By Roberto ( on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 08:28 pm: |
Mad Scientist:
You are one informed brother. I wish I had you around to talk issues. Yes, I heard this and I was surprised that Mandela would openly come out and criticize his own successor. This is one reason I think Mandela is far the exception to other African leaders. He has vision and insight, I wish he could have stayed in power as an example to other African leaders. You cannot replace tyranny with tyranny.
It appears that what is happening in South Africa with its other problems along with AIDS, such as crime, tribalism (between Zulus, Hottentots, and the Bantus), and the equally dangerous splits for a race war between the blacks, coloreds Indians, and the Boars (Afikkaners) is all what Mandela was concerned about and fought hard against, but now only to see black rule hasten the decline of that country.
Mandela sees that if South Africa becomes destablized, it will open Southern Africa to a dangerous power struggle between the United States and Russia over the rich mineral deposits there (remember we fought Iraq over oil to prevent the destabilization of the world economy and markets) as to who will control it. It could be the spark for a third world war over the minerals there and the trade route of the Cape of Good Hope. I know, I once read a report as to this probability of an outcome when I was in the military service. We may be facing a prophecy. ~ Roberto
By Mad_scientist ( on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 07:57 pm: |
That's true. It saddens me when people choose secrecy and ignorance over enlightenment. Speaking of South Africa, did you know that Nelson Mandela has accused the ANC of being as bad as the apartheid leaders?
By Roberto ( on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 05:39 pm: |
What a report that came out today in NEWSMAX that reported in South Africa, one in nine people in that country is infected by AIDS out of a population of 47 million. South Africa has the highest population of AIDS in the world. There is a belief system there among African men that the only way to cure oneself of the AIDS virus is to have sex with a virgin. You wonder why AIDS is spread so widely. So the band beats on. When the President of that country says South Africa does not have an emergency and he believe there is no problem there. It reminds me of the black men in this country who say AIDS is a white homosexual problem only, so why should they be concerned. Denial will kill you. ~ Roberto
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 12:10 am: |
By Roberto ( on Sunday, February 25, 2001 - 12:40 pm: |
Mad Scientist and Hector:
Sorry, without offering any explanation on why I gave you both the previous site on supercomputers. I wanted to provide info on where these machines are in their present and future power capabilities, and how they are, and will be used as tools in the fight against AIDS. ~ Roberto
By Roberto ( on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 05:19 am: |
Mad Scientist and Hector:
~ Roberto
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 12:51 pm: |
I actually got some unusually friendly treatment in Italy. I mean really, how many women in America will offer to ride with you, when you eventually go, to a city 300 miles away that they are from, after only meeting for 15 minutes? But Italy is a Catholic country and I imagine the Protestant countries are even more open.
I'll let y'all know.
By Ishvara ( on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 11:59 am: |
Hector my boyfriend has a Swedish friend, a couple of years ago he visited there and he was quite hounded by the females. Just read Time magazine issue Feb 12 2001, the whole magazine is dedicated to the AIDS epodemic in Africa. It was the most disturbing thing I have read in a very long while. It made my heartache to see such abject suffering and misery. They have no education on prevention, the government is turning a blind eye no one in the world cares and millions die slowly. One women asking her man to wear a condom was beaten severly and labeled a whore, god help her if she gets the virus, she'll just be further ostrasized. When will the AIDS epidemic become important!?
By Ladylily ( on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 08:43 am: |
The world is reaping the harvest it has sown, especially in the past century. The problems with pollution in our waters, contaminated air changing the earth's atmosphere, dying vegetation from droughts, diseases running rampant, etc.,...these are our punishment for mismanagement of ourselves and the earth we were given.
To be more Rev. 16:1-21. The bowls of wrath are being poured out upon the earth and its inhabitants. It is a metaphor. No physical bowls are being poured upon us as punishment. It means...these plagues are being ALLOWED as our own undoing. We are the ones responsible for destroying ourselves. The above verses declare this fact. ~ Lily
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 01:20 am: |
For all the recorded years of human history, why did a disease have to come into existance only in my generation that you could die from by having sex?
