By Ishvara ( on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 08:16 pm: |
Mami, in the spirit of keeping with the subject at hand, (I wouldn't want to be chastised again), I will write you an e-amil to your address ;o)
By Kansascity ( on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 03:53 am: |
It is a sad thing these days when people are so objectified....not just black men/women. We are all sized up and marketed. I hope that some day soon we can turn this mess around, and see people for who they are and not what they are or what they do.. :-)
By Melirosa ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 02:42 pm: |
hey ishvara-
girl, tell was jamaica? did you go with your sweetie?
By Ishvara ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 01:37 pm: |
Hi everyone just got back from Jamaica and I'm catching up on all the conversation while I was away, one question for you Roberto could you expound on this thought of yours, I'm not quite sure I'm understanding what you're saying "Many feel as though they have to be like a man, talk like a man in order to be accepted by a man.
By Roberto ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 10:40 am: |
It is so assuring for me to know that there are women out there like yourself, who share your thinking. I know they are out there. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I was raised to believe a woman should be respected. But, a woman must also respect herself in order for men to respect her. The problem is there are so many of the "other side" (women without respect) that seems to dominant the media and discussion boards on the internet these days. Many feel as though they have to be like a man, talk like a man in order to be accepted by a man. Melirosa, I know ladies like you exist. I wish there were more like you, who would come forth and take a stand, rather than let the "other side" tarnish them. Thank you Melirosa. ~ Roberto
By Melirosa ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 10:13 am: |
after i read your post about the personal ads, i went in and read some of them. what a disgrace! some of these white women and black men who post there are looking for a straight up meat market. they have no interest in actually finding a quality person with the smut they are reaching out to. people, when you lie with dogs, you come up with fleas........roll with these jokers and you'll come up with something else a lot worse than a case of fleas. how can people be so free and loose with themselves in this day and age? roberto- the women who post on this particular site, i believe, are in committed relationships, and we KNOW that black men are more than a "culinary delight". we KNOW that black men are capable, loving, giving, emotional, dependable, beautiful, charming, feeling, wonderful men. just as there is "black trash" as you described, roberto, there is "white trash", as you can see from the personal ads. i can see where black men who are seriously looking for a relationship with a white woman would go into the these personals and think that all white women or at least the majority, without generalizing, are interested in their penis size and not them as a person. i am so sick of these shallow white women who date black men so they can "test the waters" so to speak. i am just as sick of the black men who are interested in white women for the same thing. it is both sides, white as well as black that experience people from the trashy slice of life when it comes to experiencing relationships outside of our race. it happens when we date within our race also! it all depends on who you involve yourself with, if your looking for trash, that's what you will get, white, black or green. roberto, rest assure.......white women are out there that love black men for who they are, intense, intelligent, loving, strong, beautiful men, not for there performance in bed. just as there is the black trash as you described, the white trash is out there, it is up to us as individuals to weed them out.
By Frangiapani ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 06:29 am: |
Firstly, I dont even like being labelled as a "White woman", I know I am one, but I just think of myself as a woman and thats it. The same goes for the way I feel about Black men, they are to me, just men, with so many positive things going for them...
I wont deny it, a black man can be a gorgeous thing to lay eyes on, definetley a sight to behold! It really is a mystery to me why some women place trashy adds like those, thats just them.
All I can say is they are missing out on finding out about the man himself, instead all they do is focus on his color.
BLACK MEN, you are the definition of what a man is all have so much character, so many thoughts, so much love to give and really that certain quality that makes you different and special above any other man..JMO
By Kansascity ( on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 11:38 pm: |
I am so sure that you read the personal ads here, however what do black men want with white women 'Brother'? White trash need not apply? Or, maybe its just that after......GROW UP! Your BLACK SISTERS (not white) WILL THANK YOU.
By Roberto ( on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 02:32 pm: |
As I read the personal aids here and other places I come away with much amusement on what many white women want from a black man. It appears many of us (black men) are nothing more than "sirloin steaks", to a great many white women. Now, ladies do not get me wrong, if black men have what you want (the sexual demand) and they are willing to fill that demand (sexual service), then more power to you. But, if all (or some) black men want to known for as a "sexual culinary and cusine delights", then that is all they will ever be in your eyes. I think many black men want to show to you ladies that we are more than just a "piece of meat". We want to show you that we can be reliable and good husbands, fathers, and friends too, despite how we are stereotyped to the world. I read somehere a black woman critic who once said, "black men in her eyes rank at the bottom as far as men that you can depend on". I do not believe this and never will. Yes, ladies we can be dependable too, its just that your taste in the wrong men "black trash" among us leave a lot to be desired. ~ Roberto