What is True Love

By Spade ( on Saturday, June 9, 2001 - 08:47 am:


Spade you are hatefull.

Indeed, I hate the kind of ignorance that people like yourself present. There are of course a host of other things that I do hate but scarce to say this portion of your statement holds a degree of truth, though not in the way you intended. You see, I wouldn't have a problem with you if the majority of what you write were not so absent minded to get my attention. Most of your comments are so conflicting they practically beg for severe examination.


Nothing you write to me or about me (or others on this board) is consistent with a loving human being.

First of all, we're talking about you and only you. Don't try to involve anyone else. Second, the topic here is true love and as such I don't have to show you one iota of it because I don't love you. And I darn sure don't have to tell you what you want to hear just to be deemed a loving human being, not that you know what love is anyway.


How could you know anything of LOVE? YOU BULLY!

(laughs hard) How could you know anything of wisdom? YOU ASS! However I know enough on love to not make myself look like a complete idiot and assume Poetic1 was a young man in "hot love."


With someone of your temperment and spite...your kind of 'LOVE' would be a crime.

How would you know? You don't even know what love is to be able to make that assumption. Not to mention that since I've attacked your stupid remarks regarding love and you can't seem to defend them your motive for your comments here are apparent.


LOVE is nothing but GAME to you.

If love were nothing but a game to me then you would not have been broke down for speaking as if you knew what it was. Don't pull this sticks and stones method with me, you're supposed to be a mature woman surely you can do better.


Your the one seeking attention and all you ever do is yell! Florida!

Yell? Oh, you mean I supposedly yell when I type in caps -LIKE THIS-! Tell you what. Why don't you get real close to the screen and turn your computer speakers up as far as they will go (if you have any) and see if you can hear this: WE ARE ON A MESSAGE BOARD YOU MORON! YOU CAN'T HEAR TEXT!

Ok, did you hear that? I didn't think so!

-The Spade-

By Kansascity ( on Saturday, June 9, 2001 - 06:56 am:

Spade you are hatefull. Nothing you write to me or about me (or others on this board) is consistent with a loving human being. How could you know anything of LOVE? YOU BULLY!
With someone of your temperment and spite...your kind of 'LOVE' would be a crime. LOVE is nothing but GAME to you. Your the one seeking attention and all you ever do is yell! Florida!

By Spade ( on Saturday, June 9, 2001 - 05:01 am:


Kansascity wrote: I am beyound redemption. Too tired, busted, and disgusted.

Which is precisely why you shouldn't be talking about true love or even attempting to. All this other "psychobabble" you've been typing is simply "a play on words" for you to get attention and sympathy. You should keep your tired, busted, and disgusted self off of topics about love because you are beyond redemption and don't know what the heck you're talking about. You wrote all that garbage about "hot love," asking Poetic1 was he young because you wanted so desparately to negate what he had written for your own personal means. Only to find out he was an older gentlemen who still was very much romantic even after his heartbreak. NOW DON'T YOU FEEL LIKE AN ASS!? If you say you don't you're lying! You should let those allegations of being a wisewoman go and hire out your services as a donkey. I have a friend in Mexico named Poncho who could use a good mule.


I also am unable to be in a relationship with other than those who place such great demands on me already. There is nothing left for me to give to anyone else. There use to be. I am tired.

Boo Hoo! Cry me a river! Kansascity claims she has nothing left to give anyone BUT she has plenty of advice to give on "hot love" and what not! She didn't seem too tired to post about that. Like I said Kansascity, you need to call Poncho.

-The Spade-

By Kansascity ( on Saturday, June 9, 2001 - 01:58 am:

Poetic1: You read like a real romantic...most women can appreciate this. I am beyound redemption. Too tired, busted, and disgusted. I also am unable to be in a relationship with other than those who place such great demands on me already. There is nothing left for me to give to anyone else. There use to be. I am tired. Good nite and sweet dreams.

By Kansascity ( on Saturday, June 9, 2001 - 01:33 am:

"Try a Little Tenderness"...this song expresses more than anything my subjective feelings on the love subject.
"Women sure get weary wearing the same shabby dress..." and although the woman at home feels less than glamorous after taking care of children, cooking and cleaning all day when her husband comes home he trys a little tenderness...to show he still loves her and damn the dress or what she is wearing (or how fit she is or isn't, or how much money she makes or does not make or how lousy she may feel worrying that he might be meeting more attractive (and aggressive women at his job)...
I just LOVE that song. Who ever wrote it knows all about TRUE LOVE, too.

