Violent white supremacists

By Cocoagrl ( on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 04:58 pm:

Wyatt says,
"You can't hide from them, you need to join an orgainization to fight hate. You can't be afraid of everything that walks, they are not always dressed as skinsheads anymore. Now they work in hightech, they go to law school, they are doctors, they are definitely politicians and teachers. They could be your next door neighbor."

This is true, the same way that foreign terrorists are using our own education against, domestic terrorists are doing the same thing.

Keep your eyes and ears open, we have to find these people and put them out of business.

By Wyatt ( on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 - 08:27 pm:

Orange County is know throughout the US as the home of WAR(White Aryan Resistance) the most dangerous and deadly of the neo nazi, hate groups. They art very active in recruiting of poor white youth in SoCalifornia. They have also moved into Sacremento Area, where two brothers killed two Jewish people and attacked Synagogues and IR couples.
The Organization that monitors hate groups in the US is The Southern Poverty Law Center. California is one of the most active areas in the country, percisely for the reason that many areas that were once lily white are now hispanic and asian. This is also the reason why many California hate groups and members moved to Coer D' Alene, Idaho. They wanted to build a white aryan homeland. I lived in Portland, Oregon just recently and the racist groups are big. WAR killed an Ethopian immigrant there a few years back. They are also up in Whidbey Island in Seattle.
Orange County is also known for being the headquarters of the California Klan. They may have moved to other parts of Cal, but I knew friends growing up whose parents were in the klan in Orange County.
Are the beach towns racist? The places where I found it most racist were on the east side of the Sierras. Like Bakersfield. I love Santa Cruz, Big Sur. I was thinking of mving to San Francisco, my aunt lives there and loves it. I am going to two weddings next month in Palo Alto and one in Mendocino. I also loooove Arcata.

By Modulis ( on Tuesday, April 24, 2001 - 03:27 am:


I'm in the L.A. area.

By Anon2000 ( on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 11:16 pm:

hey wyatt,
are you talking trash about MY orange county? *joke*

that's where i was raised and most of my extended family is still there, EXCEPT ME, the smart one *smile*. i will admit, it was very white and very republican AT ONE TIME, however the voting bloc has changed dramatically there. oc is even tipping towards *gasp* the democratic party! the latino population is very high there and my sister is married to a latino.

yes, hb was always labeled as racist, all the beach cities are like that ($$$) i was raised in santa ana which is mostly latino now. central oc (the older section of oc) is probably "safer", but i haven't lived there for some time now...

By Anon2000 ( on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 11:10 pm:

may i ask where you live? (i am in sacramento) i wonder why i never see such sights....lucky or not looking?? maybe it's my age...dunno.

By Roberto ( on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 06:37 pm:

I use to go by the code, "an eye for an eye", now I go by the code, "suit them". If I cannot get you for a violent act against me, I will get you for slander". Take a racist to the bank if you can. Show me the money. ~ Roberto

By Modulis ( on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 06:11 pm:

Hey Wyatt, what places in Orange Co. are known for white supremacist activities? I know they had a problem at Huntington Beach a few years back, and I know an Asian guy that got beat up at HB from what he described as "hicks." I rememeber they interviewed this black guy that worked at a store in downtown HB and he said that he's afraid to get off and leave at night because of all the skinheads around there. If I remember correctly, the cops were cracking down on them. But since I'm never really down that way, I can't personally attest. It's too bad that Orange Co is like that. When I'm driving to San Diego, I always think that San Clemente and that area by San Onofre(sp?) is really pretty. Are there any parts of OC that are pretty safe and tolerant?

By Wyatt ( on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 02:28 pm:

I have come across these kind, actually, I've fought them politically for 20 years(I wouldn't waste my time fighting them physically). I support the Southern Poverty Law Center, work with an anti-racist organizations, lobby for hate crime bills, etc.

They are out there and they are growing! What is true, however, is that they will attack you as a minority, as a black couple, as an interracial couple, as a gay couple, as a jew! You can't hide from them, you need to join an orgainization to fight hate. You can't be afraid of everything that walks, they are not always dressed as skinsheads anymore. Now they work in hightech, they go to law school, they are doctors, they are definitely politicians and teachers. They could be your next door neighbor. So don't be afraid of these people, feel pity for these lonely souls and keep your eyes open. Read about hate crime, about racism in America, about social justice and peace, about Interracial love, about history of other people. Read and keep awake, don't be lulled into a false sense of security. Stay away from places, if you can, that draw the base mentality of human nature and thus negative people. Stay away from certain bars and clubs, from tractor pulls and some places in Orange County, from certain neighborhoods. You know where these people hang out, much like gang and drug hangouts.

By Modulis ( on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 01:37 am:

Have any of you guys ever run into these types while out with your partner? You sometimes see this people pop up here and there unexpectedly. Some friends of mine were at Universal City Walk (it's sort of a tourist trap, nightlife place at Universal Studios for those of you not familiar with L.A.). There were probably about 8 of my friends of all races. There was only one white guy. Then a horde of skinheads came out of nowhere and tried to pick a fight with the white guy. My friends ended up running away and weren't hurt. But imagine if these skinheads came across an IR couple, someone probably would've got beat and maybe even killed. Also, a few years ago, I was in Santa Cruz,CA on their main street where all the shops, bars and theatres are. SC is probably the most liberal city in America, yet lo and behold, the second me and my friends turned the corner and drove down the main street, we saw about a group of about 10 skinheads walking in a pack. One of them had a big Confederate flag shirt on. You never know when these violent, racist thugs are going to pop up and try to confront you. I guess if you're in an IR relationship, you've got to be on the lookout all the time. Anyone here ever come across them? Tell your story...

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