By Ebonykowboy ( on Sunday, October 14, 2001 - 04:58 am: |
Thanks, Ishvara
By Anajansi ( on Saturday, October 13, 2001 - 08:22 pm: |
My fiance is not here to defend himself. I find it strange that ebonykowboy has the same IP as I do look at some of his or her responses on this thread.
By Ishvara ( on Saturday, October 13, 2001 - 04:29 pm: |
I've been visiting interesting stuff.
By Spade ( on Saturday, October 13, 2001 - 03:32 pm: |
Ishvara, Question for Spade: I sent you a question through my private e-mail in regards to a post about the fem-man issue for which I haven't received a reply. For some reason it didn't post, was there a specific reason for that? Thanks.
By Ebonykowboy ( on Saturday, October 13, 2001 - 12:06 pm: |
Ishvara, where do you reccomend one go where intelligent life does bother to visit?
By Ishvara ( on Saturday, October 13, 2001 - 10:38 am: |
Thank you for the compliment, I still check back here from time to time to see if intelligent life still bothers with this board. All this board seems to attract are a lot of splintered people. Although I like the forum since it is geared specifically towards relationships between ww and bm, there doesn't seem to be much interest other than saying inciteful things.
Question for Spade: I sent you a question through my private e-mail in regards to a post about the fem-man issue for which I haven't received a reply. For some reason it didn't post, was there a specific reason for that? Thanks.
By Ebonykowboy ( on Friday, October 12, 2001 - 12:05 pm: |
First of all, I am not entirely sure whether or not, this Anajansi, person is a black man or a white woman, although I suspect her to be a woman, but for the sake of argument (intellectual conversation) I shall assume "her" to be a man, with reservations. Being a black man myself that also dates white women, I find it both offensive and idiotic for another black man to insinuate that black women are not cerebral. And as far as being "cunning" is that supposed to be a good thing? If you are a black man, and your mother is presumably a black woman, and she is neither cerebral or cunning, again assuming that to be a good thing, then based on what we know about genetics, that would necessarily make you also cerebral-LESS and cunning-LESS. (which by the way could be a good thing with a slight variation on the spelling). The( to carry that ridiculous point further), that puts all black men in the same category that you incorrectly placed the black woman. I date white women, not because they are more intelligent or more cunning or even more beautiful. I think each black man has his own reason for dating white women and sometimes its just a simple matter of that being the person you are the most compatible with. Black women are beautiful, and intelligent, and articulate, and at the same time there are black women who are the opposite of those things, but then, that is also true of white women, and Italian women, and all races of women. Why does some idiot have to take something that is beautiful and positive and make it into something negative and ugly? After examining all of the posts of this, Anajansi person, I believe "it" to be either a white woman, white man, or "other" (and certainly an idiot) for the following reasons;
quotes from "the idiot"....
1. "white love is better than black love" Then why would a white woman want your love being that you are a "black man", wouldn't she get better love from a white man?
2. "lets extinguish the "so called" black race altogether" Now truly, what's up with that. I find it interesting that your comment was not to extinguish the "so called" white race altogether..that comment sounds suspiciously close to that of a paranoid white male. And just for the record, what the hell is an "all knowing condition". I being a black man that dates interracially knows nothing of it.
3. "yes, why bother paying attention to what I as well as many others believe? Do so at your own peril"? I am rapidly abandoning by belief that Anajansi is a white woman....again, that comment sounds like one from a paranoid white the way Anajansi, do you live in the mountains of Coloroda, and do you have any neighbors with the last name, "McVay"?
4. "Ms Anon2000 you appear to be traumatized (I assume that's the word "it" was trying to spell) you have been sleeping with the enemy too long".
Hell, I don't even know where to start with this one. First of all, no self-respecting STRAIGHT male using the word "honey" in this manner. Oh I use honey alright, just not in this manner. (a topic for another discussion ladies). Secondly, who exactly would the enemy be? If you are a black man, would the enemy be the white man? If you are a white woman, would the enemy still be the white man? And finally, if you are a gay black man(another theory gaining momentum in my mind) then I have no idea who the enemy may be in your mind.
5. Finally, "I am sorry if I HAVE CAME OFF as a louse" First of all the obvious, the tense of your verb does not match the subject, "I". Lest you, Anajansi, confuse this with a lesson in grammar, let me tell you why that seems significant to me. I, being a black man that chats with literally dozens of different white women each month and many black women as well, have noticed certain speech patterns "peculiar" not only to each race, but also to certain "class" (for lack of better word) of women. I have NEVER read that particular misapplication of the tense of the verb used by a black woman. Black women and indeed men, tend to use, terms like, "you is" or "is you", which is misapplying a plural verb with a singular subject. I've noticed however, that about the only time white women (not all white women but a certain type) mis-apply the correlation of a verb with its subject is in the past perfect tense, such as, "I have came", when the correct phraseology should be simply, "I came" or "have come".
So for these reasons I believe this person to be an imposter in one of the three categories I mentioned earlier, either a white man, white woman, or homosexual, and I Do not say that as an insult to one who chooses the alternative lifestyle. I believe that we have enough to deal with as we who date interracially, without having to deal with an idiot that comes along and makes a woman of obvious quality and intelligence such as Isvara, want to "go elsewhere for opinions and feedback". In the words of the (not so great) but supremely quotable, Rodney King, "why can't we all just get along"?
By Anajansi ( on Friday, September 28, 2001 - 07:34 pm: |
Ms. Ishvara and Ms Browneyes I'm sorry if I have came off like a louse. To you Ms. Browneyes I apologize if I insulted you.
By Ishvara ( on Friday, September 28, 2001 - 09:52 am: |
True enough browneyes I missed your points, judgments will always be here, I just fear that too many people are rigid in their thinking refusing to try to look at an issue from all view points.