By Poetic1 ( on Saturday, June 9, 2001 - 01:20 am:

To LadyLily:
Congratulations...I am indeed happy that you have been so fortunate.
To KansasCity:
If you call getting to your very soul and hearing what it tells you "psychobabble" then you are right. As long as you feel that you don't have time to make your self happy and find out who you are...you will be destined to repeat all of that BS that is dysfunctional in whatever relationships you have that don't work out. It is, quite possibly, as you put it, "a play on words." Even if it is...is that a reason to dismiss it. John Bradley talks about finding your inner child and acknowledging it. Zig Zigler talks about doing away with "Stinkin' Thinkin." Dr. Dwyer says, "you can't send your ducks to Eagle school." Norman Vincent Peale expounded upon the power of positive thinking. then, in direct corelative to this discussion, there is the adage that says "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved before." Whether you believe you are right or you believe you are wrong...you are right. Point being...if you believe that "it" is not all it is cracked up to be or, that you don't have the time or that it is just plain "mushy" then you are right...all this "love crap' ain't gonna happen - no way! no how! Frankly, I would rather find a way to understand who I am, learn from past relationships what was incongruent to my happiness, change it, relearn it and then go out and make it work for my own happiness and peace. Then again, I am an etrnally optimistic romantic, living outside the proverbial box...what the hell do I know, except maybe the beat of my own drummer...following my own syncopated cadence...knowing that, eventually, it will be music.

By Kansascity ( on Saturday, June 9, 2001 - 12:28 am:

I am too darn busy to even think about what "loving yourself first before you can love another" is all about. I do not have TIME to wonder if I love myself enough to love others because of being so very busy caring for and taking care of others....you see? I just get busy loving others and have no time to wonder if I love myself. This concept seems a play on words that is almost like 'phycobabble'. Who has time for this? Not me! Maybe this ideal is for people with more well ordered lives. Contemplation of these matters is for those who have the time and resources.

By Doveone ( on Saturday, June 9, 2001 - 12:08 am:


May I be the first to congratulate you on finding True Love. As you said, many seek it but seldon find it. I wish the two of you eternal happiness


By Ladylily ( on Friday, June 8, 2001 - 09:05 pm:

Poetic1, it has taken a very wise man to show me that one is never to old to find "True Love"...the kind of love all of us seek, but few seldom find. The future looks bright...we shall marry and be together forever, because we have been blessed by this wondrous love. I can attest that true love IS everything it is cracked up to be...all that the poets have written about. I hope that you will find it someday. You sound like a very intelligent, talented and thoughtful person. God Bless! ~ Ladylily

By Poetic1 ( on Friday, June 8, 2001 - 07:33 pm:

To Spade:

Thank you for your words and for your defense. Both are greatly appreciated.