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 01:16 am: |
The question of black men, bi-sexuality, and the large amount of black men who have been in prison is also interesting.
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 01:11 am: |
You ask them to present the evidence and if it cannot withstand established opinion then you cannot conclude its validity.
What do you say to someone who says that HIV does not cause AIDS? Someone like the current president of South Africa, who is following the beliefs of a dissident (Belgian I believe) scientist, who says does not believe that HIV causes AIDS. Nelson Mandela's successor believes that AIDS is caused by poverty, malnutrition, lack of vitamins, and diet, while 25% of his people lay dying.
What do you do if you are the president of Botswana or South Africa? The AIDS rate in some parts of Botswana is 80%, do you keep hounding and begging the international community for drugs that stop the passage of HIV from mother to child?
What does you Third World peasant country, who can barely feed its people, do with all the orphans? Do they just become more angry young uneducated young men who will become part of your army?
By Mad_scientist ( on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 12:23 am: |
What do you say to the people who think that AIDS was a man-made virus?
By Roberto ( on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 10:26 pm: |
It does not matter if it happened four years ago or four days ago its still relevant. AIDS has the best defense mechanism of any organism in nature. What is the best way to gain a host than through the most intimate of all human activity and that is sex. What is the best way to remain undetected from being discovered than living in the host for years without notice. What is the most horrific way to destroy your host than to let him or her die a slow and agonizing death, while it feeds on the red blood cells of the host undisturbed. What is the best alliance to have, but silence and apathy, while it keeps on killing and moving on to the next host. Is it relevant? I think so. There are few things in this life that scare me, this one scares the hell out of me. ~ Roberto
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 09:40 pm: |
Sorry y'all this happened in 1997. It still brings up relevant questions. Yes he was convinced.
There was another case of a black man doing something like this in NYC, by the name of Nushawn Williams.
It has been the topic of trash-talk by white racist/supremacist groups.
An excerpt from one says something like:
"Because the media and the government do not disseminate this important information about the danger of being sexually involved with Blacks, my organization works hard to provide this information to the public. And as a consequence our stickers are denounced as "hate literature" by the mass media and by the politicians and bureaucrats who take their cue from the media -- and these include police officials, for example, who certainly are aware of the AIDS dangers associated with Blacks, but who also are more interested in being Politically Correct, for the sake of their careers, than they are in protecting the public.
Now, it's one thing to assign blame for this problem -- it's one thing to point out who is responsible for making our young girls victims of Nushawn Williams and other Black sexual predators -- and it's quite another thing to solve this problem, to punish those responsible and ensure that they do no more damage.
After all, many of the girls affected were pretty trashy: the most empty-headed and fashion-conscious of MTV fans, the sort that it's better, for eugenic reasons, to have removed from our breeding population anyway. "
It seems as though black men have always been eager participants in their character assassination. You have a negative stereotype of me? Well let me help you promote it to the ends of the earth.
Black men had been sought after in Scandinavia, I wonder how things are now? Anybody know any Swedish women?
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 08:07 pm: |
I don't know how reliable that story is and there is really no way to know what peoples attituedes are without actually visiting Finland. There is an element of sensationalism in the article. I need to think about this one.
By Roberto ( on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 03:38 pm: |
I called Ken Hamblin's office in Denver, Colorado and asked him to make the article a topic on his national radio talk show. I faxed a copy of your article to him. This is a subject he is very big on, especially as it affects blacks in this country. His web site is:
~ Roberto
By Roberto ( on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 11:10 am: |
I downloaded the article this morning and showed it to six black men:
3 had no opinion about to it.
1 said the guy was probably gay, so who cares.
1 said somebody should do something about it.
1 was more concern about the Grammy last night, he changed the subject. ~ Roberto
By London ( on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 10:12 am: |
boy, oh, boy; man, oh, man.
