By Wyatt ( on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 10:26 am: |
Amen, sister, be proud of being an American mutt, like so many of us! And definitely stand up and be counted as a Jew. You have great history and you should be proud.
I tend to stay away from South Street, for that same reason. The skinheads seem to be quite bold and visible. I like the Anarchist bookstore, the Christian Cafe across the street, Essene, a Judiaca shop, and Dicken's Pub on Second. And of course the antiques. But it can get pretty loud and trashy down there and so I am getting too old for it--except when Billy Bragg comes to the TLA. Old City and Big Jar Books, Serrano's, Cuba Libre, and the Tin Angel and all the new restaurants and Shampoo are places I go now.
By Ishvara ( on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 08:10 pm: |
Wyatt, yes unfortunately that group of murderers resides on the boardwalk, local bars, casinos, live in that area and I've even seen the scum on South Street (Garland of Letters is one of my favorite stores) It's times like those when encountering people like that I wish I could wear my jewish part like a badge. I look Irish I suppose and that's what all mistake me for, however I always with great relish, let them know I'm an eight nationality mutt better known as an American.
By Wyatt ( on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 11:22 am: |
I didn't say that you thought that it didn't exist. Reread my post. I don't experience it in my personal life either, but You stated that you don't see this in Cali. California is a big state and a personal life is more than just the everyday workings of you life. Heck, I lived in the South and didn't experience racism personally. Didn't mean I didn't see it in Missi!
It is there for the viewing on any given day. It doesn't have to happen to you personally for it to be there in Cali. My sister in law is white and her husband is Asian. They live in Silicon Valley. They don't experience racism towards them directly either, but they know that it is there in Silicon Valley. The way people stare at a couple or make comments, or follow people around stores or raise housing prices or treat migrant workers or protest people of color(Asians in the Univ. of Cal. system). It is alive and well in Calif. whether you see it or not. And there is a question of why you don't see it. There is a problem in that as well.
I am not a woman and sexism doesn't affect me personally. But It is alive and well in Pennsy! I don't have to experience it in my life to open my mind and eyes and sympathize and empathize with women who suffer from it.
By Anon2000 ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 06:36 pm: |
now wyatt...did i say that it DIDN'T exist? no....i said that I DON'T SEE IT OR EXPERIENCE IT in my personal life, that's all.
i DEFINITELY know that evil exists...
By Wyatt ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 04:42 pm: |
We need to act as a community of good people and rid ourselves of the hate within us and around us. Thank you for being brave and aware and remember that we need each other.
Are the A.C. Skins active on the boardwalk or where is their domain. It is imperative that we share this so that people know how to stay safe.
love ya,
By Ishvara ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 04:09 pm: |
Wyatt, any way I can assist, volunteer? Also I would have to disagree with one point, the most violent skinhead group is A.C.S. the Atlantic City skinheads, I'm sure you've heard of them....they make WAR look like a bunch of pansies
By Wyatt ( on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 03:07 pm: |
That is pretty sad that you don't see it in California. California has the largest incidences of racial attacks and violence.
In LA in 1998, Buford Furrows, shot up a jewish daycare center. He was a member of this group who just moved to Pennsylvania(Aryan Nations)from Hayden Lake, Idaho. I lived on the West Coast and everyone knows that Sacremento is the hotseat of racial crime in the state. So is Orange County, in Southern California--a long time klan spot and ultra conservative. California is home to the most violent racist skinhead organization, WAR(White Aryan Resistance)run by Tom Metzger.
Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. That is the same thing they same here in Pennyslvania and the racists love it. They love when the white mainstream doesn't get it or doesn't see the racism. They know then that the place is going to be comfortable to infiltrate or move into and set up shop.
There is a great qoute from the Holocaust.
"They came for the gays, but since I am not gay, I said nothing.
They came for the gypsies, since I am not a gypsy, I said nothing.
They came for the Jews, I said nothing.
They came for the Catholics and I said nothing.
Then one day they came for me, and there was noone left to speak up for me."