To KansasCity:
Since you don't feel that "Love" or "Soulmates" are "all that they are cracked up to be and, since you think that it must take a young heart to have inspiration for love...let me propose, state, and ask a few things of you...
Statement: As I have already mentioned, I am a young at heart fifty-one year old man. I write poetry in a romantic vein...I adore Blake, Keats, Yates, Byron and Sheeley...as well as John Milton...they are the men...that more of us men need to read...but I digress.
To say that I believe that I know what "True Love" is...for me...is a most accurate statement. Where does my inspiration come from? My heart, my mind and my desire...for life, knowledge and yes, love. from a philosophical point of view...you have to be willing to give it, freely, without expectation...so that you can overflow in replenishment when it comes back to you - tenfold. It is about faith...in yourself and your ability to practice on an almost natural subconcious level, unconditionality. It is the inability to do so that causes so many relationships to fail - mine included. But, if we are lucky, we get a second chance. that second chance comes out of understanding and apreciation, not of others so much as it is of ourselves. If you can't love and accept you...how can you begin to think about loving someone else. My inspiration comes from my second chance...my renewal. My vision is enhanced by my standing by who I am...never compromising and never settling for something, that can't or won't serve to help make me better. Isn't that what we all want - the ability to make it better...so that our lives can be more complete in substance, being and purpose. That is what love brings, on wings of heartbreak, toil, joy, sorrow and, eventually, rapturous ecstasy, when it all comes together. Now, that is worth living for, at least it is for me.
If for but a brief second...you found yourself in a relationship where you were calm, at peace, felt safe and were ready to do anything for that other being - were you not sensing love. Is it so hard for you to comprehend what is in you...to define it for what it really is. That essence that makes you unique...is also the ingredients that will help you define what love is for you.
Look at you...in the mirror...silently ask yourself...what is it that you would dier for. And, when you do...make sure that what it is that you are asking is wityh regard to setting your heart free. What you are asking for is the one thing in the world that you do not have. Now, once you come to that answer, then honestly ask yourself how you feel about you...your failings, your successes...what you will and won't accept and why that is. Then, take all of that and make a mental/emotional composite...see what it is that you have...now strive for that...it will, one day, bring you love. For, once you have achieved all that, you will be so at peace, and happy, with who you are. Then, when you say, "that Soulmates aren't all they are cracked up to be"...and..."true Love is an inspiration of a young heart"...you will be right...for that Soulmate that you attract will be more than all that you ever expected and you will feel most definitely young of heart, mind and spirit.
Of course this is my vision of the world...hard fought for over twenty years of marriage...but, I haven't found anything better yet.
Take Care...

By Kansascity ( on Friday, June 8, 2001 - 01:04 pm:

Thank you! I am not the only 'Crone' here!:-) Hope everybody has a great day...and call your mothers and say hello...if possible. Take care.

By Poetic1 ( on Thursday, June 7, 2001 - 09:20 pm:


The heart is young but the body is older...I am a fifty-one year old who was married for twenty, years to one who could not give unconditionally. No b*tchin' just making a point of reference. I learned much about my heart and who I am and what I want...and, yes, what I missed. Now, after being divorced for three years, I know what I feel and what my heart wishes to sing. To some of you that may me a little 'smaltzy"(sp) but there it is.

If my heart doth speak
Unto my mind, I must hear it
For it is in the strength of its voice
Felt, trembling in my soul, I find my desire.

Take Care

By Kansascity ( on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 - 08:08 pm:

Well Spade maybe I was just a little jealous that Poetic1 knows what love is and I don't?

By Spade ( on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 - 07:52 pm:



Your expressions of what TRUE LOVE is are indeed very beautiful and accurate. If all persons who jumped into matrimony held the same views and convictions, there would be far less divorce, if any at all.

Quite true, as it stands true love is such a rare thing to be had or known that many will never feel its embrace aside of expansive claims to the contrary. Indeed, when faced with the overwhelming reality of what true love is those that have glimpsed it standing in front of them grow fearful because they understand all too well how massive and profound it is. Whereas in the public eye it is seen as something used to create fanciful words, infatuation, and exhilarated emotional views. In truth only a small handful of people have ever known and had true love, even the majority of parents and their parents before them and so on down the history of mankind have ever felt its touch. Even those marriages that exist now that would be deemed stable and happy do not have a grasp or full knowledge of true love and that is simply reality. It is vague and nearly nonexistent to the majority and even more a shadow in terms of mutual comprehension and realization for would be lovers (of all ages). Faced with this prospect its little wonder why there's so much divorce.



Spade, yes I lend my salute with Sheri, those beautiful words come closer to any when I think of what real love is between two people, God's promise and I desire nothing less than that and I know for a fact that it exists.

If you desire nothing less then true love then maintain your views and settle for nothing less. True love does exist but often the road leading to it is challenging and full of obstacles. Most are lead astray or just give up after a time and settle for what ever they can get or have, quickly joining the ranks of the disillusioned. Further there are false prophets of true love, those that will offer you the world and all other pleasant vices while using love as a shield for evil. A bit like Satan trying to tempt Christ with all the kingdoms of the world if he were to do an act of worship to him. Maintain a clear focus and let God guide you to the wisdom of love for he is the only one truly capable of doing so.



Have I found a more romantic soul than my own? Thanks for the words that paint a picture and most definitely define "true love". That was exactly what I was hoping to find here!