It is situations like this in the media that I hate the most. Why? because of the following statements which I have developed throughout my life.
Most whites do not possess the ability to discriminate between one black person and the next, when it comes to negative aspects. They know who Michael Jordan is, then you must be that bad man they reported about on the news, you must have a drug problem, etc. Never mind whites commit crimes too, somehow there is someway to discriminate between them, but not blacks.
because of the aforementioned, I MUST taylor my behavior, be a strategist, not only for myself, but for the next unseen black male to follow, as well, because many whites cannot or do not discriminate between what they see and read in the media and what they experience in their personal lives. I a black man broke into their car all black men broke into their car.
If that black man did do what he is charged with, there should be some panel of black men that should eliminate him. He has done us all, black men, a tremendous disservice.
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 12:07 am: |
I don't really know about how reliable the Russian media is, but here is an article about how one black man spreading AIDS in Finland is causing a blacklash in Finland.
Race and Aids in Finland
By Roberto ( on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 05:47 pm: |
Thanks for the info. ~ Roberto
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 01:36 am: |
Roberto the problem of development is a little more complicated:
Western companies do things like this not because they are afraid the will loose money, but because they don't want the Third World to develop a domestic drug industry that would challenge their world wide dominance. Neither the West, nor Japan accepted anything like this when they were developing.
Discussing this will take us far off onto another tangent so I will leave it at this.
By Roberto ( on Sunday, February 11, 2001 - 08:44 pm: |
Sorry I went off on a tangent. I went completely off the map. ~ Roberto
By Roberto ( on Sunday, February 11, 2001 - 03:52 pm: |
Not to get entirely off the intent of this post on AIDS.
On your first post, I have to say if it was not for the black leadership in those countries that allow themselves and their people to be exploited, there would be no foreign countrol of their countries. This reminds me of the black african chieftians who profited in the slave trade with the Europeans centuries ago, when they sold rival tribes into slavery for profit over any kind of unity against the foreigners. They profited on the backs of other africans for their own material gain. The Europeans as small in numbers as they were and unfamiliar with the terrain, and beseted by the tropical heat, were assisted by the african chiefs to supply the human cargo. The chiefs accomplished two goals: they got rich and they got rid of potential rivals in the tribal wars. Example, today the Congolese upper class has literally sold off vast tracts of virgin rainforest to the chinese to cut down the wood and send it back to China, and the people as a whole will not benefit from it, only the upper class themselves. Look at every black rule country in the world from Haiti to Liberia, the story is the same, the leadership profit over their own people for their own selfish greed. Your second post, Why expect a man is change his cultural habits overnight when he has been living the culture for a lifetime, answer, you cannot expect him to do so. On your third post, What do you do, you trust the witch doctor or the alien doctor? Naturally, I would trust the witch doctor. Would you trust a stranger for family advise over your own family? ~ Roberto
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Sunday, February 11, 2001 - 01:03 pm: |
Imagine living with the same sexual patterns and norms for the past 1000 years. You live in a male dominated society and if you are a man easy available sex is something you see as your right and privilege. In the tradition you come from sex is everywhere, but everybody is ashamed to talk about it. Life is hard anyway and what else is there to do to have fun? Now all of a sudden in the past 10 years you have this disease that can kill you for doing something you enjoy tremendously, it’s part of who you are, and you have these people from the society that colonized you for the past 100 years telling you that you should use these alien balloon-like pieces of plastic during intercourse, with the by-product that it prevents childbirth. Having as many children as you can afford is very important in your peasant society because you can use them for labor. You don't cannot read or write and you didn't finish elementary school. Furthermore you come from a tradition where the local herb doctor is more respected that these white doctors from Europe (the people that colonized you for past 100 years).
What do you do?
