman and a man doesn't want a woman who acts like a man. In this case I am linking submissive to feminine as masculine is to dominant (Though a degree of both masculine and feminine traits are found in every woman and man but masculine more for men and feminine more for women.), to express such is complete heresy in today's world because it is not politically correct. In a episode from the Hour of Judgement Radio series Kevin Solway said :


But the fact is, in ordinary everyday life, men, masculine men, are attracted to feminine women. This is a basic rule of life.

and also:


There are basic traits of masculinity and femininity. Those people who are strongly masculine in their minds are attracted, sexually and emotionally, to people who are feminine in their minds. So there's a strong selective pressure there.

and lastly:


And in the case of men having a large degree of masculinity, they are going to seek the opposite of what they are in order to complete themselves.

As it pertains to your cousin's words where he said: "White women are like that. I tell them what to do, and they do it. I don't get any lip from them like I get from black women, that's why I stopped dating them." he was simply expressing (ever so bluntly and ignorantly) his preference for women who fulfill his nature as a masucline man. As it stands there are more white women who are submissive then there are black women. Or at least there are less black women being open about being submissive and that it is not a misrepresentation, stereotype, or generalization. [Realize that there are men who are just as dominant as your cousin was that night with his girlfriend and then some. How dominant and submissive a party is willing to go is dependant on them individually. Some are mild, others are more intense and yet others are more extreme. As said it varies on the people involved.]

Here is a account from a black woman who lives a more extreme submissive lifestyle [her site can be reached here]:


I read an interesting commentary about this page. The person was surprised pleasantly I hope to know that there are women of color who enjoy the submissive lifestyle. The impression the person had of black women was one of strength and dominance. And yes....we are strong. As women in this society, black women especially, we have had to be strong in order to survive. Many of us take care of our families...work inside and outside of the home. We have multi-generation extended family units...we are married or single, divorced or widowed maintaining and raising the next generation of youth.

I smiled as I continued to read because I know from my own personal experience that before I ever got into d/s it never occured to me that black women were in the submissive lifestyle. All the magazines, books I had ever read about d/s and I admit I had read only a few nothing was ever mentioned about black women. The pictures were of caucasian couples...young and old who practiced the lifestyle. No minorities that I ever saw.

When I started out on aol more than 3 years ago I felt like I was the only black women in the chat rooms. Master and I celebrate three years together May 1998. Countless times in chatting with Doms online...the total surprise expressed that I was black and seeking to learn about submission sometimes had me wondering about myself. I went to parties and I was the only black person there. As few as there are black subs and Dominas, there are even fewer black Dominants. My Master and I take up two minorities in the lifestyle. I am black and he is Hispanic. The latino representation is even smaller.

Countless times I was asked why would I want to submit to a man. 'Your people were enslaved for over 300 years...how could you voluntarily wish to submit to someone??' They were curious as to how could a black woman handle the whole idea of enslavement. It took me a long time of soul searching and with the help of my Master I did learn why I chose to submit.

The answer was...in front of me all the time - I submitted by choice. I was not enslaved against my will. I was not made to work the fields from dawn to dusk. I was still free to choose. My Master never forced me into my slavery. He holds me to him by the bond between us both. I am yin to his yang . I am there to fulfill his need to be a dominant man. Because that is who he is. We choose to be with each other. And isn't that what d/s is all about? Having the choice to give someone your submission.

Do not get me wrong. It was a struggle for me as well as my Master. I didn't take to submission easily. I have been dominant all my life. I have had to be to get where I am in my personal as well as professional life. A submissive black woman in the working world doesn't get promoted nor does she reach the heights that she wishes to achieve by being submissive.

But there is that part of me, what Master calls my soft side that needed expression. I do not freely submit to every man I meet. Nor do I want to. I am slave to my Master. It has been said to me...you cannot be slave if you are slave to only one. And my reply is, my Master does not allow anyone else to have the priviledge of my slavery without his express permission. He knows I am slave....his will and his desires are my own. I had the choice to give him my submission. He has it in the palm of his hand. I need make no other choices. I am not free to submit to others unless it is his wish.