By Browneyes ( on Thursday, September 27, 2001 - 11:05 am: |
As far as the 'judging' people part of the statement was concerned, I'm speaking from the standpoint, that there will never be people who don't judge, so if they're going to, at least be fair about it. I don't like harshly judgemental people, even if it is an argument I favor, because it comes at the expense of someone else. We will never live in a world without people judging others, so I figure if someone's going to judge, then be fair.
By Anon2000 ( on Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - 12:52 am: |
ishvara, try this:
as for you, "anajansi", stick it up your azz.
By Anajansi ( on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 09:00 pm: |
Ms Anon2000 Honey you appeared to be tramatized. You have been sleeping with this enemy so long that it has become an obsession. Let it go girl!
By Ishvara ( on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 08:53 am: |
Really Anon2000? That makes sense. Who is this character invalid that I read about from time to time. Also, what other IR boards do you recommend? Thanks.
By Anon2000 ( on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 09:49 pm: |
people, don't be misled. the person posting this has been copying and pasting this "cunning and intelligent" shyt to all the ir boards. INVALID, GET YOUR AZZ IN BED!
By Anajansi ( on Sunday, September 23, 2001 - 10:57 am: |
Yes, why bother paying any attention to what I as well as many who believe as I do. Do so at your own peril.
By Ishvara ( on Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 09:08 pm: |
Browneyes, just listen to the tone of his posts, I already know what sort of person, perception he holds, and I marvel at the ignorance. What you wrote I agree with except for the statement, "There will always be hatred, prejudice, and animosity among people in this world if we continue to judge people the wrong way." I suggest why bother judging at all.
I don't percieve the topic the way he does at all, as I tried to convey before with my sarcasm, its nonsense. Forbidden fruit, I'm being liken to fruit?! I am a object for the taking? Too many connotations connected with those types of statements and the others he's posted here. My mental picture of the kind of person he is becomes clear, not one I would ever asociate with and would find his perceptions on any topic useless because of the place where his thoughts originate. Our perceptions on life are vastly different. Your description of your meeting with your boyfriend sounds very similar to the way I am now with my mate. It was a truly blessed day when we decided on "togetherness."
By Anajansi ( on Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 06:33 pm: |
Ms. Browneyes I respect your opinion, but it does not lend truth to an all knowing condition. A great many black men prefer white women, a great many black women prefer white men. So be it. Let's extinguish the so-called black race altogether. Let's create a new race the superior mixed race.
By Browneyes ( on Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 02:50 pm: |
Well, Ishvara-
He's free to feel how he wants, but I don't know if he understood my point. I'm not just speaking about 'black love.' That's totally different too. A lot of African-Americans put this emphasis on 'black love' because we have such a history of disenfranchisement, the breakdown/depletion of black family structure, and the whitewashing of society has stripped away a lot of our heritage, so some feel that all we have left is each other. While I can understand that, I'm speaking of ALL races, not just blacks. He praises white women ad nauseam for all the qualities he thinks they have, as if there is not another race of women who possess the same. He can love white women all day long, but it does not require making every other race of women look inferior to them in the process. Asians, Hispanics, African-American, Pacific Islander, Middle-Eastern, etc... are no less important, qualified, or CEREBRAL AND CUNNING than white women. God knows all of us who are non-white females have gotten entirely fed up with Eurocentric societal standard and so many who put white women on this pedestal that ALL women alike should be sharing. As I said before, there is a VERY THIN LINE between preference and just plain prejudice. (in a newer form) The qualities a person possesses has no correlation or relevance to how pale their skin is. If he believes that white women are so much better, how does he explain the 'fat Beckys', airheads, or the sickos that drown their children in a lake, and then blame it on a black man? When I chose my boyfriend, there was no race card being played,and I didn't say, "you know, white men are just so much more cerebral, cunning, and better in the sack than anyone else I've seen, so even though I don't know the vast majority, or even enough men to make that assumption, I think I'll just stick with white men." We were friends for years before we even got serious, and that was it. We had good conversation, our personalities fit each other, and we just LIKED each other, that's all. There will always be hatred, prejudice, and animosity among people in this world if we continue to judge people the wrong way. That is the wonderful part of non one-dimensional diversity; we can celebrate EVERYONE'S differences without feeling slighted or overlooked.
By Ishvara ( on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 03:31 pm: |
Browneyes don't pay any attention to his pathetic ramblings, really, such complete nonsense...all this silence and now this....beginning to think I should go somewhere else for opinions and feedback...ohhh I'm just SO cerebral and cunning...gag.....
By Anajansi ( on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 08:51 pm: |
Sorry, white love is better than black love.
By Browneyes ( on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 01:10 pm: |
For the record, I am a black female who is currently involved in an IR relationship. I haven't posted in ages because it's been kinda slow, but when I read stuff like this, you can't expect for a person such as myself, not to be offended. We are all free to have a preference, but I think there's a very thin line between preference and flat out prejudice. I'm not a "typical black female" as so many black men generalize us as being, I am very intelligent, with an attitude that flows pleasantly as well. So when you make a statement that "white women are so intelligent, so this, that, etc..." it's as though you imply that no one else on this earth is. White women are wonderful, yes, but so are ALL women, but "white" women are not the most amazing creatures on the face of the earth and the end all & be all, but ALL women are.
By Anajansi ( on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 10:16 pm: |
White women tend to be cerebral and cunning. They challenge you to break the invisible barrier imposed on you as a black male in your interaction with them. White women do this as a test of courage on the black males part to open themselves up to them. White women once the forbidden fruit are now available for the taken if you dare to meet them all the way. Go get it you hot blooded male.