Racist Tendencies

By Anon2000 ( on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 12:52 am:

actually, it's good that she said that - now you know where she's coming from (even if she hides it)! what's in the dark, ALWAYS comes to the light...

By Kansascity ( on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 12:22 am:

Wow Sheri: That woman must have been embarrassed after she stuck her foot in her mouth...I would have wanted to slap her! Take care

By Sheri ( on Monday, May 21, 2001 - 12:29 pm:

I had a past experience that I will remember for the rest of my life. One that definitely opened my eyes and made me realize that the sterotypes are still there. Last year we had our open house for the law firm I work for. I was in charge of getting things organized and in order for the event. My boyfriend at the time, who is a huge man (Very dark complected, 6'8", bald, muscular) did not feel comfortable attending, eventhough he was invited by my co-workers and attorneys. There was one other man of color at our open house. Anyway, the local morning show radio personalilty was in attendance as a friend of one of the attorney's spouse. She is very outgoing and vocal, you can imagine. WHile I was meeting and greeting with guests, Scott was outside in our SUV having a cigarette waiting on me. "Carla" went out the back door to have a cigarette herself and when she came in I heard her say, "I don't mean to alarm anyone, but there is a very big black man sitting out there in that 4x4 smoking a cigarette" then I heard, "SHHHH! That is Sheri's boyfriend!" Iwas alarmed and didn't really know how to react. She made me feel that my boyfriend was sitting outside ready to harm the next "white person" that stepped out. I wonder if he had been white, if she would have been just as scared and felt the need to notify everyone. It's hard to belive people still have that sterotype instilled upon them. Sheri

By Roberto ( on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 06:41 pm:


Who the hell cares if American white women are racist in general and think they are god's gift to the universe. There is a whole wide world out there, trust me. ~ Roberto

By Wyatt ( on Monday, April 23, 2001 - 02:44 pm:

I find it funny that Mr. Savages is able to point fingers at white, blonde women dating non-white men(which is such a lie, seeing as the IR rates are not even at 20% in this country), but also did he raise the question of white men dating and having a fetish for Asian women?!

In my city, white women will date all manner of white men, but very few(even in this so called liberal democratic city) date outside of their race. Meanwhile, white men are dating women of color like mad. The truth is, I think white women are more prejudice than white men, especially in the dating process. Just check out dating pages in your local news papers and free weeklies. White men will choose women of different races far more than women.

By Anon2000 ( on Sunday, April 22, 2001 - 05:13 pm:

the show is out of san fran? lol. this IS probably what mr. savages is seeing in the bay area! however, to label ww "blonde sluts", is pretty sleazy. i feel the only reason he would make a remark like that is that the ww he has been seeing with other race men are attractive, so he feels he must cut them down somehow. so now it's not just "fat, ugly ww" with bm, huh? what's in the dark must come to the light...

By Roberto ( on Sunday, April 22, 2001 - 08:58 am:

I generally agree with 90% of Mr. Micheal Savages commentaries on his national radio talk show out of San francisco and from his Paul Revere Society organization on the state of affairs in America and the world, especially his call for "Borders, Language and Culture", but I feel he stepped over the line last week by playing to the sexual and racial fears of white males by saying that "the white blond sluts in our nations colleges and universities will not have anything to do with white boys, but will sleep with any non-white (chinese, latins and blacks) to show how liberal they are". Mr. Savage has done what happens with most white males that I notice. When the emotions boil over and they feel their backs are against the wall, "True Feelings" like "True Love comes to the surface, but in unexpected ways. There are many kinds and levels of racism, but the kind I abhor the most is the "sneaky covert variety" that wraps itself in a cloak of respectability and plays out to the very weakness of failed men. ~ Roberto

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