By Wyatt ( on Monday, July 2, 2001 - 11:33 am: |
Please explain why you would not align yourself with the political conservatives? Your posts throughout this forum sound ultra-conservative, so I am interested. What independent party would be best in your view? The Nationalist, the Conservatives?
By Celticman ( on Monday, July 2, 2001 - 02:06 am: |
The Jews have a culture that respects learning, more so than many others. They have been able to keep this intact despite mass extermination attempts, pogroms, ghettos, and political disenfranchisement in Western Europe over the past 2000 years. Jewish "success" has less to do with how well they are accepted, as of now, as it does with the trustees of the culture being able to keep their cultural integrity intact.
Jews in the past were prohibited from holding political office and were "forced" to work in commerce and usury, which was considered vulgar by the European aristocracy. So they developed skills in commerce.
The history the Jews has some similarities to that of the Chinese in Southeast Asia. In certain parts of Southeast Asia the Chinese are ethnic minorities that constitute 10% of the population, yet control 90% of the economy and they did not achieve this by military conquest. These Chinese have been hated, attacked, and bared from political life yet if they left the country the economy would collapse.
What I'm saying is something similar to what Thomas Sowell has said, but I would NEVER align myself with the political conservatives in this country. I don't think it's in the interest of blacks in America to align with ANY mainstream political party, but should pursue an independent course to restore some degree of cultural integrity without being blinded by hatred.
As an aside, it’s funny how Jewish mothers like to keep their sons away from the blonde non-Jewish woman who would take her son away from his studies.<<<<<<<<<<<
The Jewish mother just as often keeps her sons and daughters from non jewish partners because it is against the Talmud to mix with others. The Talmud describes all "not chosen" as Goyad, translating literally to an animal or lessor form. Goyad are created to serve while the chosen people are created to rule according to the Talmud. Many 'chosen' decided to employ this in Germany but were later met with revolution. I do not condine what the National Socialist party did, but I can see why after reading the Talmud, and reading about Talmud law applied in Germany.
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Friday, February 9, 2001 - 08:54 pm: |
I have no prescription for black America other than pursue an independent direction from both major political parties.
That and stop this damn blacks can't come together because blacks can't agree on things.
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Friday, February 9, 2001 - 08:49 pm: |
I thought what I had said about Jewish mothers was common knowledge. Several people have told me such things. A Jewish guy once told me something in rather vague terms something about sucessful Jewish men and women. It was also a topic in a men's magazine a while ago and Oprah had the topic on her show some time ago. The show was something about why sucessful non-white protestant men sometimes go for women who look like barbie dolls.
It was interesting. One the men who was black was put into a circle and the other men berated him in the way a mother, sister, or another black woman would berate him for, "getting him a white woman." saying such things as, "you know he went and got him a white woman," "You know that once he got a little money he had to get him a white woman and a Mercedes, now he thinks he's in seventh heaven.", ect.......
It's all part of the theme of women who try to keep "their men" from "certain women."
By Roberto ( on Friday, February 9, 2001 - 04:18 pm: |
My mother use to tell us (brothers and sisters) that "if you want to send a message to a fool give them the eye". The eyes can say a lot. She use to speak with her eyes. If he or she does not get the message be prepared to let your tongue speak for you. ~ Roberto
By Ishvara ( on Friday, February 9, 2001 - 04:00 pm: |
You are right of course. Sounds like your mother was one exceptional lady, you seemed to come out pretty good! I have a project to do that requires me to be in the wharehouse. That guy keeps coming around my station, I wonder what he wants from me...I think I shall try to adopt your mother's attitude. Should I confront his views or just stare him down?