Read the paper, watch the news, be very aware of what is around you. It is happening everywhere, in big cities and small towns. If you shut your eyes to it it may happen to you. Wake up.
By Anon2000 ( on Monday, March 19, 2001 - 11:00 pm: |
man, wyatt, i just don't see this in cali...THANK GOD~
By Melirosa ( on Monday, March 19, 2001 - 11:12 am: |
unfortunately, i do know that some of the neighborhoods in new jersey are pretty intolerant, and what i am hearing about PA is starting to scare me. a lot of the old italian neighborhoods in brooklyn are pretty bad when it comes to racial issues. now these aryans are moving east and this gives us something new to have to worry about. what a shame.
By Wyatt ( on Monday, March 19, 2001 - 10:30 am: |
Yes it is true and quite scary. My wife and I are multiracial/Interracial, Progressive Christian activists. We work to fight hate and intolerance throughout the country. Two years ago we live in the Pacific Northwest and every week there were new news stories about hate groups. Do you remember Randy Weaver, Buford Furrows(shooting up a Jewish Day Care in LA, two summers ago)?
We work with a group called the Southern Poverty Law Center, which takes Pro-Bono legal cases of racism and Anti-semetism. We also work with the Anti-Defamation League(a jewish/anti-racism, anti-hate group) and a host of other organizations trying to work for integration, Interracial marriage and children and families. We also work to end homelessness, illiteracy, civil rights for gays, Native American , women, the poor and the environment. My wife happens to be a civil rights attorney and artist and I am an activist and director for a nonprofit organization. We find these things in our local paper, going to our local bookstores for talks, going to Quaker Meetings, Churches have lectures and actions against racism here. It is pretty common knowledge that Philly and parts of new Jersey are very welcoming to racists and hate groups. The neigborhoods are segregated and the intolerance and indifference is real if you stay for a long period of time. The tension between black and white is so intense you can cut it with a knife.
By Melirosa ( on Thursday, March 15, 2001 - 09:36 am: |
wyatt and ishvara-
guys, what the HELL is happening?!?!?!?! i heard about them siezing everything those dogs owned in idaho, but i didn't hear about them coming to PA. what a shame. looks like the state of PA and the "CITY OF BROTHERLY LOVE" are IN FOR IT. from the things that you have said ishvara, PA is already bad enough, being from N.Y.. i have been to philly and i didn't experience anything racist and i was with my man, BUT... i was only there for the day so i guess we were lucky. all the racists must have been in their caves sleeping that day. i can only imagine the (for lack of better better words)"crap" these idiots are going to bring forth now in PA. and yes wyatt, this is sad and scary. this annoys me so that we have no control where openly aggressive racists will reside. there should be a law. we shouldn't have to be subjected to their filth and either should our nations children. if i had the time, i would be a lobbyist and do nothing but lobby issues like these, but unfortunately, i do have to make a living and it doesn't allow for a lot of extra time. people of PA, look out cause here comes trouble bag and baggage!
By Ishvara ( on Wednesday, March 14, 2001 - 08:18 pm: |
What?! Wyatt do tell, they actual seized all their assets? How was this able to happen? How happy it makes me and livid at the same time, how can they go to PA :o( That is really terrible, PA already has the highest nazi skinhead population, the last thing they need is someone to organize them, that literally scares me to death, I know what those miserable people are capable of. Can anything be done to prevent this? How did you hear about their move?
By Wyatt ( on Wednesday, March 14, 2001 - 05:35 pm: |
In the wake of the court victory over the Aryan Nations in Coer D'Alene, Idaho, they have lost all their property and finances. So, in looking for furtile soil in which to start again, they do not go to the South, stay out west, NO-they have moved to the most comfortable state for hate--Pennsylvania. Like states like Indiana, New Jersey and Ohio, Pennsylvania is comfortbale for those who hate blacks, Jews, Progressives, gays. It is because the population is so apathetic and unorganized and won't speak out. This is sad and scary, my friends, sad and scary.