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Sunday, February 11, 2001 - 12:27 pm: |
What I find really interesting is some African men's sexual attitudes when it comes to AIDS. Condoms are an alien concept it seems. You ask an (uneducated) African man why he won't use a condom and he might say, "Why would you want to eat a sweet with the wrapping paper on it?" He might say that condoms are not "manly." On why he would want to have sex with a prostitute when he is away from his wife he might say that he's a man, he's human, he has to have sex. Why would he go without sex for more than a week?
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Sunday, February 11, 2001 - 12:16 pm: |
Roberto, the white South African government was attempting to create a virus that would only kill blacks, this came out Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The scientist involved in this simply said that we were at war so we had to do this.
"Could it mean that other nations not as compassionate as we are here in "fortress America" are planning the extinction of the black race in the next 100 years with the help of AIDS."
Why do you think that certain sections of the American elite and certain sections of the European elite don't share the same ideas? I don't think one is any more compassionate than the other, they spring from the same culture.
About Africa, US AND European corporations already control much of Africa's natural recourses. The pattern follows something like a European country will sell its obsolete weapons to a warring faction in an African country in exchange for a contract that guarantees it's companies access to the resources if that warring faction gains power. A man from Biafra told me something like this that went on with his country, but they didn't agree with the deal so they are still part of Nigeria. This (obsolete) guns to fight a warring tribe, for recourses pattern has been going on for the past 500 years in Africa and was a large theme in the slave trade.
No, it's better for the native population to survive that way you have some amount of cheap exploitable labor, besides you never know if your people can handle the climate.
I don’t think the black “race” is going to be extinct anytime in the near or far distant future.
By Roberto ( on Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 10:43 pm: |
You may assume that new virues for biological warfare have been or are being created based on genetic genome information for future wars. That is all I will say. ~ Roberto
By Roberto ( on Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 10:31 pm: |
I was privy to information in the past (while in the Air force) on research in biological weapons efforts by the then Soviets, who were creating infectious germs that could be disperse from aerosal tanks from unmanned drones. What they lacked at the time was the computer technology that we had in miniturization and global positioning navagation technology. I suppose now since we give everything away to the rest of the world, they may have this capability now.
On another note on AIDS. Several years ago I had a British lady tell me that in England there is not much eagerness to solve the AIDS problem in Africa, because there is a belief among many Europeans that what those in their governments and corporations are more interested in is the land and its minerals, when the plague has done its work to incapacitated the populations there in Africa, then its a matter of time to take over the lands there on the continent. The Chinese and Indians also see Africa as a continent to spread some of its population to as well in the distant future as populations there are decimated. Sound cold and cruel, well that is the thinking that you will never hear in this country. But it does make you think, especially when you look at the tepid mute response by the world at large. Could it mean that other nations not as compassionate as we are here in "fortress America" are planning the extinction of the black race in the next 100 years with the help of AIDS. ~ Roberto
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 09:57 pm: |
Roberto you know that a computer that can crack the AIDS virus is could be used to create an even more deadly virus. We are actually fortunate, perhpas in some way, that the mode of transmission is by sexual contact. Imagine if it were transmitted by air.
By Roberto ( on Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 09:33 pm: |
I forgot to mention in my last post to you. A site that you will get a vast amount of information on high performance computing that is being spearheaded by the government is the following:
The office of high Performance Computing and Communications Program or better known as (HPCC)
Note: Right now their server is down. Here you will get a wealth of information on related sites from everything from high performance computers and networks used in climate research, cosmology, the human genome genetics, the industrial revolution and robotics, to the creation and designing of new life forms. Enjoy ~ Roberto
By Roberto ( on Saturday, February 10, 2001 - 02:07 pm: |
The latest issue of Time magazine out on the stands have a horrific look at this epidemic on the African continent. If you are interested in the latest stories on AIDS in the past year check out the following:
"AIDS: Africa in Peril".
"AIDS in Africa: Dying by the numbers".