And I knew exactly what you meant when you asked. I'm glad to be of assistance. Am I more a romantic soul then yourself? Perhaps.

Thank you for the kind words ladies.

-The Spade-

By Doveone ( on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 - 05:15 pm:

Poetic 1 and Spade:

Your expressions of what TRUE LOVE is are indeed very beautiful and accurate. If all persons who jumped into matrimony held the same views and convictions, there would be far less divorce, if any at all.


By Ishvara ( on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 - 10:07 am:

Spade, yes I lend my salute with Sheri, those beautiful words come closer to any when I think of what real love is between two people, God's promise and I desire nothing less than that and I know for a fact that it exists.

By Sheri ( on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 - 09:11 am:

Have I found a more romantic soul than my own? Thanks for the words that paint a picture and most definitely define "true love". That was exactly what I was hoping to find here!

By Spade ( on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 - 06:39 am:


"Hot Love" is usually young love but not always. However, Love is not always like that. Love covers alot of ground...(to be continued)

The topic is about TRUE LOVE! not simply love itself. This isn't a topic about agape love but rather eros love as it is defined in the most powerful and romantic sense. And while true love is certainly a part of the greater whole that makes up love itself there are distinct differences. It has nothing to do with "hot love" silly! And it further has nothing to do with "young love." Again you tread in an area where you don't know what you're talking about and consistently put your foot in your mouth at the same time. I find it very amusing how you vaguely give the impression that you are some kind of veteran as far as knowing what true love is and at the same time prove to be the exact opposite. Then again, it isn't true love that you're trying to define. What you are trying to do is throw both true love and agape love all into the same context without making a distinction to aid your own personal views. You've done this before!!! Then you have the nerve to try and make it seem that any passionate expression of true love is "hot love" or "young love." Your ignorance in this matter is disgusting, especially when you make it seem as if you know what you are talking about and you don't!. And the sad thing about that is YOU SHOULD! You should be the TRUE LOVE GURU, breaking down definitions of true love that would even bring me to tears.

Poetic1 wrote a wonderful expression that was accurate for the force that is true love. Then you came along with this nonsense;


"Well I'm a Poet and Do know it: that was a pretty mushy description of "love" oh my!
When it comes right down to the wire or the nitty gritty....you know what LOVE really is? It is being strong/weak enough to throw all caution to the wind, let the chips fall, do the best you can even if it is not good enough and just Love people.

You should have kept that "mushy" comment to yourself because it was not a mushy description but rather a beautiful and correct one. And again, we're not talking about loving "people" or loving your "children" or your "neighbor." The topic of love is specific -- we're talking about TRUE LOVE. A couple of posts later you must have thought about how stupid that "mushy" remark was so you tried to actually come back and pay Poetic1 a compliment AND FOULED IT ALL UP BY TRYING TO PASS HIS WORDS OFF ON YOUTH!!!


Poetic1...very beautiful verse...where do you find your inspiration? Are you young? I see things with older eyes...wisewoman. However, the young have their own wisdom which is probably appropriate for 'your season' in love. Blessings!!
'Mushy' is not a good word..

Darn right mushy wasn't a good word! AND JUST A MINUTE!!! DID YOU SAY WERE A WISEWOMAN? So now you're claiming to know TRUE LOVE AND BE WISE! If there is anything I know its wisdom and love (especially true love) and you my dear know little of either. You have the wisdom of a brick! As a so called "wisewoman" you should have known better. Wisewoman indeed!


"Hot Love" is usually young love but not always. However, Love is not always like that. Love covers alot of ground...(to be continued)

There's no need for you to belittle the obvious by going on to tell what ground love covers. If I had a dollar for everytime someone went on to describe true love with a list of virtuous qualities I would be a millionare. Those factors are self evident much like recognizing someone walking down the street as a human being of a certain height and weight. All of which says nothing about who the individual person really is. Likewise, to do a similar thing to the facets of love is to water down its full value and power. Poetic1 had it right the first time but you were too busy calling it "mushy" to notice.

-The Spade-

By Kansascity ( on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 - 03:19 am:

"Hot Love" is usually young love but not always. However, Love is not always like that. Love covers alot of ground...(to be continued)

By Anon2000 ( on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 - 01:08 am:

you guys are great, i love it:)! peace, love and unity, y'all...spread the vibe.