My slavery to my Master does not interfere with my profession. He takes no part in my job, he does not tell me how to supervise those in my charge any more than I could tell him how to do his job. But when we are together, I am His. Everything that I do is for Him. Conscious actions as well as the subtle unconscious little things I do.

Submissive women come in all colors , shapes and sizes. We are young and we are old. I am pleased to say that in these past 2 years I have met more and more black women who are coming out of the closet and declaring their need to be submissive to a strong man. I am lucky in that I have found someone who is consistently dominant. He is the strength I need.

There was a definite need for this webpage. There are many black women out there struggling with these feelings. Wondering if she betrays her culture by wanting to feel the strength of a man. Wanting to know she is owned...fully and totally. Wanting to feel the warm leather of a collar around her throat. My sisters....we must all find who we are within ourselves. We betray ourselves when we hide...not face who we are...all of who we are. I feel no shame in submitting to my Master. My collar is the outward symbol of his ownership. It is a beautiful black beaded choker with his initial dangling from it and I wear it proudly. I say to my sisters...be who you are whether it is submissive or dominant. Be who you are and be happy.

To be continued...

-The Spade-

By Cnocolor ( on Thursday, April 19, 2001 - 02:59 pm:

I honestly don't know how to show or tell my cousin that this is not the case. The thing is he is one of those people who believe that his views are right, and everyone elses is wrong. & Ishvara, I certainly wish that he was with a woman like you that would have put him in his place for speaking that way. I'm just shocked that she sat there and took that crap from him!!! I can't figure out whether or not this woman has a low-self esteem issue, or has been taught that all black men are demanding & dominant over their women, (another stereotype). *sigh* That just troubles me.
Spade, I look foward to reading your insight on this issue. Your comments & points are always enlightening. Thanks!!!


By Spade ( on Thursday, April 19, 2001 - 01:16 pm:


Wyatt: "Wow, what a scary story and situation."

WHAT A SCARY STORY???!! Wyatt, your extreme ignorance in this issue is hypocritical for a man who purports to be an Ivory League Graduate and one who reads anything he gets his hands on. As a member of the black men and black women interracial discussion board and a man who proclaims to love to read you should not be making comments like "Wow, what a scary story and situation" when issues like these have been discussed in detail on that board and resources about dominant men and submissive women had been given for insight and understanding. In light of your so called Ivory League education and your supposed love to read I find your ignorance quite annoying. You're a FEM-MAN, that reminds me of many possible characters that another known member here has played while on this board! But I'll get back to that a little bit later for now I want to address the points at hand.

C-No-Color, Melirosa, and Ishvara I will return later today with resources and points that I hope will give you a better understanding on issues like the one being talked about now. If nothing else it will certainly be information that will bring one closer to the logical truth....

-The Spade-

By Wyatt ( on Thursday, April 19, 2001 - 09:47 am:

Wow, what a scary story and situation. Personally, I know white women who are that way for their men(white and black men), but I could never date someone who lets me treat them like a household pet. The child has a definite low self-esteem and that is probably with this guy. Also, why do these guys want to treat people that way? I would think that a nice fellow from a nice family would have been taught respect and values and never do such a thing. How disgusting on his part and sad on hers.

By Ishvara ( on Wednesday, April 18, 2001 - 11:54 am:

Well, I too have been exposed to this phenomenon. I think it is the kind of person they seek and attract. It isn't the fact that they are white it's that they obviously have very low self esteems and look to another for self definition and approval. Stereotypes begin somewhere but we are all raised different and must be taken on an individual basis. If that was reality I would think he'd want an Asian women(that was a joke). I have begun to think there is a certain somewhat large element out there dating outside there race for all the wrong reasons, generalizations like the one your cousin made keeps dettermental stereotypes like that one alive. Maybe the majority of white women he's met in his life time are submissive and most of the black women are strong, I'm not sure about this, I too have often wondered, hearing that sentiment echoed often, it really bothers me. Submissive women usually look for powerful overbearing men. If your cousin ever met me believe me no kind of circus act like that would take place else he'd see my backend with a quickness!

