By Kansascity ( on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 02:54 am: |
I think and I know life is real :- I also like how well this web site is put together. It has good attention to detail, no frills, real discussion.
By Roberto ( on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 01:15 am: |
Don't laugh. Life is more real than you think. ~ Roberto
By Kansascity ( on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 04:34 am: |
These messages on this board make me want to laugh like hell sometimes. This is halarious, or maybe I am just to skeptical. Are there really people like this in the world who are so trusting? They shouldn' t trust anyone. Although, it is nice to dream. I use to be one of those trusting ones. But, no more, no more, no more!!