By Roberto ( on Friday, February 9, 2001 - 03:18 pm: |
Back on that issue of the black man who tried to make you feel unbecoming to be a woman by talking to a black man. You said you were "steamed". Well honey, he accomplished his goal. Racists, black and white get their power and feel good status from demeaning others. He probably had an "orgasm", just knowing he got under your skin. The one thing I loved about my beloved late mother was her "I do not give a damned what you think or say and I will tell you so and look you in the eye while doing it". WOW she was great. ~ Roberto
By Ishvara ( on Friday, February 9, 2001 - 10:19 am: |
I do agree, education is definately stressed in the Jewish community. My father's side of the family is Jewish. Eventhough he was raised Jewish ,he is not a practicing Jew he's a Buddist, but the "ethnic" traits are definately there. So my education was a very important part of my upbringing. There was a standard that I was expected to reach, he spent many long hours with me teaching me things and exposing me to various concepts at a very young age in order for me to best develope my intellect. This stringent belief for learning I think help solidify and ensure their survival as a community. I am very familar with the history of the Jewish tribes and I do think they have had amazing resilancy in the face of the trials presented.
And how would you know what Jewish mothers do? Or are you generalizing, or teasing? What are you're thoughts as to the best political recourse for black Americans?
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Friday, February 9, 2001 - 12:06 am: |
The Jews have a culture that respects learning, more so than many others. They have been able to keep this intact despite mass extermination attempts, pogroms, ghettos, and political disenfranchisement in Western Europe over the past 2000 years. Jewish "success" has less to do with how well they are accepted, as of now, as it does with the trustees of the culture being able to keep their cultural integrity intact.
Jews in the past were prohibited from holding political office and were "forced" to work in commerce and usury, which was considered vulgar by the European aristocracy. So they developed skills in commerce.
The history the Jews has some similarities to that of the Chinese in Southeast Asia. In certain parts of Southeast Asia the Chinese are ethnic minorities that constitute 10% of the population, yet control 90% of the economy and they did not achieve this by military conquest. These Chinese have been hated, attacked, and bared from political life yet if they left the country the economy would collapse.
What I'm saying is something similar to what Thomas Sowell has said, but I would NEVER align myself with the political conservatives in this country. I don't think it's in the interest of blacks in America to align with ANY mainstream political party, but should pursue an independent course to restore some degree of cultural integrity without being blinded by hatred.
As an aside, it’s funny how Jewish mothers like to keep their sons away from the blonde non-Jewish woman who would take her son away from his studies.
By Frangiapani ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 10:10 pm: |
Jewish people are more or less accepted more so than African Americans because they look white. Terrible, but true. I know many Jewish people that are against the germans, but I dont think you can compare what African Americans still go through today to how Jewish people are treated.
Ishvara; I have also been in that predicament!, Ive been talking to a Black male friend of mine when one of his friends gave me the dirtiest look. When I was about to leave, he said sarcastically "no one is coming around here to bash us up are they?" then turned to my friend and said "you better watch out for that one, you'll get in trouble messing with her". I never met him until two minutes before then! I just ignored it, and then later that night we got to talking and actually ended up liking one another, so its not a complete lost cause!
By Ishvara ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 09:56 pm: |
The Jews had very few choices and a religion that held them tightly together. I think perhaps this one of the reasons why they succeeded. They are also the most hated when it comes to hate groups.
By Ishvara ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 09:50 pm: |
Anybody beside me catching the "Dawn of Man" on TLC? It is explaining how humanity came from Africans. It's hard to keep the truth hidden.
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 08:10 pm: |
The reason I mentioned the founders of the country was to say that some thought that if black were given equal status someday, that some blacks would "hate white people" or perhaps hate the people who upheld slavery. Some went so far as to say that blacks should be shipped back to Africa for this reason.
The Jews have managed to make their way quite well through hostile territory, without becomming blinded by anger and keeping their cultural integrity. I wish more blacks would see this example.