I sent a letter to my congressman demanding to know what he is going to do or have done to address this problem more forcefully to the American people. Complacency, ignorance, and neglect is this epidemics best friends. ~ Roberto
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Friday, February 9, 2001 - 09:54 pm: |
I have read that a very small number of people of Scandinavian ancestry or northern ancestry are actually genetically immune to AIDS because of something that developed during the black plague.
The 30% statistic correlates with the number of blacks that live in poverty, the black men in the grips of the criminal justice system, the number of black receiving some form of welfare, ect...
That is not a coincidence.
In Botswana the rate is about 80% of people. It has been estimated that half of all 15 year-old boys in South Africa and Zimbabwe will die of AIDS.
By Roberto ( on Friday, February 9, 2001 - 01:00 pm: |
When I heard that President George Bush was going to close the "Office on AIDS", in the White House I thought it was a bad move on his part. I'm glad now he decided not to do this. This epidemic to me is a greatest danger to the world and we must have a massive project to combat it. I look at it as equivalent to justifying having the "Manhatten Project" that gave us the "Atom Bomb" to fight the Nazi's and the Japanese in WW 2, the "Apollo Project" that beat the Russians to the moon in the Cold War. I hear that IBM is in the race to create a supercomputer at 10 petaflop, (10 quadrillion operations per second) that will unlock the genetic code of this killer to get ahead of its everchanging mutations for a drug that will effectively kill it. Who knows, it might be a computer that will finally defeat AIDS.
~ Roberto
By Roberto ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 01:41 pm: |
Anonymous 64.109.43/5:
I have heard similar stories like this over the year. One stands out. In England four years ago (when I was in Europe), British police caught an attractive prostitute who had full blown AIDS and purposely spread it to 87 men (that they knew of) who came down with the virus, and hence spread it to their wives and other girlfriends. ~ Roberto
By Anonymous ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 11:13 am: |
I have a very sacrey AIDS story that will make many people who do not protect themselves, think again!
I used to work with this girl, about 17years old, who was very beautiful. I saw that she was dating this guy, and after they broke up, he found out he had full blown AIDS. Concidering the fact that she and him had miscarried their baby one month prior to thier breaking up, I knew that she could very well have AIDS.
I asked her if she had ever gotten tested, and she said that she didn't want to know either way, and that if she was going to die, there were going to be a lot of people that she wanted to take down with her.
She obviously had a lot of anger, and most of it was directed toward men that had done her wrong in the past.
She died nine months later, and three of her ex-boyfriends who had mistreated her were diagnosed with AIDS. She cared so little about herself not to use protection, and she hated her ex-boyfriends so much that she slept with them after she knew she probably had AIDS.
The scariest thing is that she could have had any man she wanted because of how beautiful she was. This disease has no face, it could be the sexy man that hits on you in the bar, or the pretty girl you meet at the gas station.
By Roberto ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 06:45 am: |
It has been my experience over the years as a supervisor and manager that there are people who will never acknowledge the truth on anything, even if the truth stares them in the face. We live in a time in which its what you know that will ultimately determine your destiny. ~ Roberto
By Anon2000 ( on Wednesday, February 7, 2001 - 10:00 pm: |
roberto, show him that recent newspaper article which shows a 30 percent aids infection rate among young black gay men.
as an aside, i must say that in my experience, brothers are much more apt to "wrap it" now than they used to.
By Roberto ( on Wednesday, February 7, 2001 - 09:50 pm: |
Mad Scientist:
I had a heated argument with a young black male today who said, he did not think that blacks should worry about AIDS, because its a "white gay thing". Can you believe this one? ~ Roberto
By Roberto ( on Wednesday, February 7, 2001 - 09:41 pm: |
AIDS is confounding medical scientist. This virus is constantly mutating, which is why its hard to conquer it with a cure. AIDS can lie dormant in the human blood system for years without detection. Recently medical scientist have found evidence of this virus in a tissue sample of an central African man from 1957. The scary thing about this virus is that its already developing a resistence to anti-HIV drugs that have been develop to hold it at bay (not kill it) until a cure is found. This is a super virus that will constantly change to prevent its demise. Sound like science fiction.