By Ladylily ( on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 - 11:43 pm:

Spade, as usual your insight on true love is quite beautiful...very much in character with your ability to think and feel with honesty, integrity and sincerity. ~ Ladylily

By Spade ( on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 - 09:44 pm:


If a short and sweet definition of true love is what you need then feel free to choose one below that suits you. Here are just a few of my own:

-True love is the promise of God to the souls of a man and woman who seek to love through his will.

-True love is the link between two spirits that are tied together as one, two lives sharing the heart of bliss that pumps the blood of desire.

-True love is the beginning of a million forevers wrapped around infinity -- the pathway to eternal ecstasy.

-True love is the color of your thoughts when you dream fondly of your beloved and the sound of quiet joy when you awake in their arms.

-True love is the road to salvation, the intersection between understanding and kindness, and the stairway to celestial lust.

-True love is the reaching of lovers over the oceans of time to share a moment of eternity.

~The Spade~

By Boblongfellow ( on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 - 08:42 pm:

Love means different things to different to different people. Love is an abstract concept that is impossible to define.People have varying ideas of what love is. I gave up on the notion of being in perpetual bliss in high school. Searching for love is like searching for the "Fountain of Youth". Some people believe that being in love means always being together exclusively. Others believe that it is possible to have outside affairs and still be in love. Swinging couples say they love each other while having sex with others;to many that lifestyle would break the bond. Some women believe that only a man who beats them truly loves them,go figure; while some men will never lay a finger on their partner. Love like monogamy is an idealistic concept but one which I believe goes against human nature. We are all jealous and envious. We look out for number one,but we are social animals. Even people who never only stick with one partner sometimes have fantasies of sex with others, though Harry S. Truman said he never looked at another woman sexually after falling in love with his wife. On the other hand Jimmy Carter admitted to having lust in his heart while professing love to Rosalind. My opinion is if you find your "soulmate" fine; if not, no big deal. The important thing is being content with yourself.

By Cma ( on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 - 07:07 pm:

Sheri, I can't really define love that well either. If anyone asks me what I want I know what I want. I want emotional intimacy with a woman I love. But defining what love is is not easy.

By Sheri ( on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 - 04:30 pm:

I'm hoping that someone can give me a clear definition here as I am 28 years old and a hopeless romantic. Whenever a man asks what I am looking for, I always respond, "true love, nothing less". Of course, they ask me to define it and the words the come to mind are simply not enough. A short and sweet detailed explanation would be good here if someone out there has those endearing words that I may borrow. I hold true to the words that Jack Nicholson spoke in As Good As It Gets with Helen Hunt, "You complete me. You make me want to be a better person". That hits closest to home than anything for me.

By Frenchvanilla ( on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 - 04:19 pm:

To me true love is loyalty, honesty, and faithfulness. True Love vs. One-Sided Love. Very different. But true love is a beautiful experience. I've seen those that don't love themselves though, try to tell me they love someone else. I don't believe that is possible.

By Spade ( on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 - 04:40 am:

And precisely how would you know that true love isn't what its cracked up to be Kansascity? I know for a certainty that IT IS WHAT ITS CRACKED UP TO BE! Anyone who says otherwise has never had true love and should leave expressions of such to those that do. Instead of using words like "mushy" and "its not what its cracked up to be" or trying to water down the expressions of true love by talking of age...(to be continued)

-The Spade-

By Kansascity ( on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 - 12:27 am:

That whole "Soul Mate" idea is not all it is cracked up to be. It is just a new way of talking about an old subject: Love!

By Cma ( on Monday, June 4, 2001 - 01:40 am:

There are so many ways of loving. Love is a journey. You never really know what it is at the end of it. Some people find it, some never do. Sometimes I envy people that have found their soulmate in life. Maybe I shouldn't, afterall, I'm happy for them, but envy can be powerful too.

By Kansascity ( on Monday, June 4, 2001 - 12:45 am:

Poetic1...very beautiful verse...where do you find your inspiration? Are you young? I see things with older eyes...wisewoman. However, the young have their own wisdom which is probably appropriate for 'your season' in love. Blessings!!
'Mushy' is not a good word..