By Melirosa ( on Wednesday, April 18, 2001 - 10:03 am:

i agree with the fact that you were "fuming" over this issue. it would have made me angry as well. to generalize someone by their race in any manner is flat out racism and it is stereotyping someone. for black men, or even black women for that matter, to think that white women are weak and submissive is a gross misconception. people always say to me "what are you worried about? you are puerto-rican, not white", what do you care what is said about white women? i have been called white girl, spic, you name it by people who like to judge people by the color of their skin and know nothing about me or who i am. i can pass for being italian because i have dark hair and light eyes, so people never know what i am or what to make of me. there are weak women in every race, and white women should not be judged and looked upon as the epitome of these judgemental generalizations. that is like saying all black women are "ghetto" and loud and overbearing, which we know to be totally untrue. your cousin somehow, somewhere got the wrong idea of white women, AND black women for that matter, and hopefully you can show him the light. i know and i am friends with many different women from many different cultural backgrounds and we are all different and i don't mean according to our race. i hope your cousin isn't one of those people who are just to damn heavy to be enlightened. wake up people!

By Cnocolor ( on Tuesday, April 17, 2001 - 12:28 pm:

Hello, how's everyone doing? It's C-No-Color again. I don't post too much, unless there's an issue that comes up that troubles me. So see if you can help me out on this one. (For those of you who have read some previous posts from me, you know what kind of person I am)
Here's my situation. The other day, my cousin, we'll call him "M", just for the sake of writing this, is a fairly successful night club DJ here in my city. On Friday, M calls me up to invite me & my boyfriend to this new club that he is DJ'ing at so we could come & check it out. So we both decided we would go out dancing since we haven't been in a while. Anyway, my boyfriend & I were sitting at a table near the bar (were both African-American by the way)watching people dance & what-not, we're just basically having a good time. In the meantime, my cousin's new girlfriend walks over to us, introduces herself, & I offer her a seat. She kind of reminds me of a Carmen Electra knockoff. Anyway, my boyfriend buys us a round of drinks and we just start chatting away about the club & making small talk & whatever. M sees her talking to us, puts on a record, walks over to the table, looks her dead in the face and says, "I told you I didn't want you drinking anything!!! Now go back over by the booth & sit down..." just like a scolded child she walks over & sits down. I then asked, "M, why are you yelling at her like that? What's wrong with you? Why are you being so mean, you were taught better!!!" He then says very seriously, "Because I can do it. White women are like that. I tell them what to do, and they do it. I don't get any lip from them like I get from black women, that's why I stopped dating them."
Of course being the type of woman I am, I was fuming!! I COULD NOT believe that my own cousin has this attitude, & that he was raised in the same family that I am. I then said, "O.K, wait a minute. You're telling me that you only date white women because they're easy, & do what they tell you to do? If that's what you're saying to me, you have so much to learn, & you must be dating the WRONG kind of women to have this assumption......" M then says, "see I rest my case, what are you doing? You're sitting here yelling at me for my views on why I date white women. It shouldn't even concern you because you're black." He then walked back to the DJ booth and I asked my boyfriend to just take me home, because I just couldn't sit thru another minute of that.
As you all know, I DO NOT have a problem with interacial dating. It's not my right to tell anyone who they should be with as long as they are happy, fine. But so far throughout my adult life, I have heard this from my fellow black men that they date white women because they're "easy" or "easier to deal with". And I have a very hard time believing that this is true. Is it because they have run into black women who fit the "traditional" role of the ghetto-chick black woman? Please help enlighten a sista on this issue, but it's very sad & pathetic if this is the case.

Sorry 4 the long-windedness

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