Virginia Express Regret Over Its Eugenics Policy

By Cocoagrl ( on Thursday, September 13, 2001 - 04:39 pm:

Are you serious about Brazil? Do they still do this?
I am african american and I had considered going to Brazil for carnival/vacation, but if this is true, I would never ever spend a dime in that place.

By Wyatt ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 03:36 pm:


There is an excellent exhibition at the ICP--Institute of Contemporary Photography in Manhattan dealing with the Eugenics movement in Britian, Germany and the US in the early 20th century.

Check it out, it is quite interesting, enlightening and horrifying.w

By Kansascity ( on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 06:03 am:

There is a theory/story that the Natzis fled to South American afte WWII...also infiltrated the USA by working in our goverment agencies etc. Pretty scary! Also, the way that health care delivery in this country has been dreastically causing many deaths, and illnesses. Have you looked up in the sky and seen chemtrails. I see them on average just about every day. Lots of illnesses croping up and hard to get well. Doctors will not diagnos and treat illness if it does not meet the CODE<

By Roberto ( on Sunday, February 4, 2001 - 10:52 pm:


Brazil did so, because as a developing nation it wanted to eliminated many of the social problems that it seen its cousin to the north (The United States) was having with its minority population. It also wanted to reduce the black population that at one time in its history was growing too fast and would have caused serious problems in its future. That is why the death squads there are killing the street children, who are largely black or mixed race to control the street crime for the merchants who pay them to kill off the children of the black underclass. That is also why now Brazil is encouraging increases in immigration from european nations, rather than non-european nations with the exception of Japan. It's called by the Brazilians, "the bleaching" out of the black race.

On your other point about compensation for those who were sterilized under state sponsored statutes. Do not hold your breath. ~ Roberto

By Ishvara ( on Sunday, February 4, 2001 - 05:49 pm:

Why? Would Brazil do such a thing why non white women only and I wonder how they define "white". Again I am sickened by what women must bow to when forced into situations imposed by those in power. The United States needs to give restitution to those wronged so terribly.

By Roberto ( on Saturday, February 3, 2001 - 07:34 pm:

Virginia's House of Delegates last Friday expressed regret over the forced sterilization of about 8,000 people in the state of Virginia over the phony science of eugenics. But, what they did was strike the word "apology" out of the resolution before it went to a floor vote. The word "apology" according to a delegate (whose name I will not give here) said, "carried a connotation of guilt that he did not want to be associated with". Virginia's involvement in eugenics started in 1924, when the General Assembly permitted involuntary sterilization and made it illegal for whites to marry non-Caucasians. The proponents of eugenics thought they could purify the white race by targeting what they considered the "feebleminded", including those experiencing mental illness, mental retardation, alcoholism or immorality.

Get this, Virginia's law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, and has been credited for influenciing the eugenics movement worldwide. The Nazis, who forcibly sterilized 2 million people, were operating under German law that echoed the Virginia statute. Eugenics was eventually discredited as political and social prejudice, rather than scientific fact.

Virginia and 29 other states that conducted forced sterilization have never compensated, apologized or memorialized the more than 60,000 eugenics victims. "But, its important to face the past now, as advances in genetic engineering promise to bring full circle the spector of eugenics", according to a delegate. The resolution now heads to the state senate.

Note: How many of you know that the nation of Brazil has followed this same statute as well and has sterilized 12 million non-white women. ~ Roberto

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