By Ishvara ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 07:07 pm: |
Of course I believe they are justified in their anger, just look at how irritated I get about the injustices heaped upon women throughout the centuries, however, I do not hate all men for it, quite the contrary. The social climate in this country will never change if people don't put down their anger and hatred. What good does it do? That energy is better spent in getting the most out of life. I can relate to being talked down to or not given an opportunity. This is all based on my gender something I can't change like skin color, this just makes me try harder and I think I become a stronger person for it. I am sickened by what has transpired throughout history, all "races", nations doing the most abhorrent things to eachother and I don't think we've progressed very far either, it's just masked better. The ones that "win the war" write the history. Who knows what was going on in pre-recorded history, just saw a show the other day discussing how the statues on Easter Island are African in features and that they had an advanced culture spreading throughout the world at that time but you are right that will not be taught or discussed, the more things of this nature that are discovered the more it is resisted. I will admit I do not know very much about black history in this country, you're right I was never exposed to it in school. As far as the issue of enfranchisement, I have had some very interesting conversations with my father on that very subject. My dad told me, that was one of the biggest concerns for the writers of the constitution, what to do with the slave population, their discission was to label them 3/4 a person I suppose to justify their enslavement. I can't put the whole conversation down here but basically the point is the government is still trying to deal with that issue. And of course whites and this country benefitted directly from slave labor, look at all the revenue and commerce it generated. I could go on and on but I won't, I hope I answered your inquiry.
By Hectorvelasquez ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 06:31 pm: |
Ishvara do you think that some blacks have a justifiable anger about the history of the West? Given that say between 20 - 50 million Africans were thrown off the slave ships during transport the new world because they either refused to submit or died of disease. This is several times the Jewish Holocaust in Europe but it is not nearly as drilled into one's head. This says nothing about the life of a slave or the fact that legalized segregation existed in America until say 40 year ago. Nor does it say anything about the blacks who live in Latin America on the bottom of the social scale in dire poverty. Nor does it say anything about the present conditions that exist in America. Nor does it say anything about the fact that African history is neither taught, understood, or accepted in America and an extraordinarily biased picture of the history of the West in taught in schools and passed off as "world history." Nor does it say anything about the fact that the US government has neither officially apologized nor acknowledged what happened.
The average white person had little to do with the slave trade, nor did they own slaves themselves being just one step above (and in some cases below) in the southern economy and it is flat out wrong to blame them for slavery. The question of what is "white privilege" and whether all whites in America benefited from slavery because it helped the US economy to develop is another question.
All of these issues simmer behind questions about "black racism," and the founders of this country knew they would come up if blacks were ever enfranchised.
By Melirosa ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 04:02 pm: |
i can imagine how "steamed" and upset that encounter musthave made you. racism is such an ugly thing. it is pure ignorance and i agree with mad scientist. these people are so ignorant, they have no life skills, no intelligence, so they have to find something to live for, and hate is just so easy to do. you don't have to have aany qualifications other than being close minded and a total ignorant waste of air space. us intelligent people have to stick together and hope that someday we overcome the total idiots that are running around out there in society wreaking havoc.
By Mad_scientist ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 03:35 pm: |
I was watching one movie, and this one teen-turned-skinhead said to his mother that his hatred gave him something to live for. As long as this is true, hatred will never go away.
By Ishvara ( on Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 02:48 pm: |
Well I'm feeling a bit steamed. I was just in the wharehouse at work speaking with a friend of mine he's a bm. Anyway when of the new temps a bm walked by stopped and yelled at him, saying what are you doing speaking to her, real loud, quite embarrassing. When I looked up he gave me a dirty look and wagged his finger at me like shame on me. My friend told him to get the hell outta there. Then he told me that this guy was trying to lecture him a few days ago, that I am the devil, we enslaved them, so he hates "us" like we hate him. How sad he doesn't even know me. My friend told the guy not to speak to him anymore, he doesn't have time for racists. This left my wondering if the slave issue will ever be resolved or will this continue to divide people in the US forever. His basis on hating me is for something I had no control over and nothing to do with.