To answer your question about detection. Doctors measure the potency of a persons defenses by counting T-helper cells, white blood cells that govern the body's immune response. I have heard of a West African strain of AIDS that cannot be detected even in its advance stage. Can anybody verify this one. I do not think there will be a cure for this one for a very long time. Maybe this is Mother Nature's way to cleanse the earth of too many humans.
See the latest information on the following:
~ Roberto
By Mad_scientist ( on Wednesday, February 7, 2001 - 05:04 pm: |
Know one gives a damned. Not even blacks themselves. ~ Roberto
Sadly, this is true. Not even the "Afrocentric" (in this post, the term "Afrocentric" refers to black people who hate white people, are separatist, and try to use African history to say that they are superior) people seem to really care about Africa or Africans. I don't see any "Afrocentric" people rising up against slavery in some African nations, speaking out against the AIDS plague, or even of genocides in Rwanda, or oppressive government. The thing is, many want to tie their identities to Africa, but want nothing to do with Africa itself. This hypocrisy still amazes me.
By Ishvara ( on Wednesday, February 7, 2001 - 12:42 pm: |
AIDS scares the hell out of me. I have one question for you how soon is it detectable? Are the testing methods better now than they used to be?
By Roberto ( on Wednesday, February 7, 2001 - 08:44 am: |
Read about what this killer is doing in Africa on
You know something Anon. Know one gives a damned. Not even blacks themselves. ~ Roberto
By Roberto ( on Tuesday, February 6, 2001 - 10:56 pm: |
Unfortunately among many of my own people, "Ignorance is Bliss". ~ Roberto
By Anon2000 ( on Tuesday, February 6, 2001 - 10:31 pm: |
you are NOT lying! the bisexual aspect is the scary part to me, cos how many brothas are going to tell you that they've been with a man?? not too many! black people are not generally accepting of homo/bisexuality it seems, and keep it under the covers. in fact, in caribbean communities, it is especially hated (songs to prove it too). the sad part of this equation is that the black women and children who are primarily the partners of black men are going to be the ones to suffer...yet another reason for sistas to open up their options, relationshipwise.
By Roberto ( on Tuesday, February 6, 2001 - 08:36 pm: |
This forum and others on interracial dating and marriage (or traditional dating and marriage period) fail to discuss a topic that seems to cause people to stick their heads in the sand, and that is the AIDS epidemic. The thing that I find so frustrating in dealing with young black men is their denial that AIDS will be their undoing (you hear me Maximus), a deadly myth or that women will not even give it a second thought in their sexual encounters, because if they do not think about it they will not get it.
Last year, I lost a friend to AIDS. His wife has come down with the virus. When she dies, she will leave behind two children.
What we know now about HIV/AIDS is that its rampant among young gay black men who in many cases are bi-sexual and that is spreading the virus further. According to reports out from the CDC, 33 percent of young black gay men have this virus. Half of the estimated 40,000 new HIV infections annually are occuring among blacks. Black women are outnumbering white women by almost 4 to 1. The recent study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found among asians its 3 percent, whites 7 percent, hispanics 15 percent, and blacks as a whole its over 30 percent.
What I find amazing about blacks in partucular and young black men specifically, is that unlike the white gay men who have been bombarded with safe sex messages from the mid 1980's, blacks have missed out on this information. Oh really!
I say where in the hell is this informed black leadership that hollars about such issues of the "confederate flag" and "driving while black" and not about this epidemic which is wiping out huge populations in black africa and spreading in this country among blacks. The silence is deafening.
We have a public health disaster that is going to be the biggest killer since the "Black Death" plague of the Middile Ages. But we choose to stick our heads in the sand like ostriches. By the way it has been reported the "Ebola" virus may have entered Canada via Africa. But no one will give a damn about that, only who is tempting who on Temptation Island. One more reason why AIDS is running rampant. ~ Roberto