By Frangiapani ( on Sunday, June 3, 2001 - 10:04 pm:

Poetic1, i also thought that was beautiful. i think you can just turn around one day and see that person and know you are in love. There is no reason and its more than physical, but without a doubt you know it. i agree that actions speak louder than words when it comes to loving someone and being there for that person when they need you.

These are sweet;

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged cupid painted blind"

"There are two worlds; the world that we can measure with line and rule, and the world that we feel with our hearts and imagination"

"love is to be something less than human if it is not something more"

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return"

"To love for the sake of being loved is human, to love for the sake of loving is angelic"

By Kansascity ( on Sunday, June 3, 2001 - 12:41 am:

"Well I'm a Poet and Do know it: that was a pretty mushy description of "love" oh my!
When it comes right down to the wire or the nitty gritty....you know what LOVE really is? It is being strong/weak enough to throw all caution to the wind, let the chips fall, do the best you can even if it is not good enough and just Love people.

By Ladylily ( on Saturday, June 2, 2001 - 03:46 pm:

Doveone, thank you for your interest. Yes, I have poetry in print. One book was published quite awhile back, but it is currently out of print. I have another release due by late summer. Originally it was to be published this past fall...however, the publishing company was unable to publish it at that time. It's entitled, "The Silence Within"...I enjoyed writing for this particular book. I hope you will like it. Thanks again for your interest in my work. ~ Ladylily

By Doveone ( on Saturday, June 2, 2001 - 02:59 pm:


I have read your comments and beautiful poetry that you contributed on this board and other boards. I remember that you said some time ago that you are a writer.... what kinds or material do you write? Have you written books that one may purchase from a book store? Also have you written anything, articles or books on IR relationships? One can tell that you are a very romantic person.... I too am a romantic....
I would love to read some of your works..

one romantic to another,

By Poetic1 ( on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 04:16 pm:


Thank you...I'm glad you liked it.


By Ishvara ( on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 03:24 pm:

That was completely beautiful.

By Poetic1 ( on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 01:46 pm:


It's that feeling of indescribale "je ne c'est quoi" everytime you see the object of your devotion...
The equating of peace that you feel when you are in "their" presence...
It is that calmness you get when you turn out the light and roll into their arms...
The joy at hearing their voice...
It is the validation that you get from knowing that they care...
The warmth that you get from smelling their scent...
It is understanding...of...
What you and they really are and knowing it is right...
How you two have become one...one life...one thought...one circle...
It is the not having to know the why and felling safe in the fact that it just is...
It is unconditionality to limits...of joy...of pain...of being, safely, who you are...
It is never having to say you are sorry...never having to apologize for being honest...and knowing that they are okay with that...
It is being in sync...with the world...your lives together...in heart and soul on an indescribale level that borders on being mystical...
It is the completion of thought without speaking...and understanding when that is necessary...
It is rapture...it is ecstasy...it is joy...pain...and sorrow...
It is the final completion that makes us whole and endless in our union...
It is life at its finest and at its worse and the knowing...that it is all good.


By Kansascity ( on Thursday, April 5, 2001 - 02:15 am:

I have come to the conclusion that the truest love is a mother's and father's love for their children.......(including Toughlove when necessary) when it is really there (sometimes it cannot be there for whatever reason). To have parents who back their children with their all: dreams, goals, aspirations, protection-enabling them to GROW.
It is crucial that parents teach their children the dymanics of choice/consequences/personal accountability as well, without being cruel. God, I wish we could all have parents like that! What a better and happier world it would be!

By Ladylily ( on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 01:24 pm:

Wyatt, you said everything that makes a relationship a success for two people who are lovingly committed to one another. When I read it I was compelled to respond by saying that your thoughts on this are perfection itself. I am impressed by interracial love that is truly from the heart. It is a beautiful thing to behold. ~ Lily

By Wyatt ( on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 12:43 pm:

True love to me is having patients, devotion, respect, longsuffering, not being irritable or jealous, rude, unkind. Love is caring for the other person above yourself, it is self sacrifice--As one would have for a child. It is giving without looking for returns. It is not egotistical or competitive. It is part attraction, part spiritual and part friends, bound together.

By Candi ( on Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 08:34 pm:


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